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Sub Regional MDG Workshop for the North Pacific Pohnpei, FSM 26-29 June 2007

Sub Regional MDG Workshop for the North Pacific Pohnpei, FSM 26-29 June 2007. The Millennium Development Goals – Monitoring progress for the North Pacific Carol Flore-Smereczniak Regional Millennium Development Goals Specialist c arol.flore@undp.org. Overview of presentation.

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Sub Regional MDG Workshop for the North Pacific Pohnpei, FSM 26-29 June 2007

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  1. Sub Regional MDG Workshop for the North PacificPohnpei, FSM26-29 June 2007 The Millennium Development Goals – Monitoring progress for the North Pacific Carol Flore-Smereczniak Regional Millennium Development Goals Specialist carol.flore@undp.org Pacific Centre

  2. Overview of presentation • Source of the MDGs and the Millennium Declaration • Interconnectedness of the MDGs • Progress on each goal in the North Pacific • How this presentation fits with the workshop

  3. Contextual factor:The Millennium Declaration Millennium Declaration: Unprecedented political commitment to improve human development worldwide The Declaration (MD) reaffirms international commitment to core values such as freedom, equality, solidarity, peace, security, rule of law An explicit human rights content: ‘Human rights, democracy and good governance.’ The MD conceives poverty broadly to include lack of equality, human rights, social justice and income Pacific Centre

  4. The Millennium Development Goals • 1.Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger • 2.Achieve universal primary education • 3.Promote gender equality and empower women • 4.Reduce child mortality • 5.Improve maternal health • 6.Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria & other diseases • 7.Ensure environmental sustainability • 8.Develop a global partnership for development

  5. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) • A set of quantifiable, time-bound targets to be reached by 2015 • Reflect multi-dimensional nature of poverty • Represent select aspects of human development – a minimum threshold • Are not exclusive • Human rights permeating the MDGs • Always talk about the MDGs and the Millennium Declaration Pacific Centre

  6. MDG 3Promote gender equality & empower women • Specific goal to eliminate gender disparity • Indicators can be localized to reflect national contexts (and new indicators introduced) • However, gender matters in achievement of all the goals • The health goals (MDG 4, 5 & 6) cannot be achieved except from a gender perspective Pacific Centre

  7. Non discrimination and equality • United Nations Charter (1948) • International Covenant on Civil and Political rights (1966) • International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (1979) • Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) • Synergies among Human Rights frameworks & MDGs for gender equality outcomes Pacific Centre

  8. Monitoring & Reporting progress • Global MDGs refer to the 8 goals, 18 targets, 48 indicators. • National progress looks at achievements of national development priorities, using tailored MDGs and country sourced data to assess advances. • National MDG Reports by end of 2004, covering period 1990-2000+ • 2005 Progress Report of the Secretary-General / Annual Progress Reports • Pacific Reports: • One Regional Pacific MDG Report in 2004 • 5 National MDG Reports produced in 2004/2005 • 3 National MDG Reports finalized in 2006 • Drafts Reports in 2007 for the North Pacific?? • Frequency of National MDG Reports

  9. Tailoring the goals and targets • While the MDGs are set at global / international level, countries are encouraged to adapt the MDG goals, targets, indicators to reflect national contexts and priorities. • For example: • Countries can adapt the education goal (MDG 2) to also look at completion rates, access to vocational education, etc • Countries can add NCDs as a target (MDG 6) • Caution: Comparability

  10. A 9th Goal? In Asia • Afghanistan: MDG 9 on enhanced security • Cambodia: MDG 9 on De-mining and Victim Assistance • Mongolia: MDG 9 is on Human Rights & Democratic Governance, with 3 measurable targets set, including to promote 'a zero tolerance environment against corruption‘ In the Pacific • Cook Islands: MDG 9 on Improved Governance • Niue: MDG 9 on Population Developments

  11. Progress Monitoring in the North Pacific • Worldwide and onaverage, the region with the least progress on the MDGs is Sub-Saharan Africa • The Pacific precedes Sub-Saharan Africa, and is a region which is struggling to achieve the MDGs by 2015

  12. MDG1 - Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

  13. MDG 2 - Achieve universal primary education

  14. MDG 3 – Promote Gender Equality & Empower Women • Generally, the ratio of girls to boys at primary and secondary level does not indicate gender discrimination • The ratio of literate females to males of 15-24 years old reflects the above conclusion too • The share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector varies 34-38% (no data for Palau); consistent with other Pacific countries • Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament – extremely low • Additional indicators of gender equality??

  15. Additional indicators of gender equality • Opportunities for girls’ post primary education • Access to sexual & reproductive health rights/services • Infrastructure to reduce women’s time burden • Access to inheritance, property rights, productive resources • Equality in employment (opportunities where women can better use their skills, equal pay for work of equal value, etc) for economic empowerment • Share of seats in national/ local governments by women • Reducing violence against girls and women

  16. MDG 4 – Reduce Child Mortality • Under 5 mortality remains high in Kiribati (69), RMI (48) and Palau (29) • Marked improvement needed in IMR in all Micronesian countries, except Palau (17) • Immunization of one-year old against measles: significant improvement made (with variation in FSM states), but more progress needed to cover all children

  17. MDG 5 – Improve Maternal Health • Maternal mortality rate has decreased significantly in RMI, Kiribati, FSM, but remains high in FSM (no data for Palau) • Access to skilled health personnel has increased • However, morbidity linked to teenage pregnancies is an issue in FSM • Other Micronesian countries??

  18. MDG 6 – Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases • No data on HIV prevalence and condom use rate in Micronesia • HIV surveillance data important because of socio-economic impacts on countries • Contraceptive prevalence rate among women 15-49 low in RMI and Palau; no data for FSM and Kiribati • Malaria is a non-issue in North Pacific • But a resurgence of TB

  19. MDG 6 – Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases • Under other diseases, countries might want to track the incidence of NCDs • The region is dealing with a high incidence of both infectious and non-communicable diseases

  20. MDG 7 – Ensure Environmental Sustainability Target 9 • Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies/programs reveals the difficulty of translating policy into action. • However, reversing the loss of biodiversity can be enhanced by the Micronesia Challenge: conserve 30% of marine and 20% of forest resources by 2020

  21. MDG 7 – Ensure Environmental Sustainability Target 10 • Water is critical to achievement of the other goals • Sustainable access to improved water source and sanitation needs significant improvement in Kiribati, RMI, FSM • Contamination of ground water is an issue in some countries Target 11 • Improve the lives of slum dwellers: address high density settlements in Tarawa, Ebeye (others??)

  22. MDG 8 - Develop a global partnership for development

  23. Overall trends • There has been progress on some goals, but clearly not enough in other areas • On the whole, North Pacific countries are struggling to maintain development gains • Insufficient progress to attain the MDGs by 2015

  24. RoleofCivilSociety Organizations • Multiple roles in the MDG framework: • Advocacy for change: holding duty bearers accountable • Reporting : be part of the process • Policy, planning, budget allocation – be part of an inclusive process • Monitoring progress: keep track of changes • Service delivery • Data collection & analysis: a basis for informed positions • Monitoring & Evaluation : crosscutting

  25. Link to MDG-based planning, costing & budgeting • Identifying what and how much is needed in each country to achieve long-term development objectives can usefully inform current policy strategies and resource allocation decisions, using the MDGs as a framework

  26. Thank you

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