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4 Quick Tips to Effectively Engage the Audience in Your Research Presentation

4 Quick Tips to Effectively Engage the Audience in Your Research Presentation

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4 Quick Tips to Effectively Engage the Audience in Your Research Presentation

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  1. 4QuickTipstoEffectivelyEngagetheAudienceinYourResearch Presentation Enago Academy is here to answer all your questions related to academic research and publishing.

  2. ENAGO ACADEMY Enago Academy offers comprehensive and up-to-date resources for researchers, publishers, editors, and students to learn and share their experience about research and publishing. Enago Academy also conducts workshops primarily for ESL authors, early-stage researchers, and graduate students. Our advanced workshop modules cater to the needs of researchers who want to know more about the issues pertinent to successful publication.

  3. ENAGO Enago is the trusted name in author services for the global research community. Since 2005, we have worked with researchers in more than 125 countries improving the communication of their research and helping them to achieve success in publication. We have offices in Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, Istanbul, and New York. Enago operates globally with regional teams supporting researchers locally. Enago is the preferred partner for many leading universities and research organizations worldwide. In addition, we also collaborate with prominent publishers and societies to overcome regional challenges.

  4. 12/22/2018 4 Quick Tips to Effectively Engage the Audience in Your Research Presentation - EnagoAcademy ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅❅ ❅ 4QuickTipstoEffectivelyEngagetheAudience❅ inYourResearch Presentation On Dec 4,2018 From creating effective PowerPoint slidesto responding to questions, preparing for a research presentation has many steps. The dos and don’ts of creating a presentationare many and varied. One key “do” of a presentation is keeping your audience in mind. Failing to do this can have a negative impact on the overall effectiveness of the presentation. The Audience isKey Oneofthemaingoalsofanyresearchpresentationistocaptureandholdtheattentionoftheaudience.Keepinmindthatyoualreadyknowyourtopicandwhatyouwant to say. However, the audience does not. When preparing a presentation, speakers often have a tendency to focus on themselves. This inward focusneglects the importance of theaudience. https://www.enago.com/academy/focusing-on-audience-in-your-research-presentation/

  5. 12/22/2018 4 Quick Tips to Effectively Engage the Audience in Your Research Presentation - EnagoAcademy Oneway to avoid this “inwardfocus” is to connectwithyouraudiencewhileplanningthepresentation.Thinkaboutwhomightattendyourpresentation.Also,keep in mind that the audience wants to learn something. Throughout your presentation, they might be asking themselves “Why is this important to me?” or “What am I learning from this?” Knowing these questions ahead of time will help you avoid the dreaded “inward focus” ofpresentations. Enhancing AudienceEngagement Structure All presentations need to have an effective structurewith a clear beginning, middle, and end. Your audience needs guidance as you work through the presentation. Acting as a guide for your audience is more effective than lecturing to youraudience. An important part of this is knowing how to develop clear turning points to guide the audience. These points act as signals that can help the audience see the transition to new ideas. Too MuchInformation One mistake that people usually make in planning a presentation is to include too much information. Including a lot of information might be important to you, but for the audience, it creates an information overload. If your audience is bombarded with an endless list of information, it can take away from your core message. It can also negatively affect the flow and clarity of thepresentation. Therefore, it is important to find the right balance of information. Do not overload your slides with too much information. You want your audience to clearly understand your main points. These main points are what will stay with them after your presentation isover. Engage with theAudience Avoid lecturing to your audience. Avoid reading word for word from your slides. Instead, engage with your audience. Make them feel included in thepresentation. The 10-minute ruleis something that all presenters should be aware of. Often, the audience’s attention span can diminish after 10 minutes. Therefore, it is important not to lecture to the audience. You need to develop a plan to transition to a new idea about every 10 minutes. Developing clear turning points, as mentioned earlier, can help you do this. Ask the Audience Questions Throughout thePresentation Asking questions is another method of engaging with the audience. When introducing a topic, ask the audience what their thoughts are. For example, if you begin discussing ethics in the workplace, ask the audience a question like “How do ethics affect the operations of your company?” This not only increases the audience engagement, but also the audienceinterest. The Audience Wants toLearn This is an important idea to always keep in mind. Your presentation should impart some knowledge to the audience. The information that has been covered will help youkeep yourfocusonaudienceengagement.Attheendofthepresentation,youwanttheaudiencetofeelenergized,knowledgeableandinspiredtoaction. If thishappens,you will have achieved your goal of creating an effectivepresentation. https://www.enago.com/academy/focusing-on-audience-in-your-research-presentation/

  6. 12/22/2018 4 Quick Tips to Effectively Engage the Audience in Your Research Presentation - EnagoAcademy  Symposium-basedpresentations Tips for PhDstudents REPORTING RESEARCH PUBLISHINGRESEARCH IMPORTANTLINKS OURSERVICES ABOUTUS GLOBALENAGO Language &Grammar Journal Guidelines Manuscripts &Grants SelectingJournals Submitting Manuscripts UnderstandingReviews PhDs &Postdocs Product & Service Reviews Ask aQuestion! English EditingServices Copy Editing Services Substantive EditingServices ContactUs Guest Contributor About EnagoAcademy ReferenceManagement UnderstandingEthics Publication SupportServices Figures &Tables ProofreadingServices Enago Academy offers comprehensive and up-to-date resources for researchers, publishers, editors, and students to learn and share their experience about research and publishing. Enago Academy also conducts workshopsprimarilyforESLauthors,early-stage researchers,andgraduatestudents.Ouradvancedworkshopmodulescatertotheneedsofresearcherswhowanttoknowmoreabouttheissuespertinenttosuccessful publication. ReadMore Copyright©2018-ALLRIGHTSRESERVED|PrivacyPolicy|Terms&Conditions|ContactUs Pleasetellusyourthoughtsinthecommentssection. If you have any questions related to Editing Services for Scientific manuscript editing by Enago English Editing, please contact - orders@enago.com.  https://www.enago.com/academy/focusing-on-audience-in-your-research-presentation/

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