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St. Cyril of Jerusalem Orthodox Church Capital Campaign 2010. Parish Overview. Founding. Parish was founded in November 2004 Denominational Affiliations: Diocese of the South, Orthodox Church in America . Parish Diversity.
Parish Overview Founding • Parish was founded in November 2004 • Denominational Affiliations: Diocese of the South, Orthodox Church in America Parish Diversity • Our more than 20 families represent a combination of both “Cradle Orthodox” as well as recent converts to the Orthodox Faith • Our parish includes American, Greek, Palestinian, Romanian & Russian Orthodox Parish Growth • From a seed group of parishioners, the parish has seen remarkable growth in recent years • Despite not having a full time priest from June 1 to Sept 30, 2009, the parish continued Sunday reader services and attendance actually grew • The faith of the people gave the parish strength through this period • Since we have been blessed with a full time priest in October 2009, the parish has resumed its growth trajectory and currently stands at about 20 member families • During Holy Week 2010, 8 new members were baptized or Chrismated • 42They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 44All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Fellowship of the Believers Acts 2:42-47
Our Spiritual Leader – Reverend Father Samuel Gantt Reverend Father Samuel Gantt • Became ordained Orthodox Christian in 1988 – has been priest in charge at St. Cyril since October, 2009 • Ed.D., Doctoral work (ABD), Pepperdine University • M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary, B.A., University of North Carolina/North Carolina State • U.S. Army veteran; served in Vietnam, honorable discharge with distinction • Father Gantt has published several books, articles and CDs, including: • Introducing New Testament Greek: Preparing to Use the Greek New Testament in Ministry, 1994 (textbook, interactive DVD series and interactive Audio CD series • “Another English Bible Translation? Why Bother!” • “Does the Bible Really Say What It Says?” • “Ancient Writings, Modern Tongue” • “What We Learned from the King James Version” • The websites www.liturgica.com and www.cemeteryarchitect.com were designed by Father Gantt • Rev. Gantt was the 1987 recipient of the Everett F. Harrison Scholarship Award for Doctoral study in New Testament • Father Gantt is committed to a long-term plan to help our parish grow in Christ – and we thank him for that commitment
Parish Council Ken Nickolas President, Parish Warden • Parish Warden at St. Cyril since 2007; Woodlands resident since 1993 • B.A. , University of Houston, University of Texas at Austin (Finance) • Employed in Financial Services/Insurance industry since 1985 • Past President of CCA Montgomery County (6 years), Board Member/Concessions Chair for The Woodlands High School Band Kathleen Giusti Treasurer • Treasurer at St. Cyril since 2007 • M.S., University of Houston; B.S., Lamar University; B.A., East Carolina University • Software engineer at NASA Constantin Ardeleanu Asst. Treasurer and Parliamentarian • Assistant Treasurer and Parliamentarian at St. Cyril since 2004 • One of the founding members of the parish of St. Cyril • B.S., Indiana University Northwest • Inventory control/systems analyst, Spec’s Family Partners, Inc. Basil Karampelas Capital Campaign • Parishioner at St. Cyril since 2008; Woodlands resident since 2008 • MBA, Stanford Graduate School of Business; B.A., Stanford University • Consultant to hedge fund; Involved in energy finance sector since 1991
We see the establishment of a permanent sanctuary as a logical next step in our Church’s growth Move to HopePoint Facility 2010 Establish permanent Sanctuary on TX-242 Move into storefront space [YEAR] Parish Founding 2004 The central focus of St. Cyril’s parish is and will remain our people, and their worship, pastoral care, and Orthodox Christian education. We celebrate and praise God for this. We believe in God’s plan for our parish
Stages in our Capital Campaign Planning Development Solicitation Execution • Establish Campaign Committee • Identify suitable land for Church • Estimate capital needs • Consult with Diocese and other parishes • Prepare marketing materials • Identify potential donors • Begin discussions with landowner • Consultation with Diocese and other parishes • Initial meetings with potential donors • Provide additional information and follow-up • Consultation with diocese • Consult and solicit other parishes • Assess results of campaign vs. need • Discussions with potential lenders • Structure financing for land purchase/Church construction • Consultation with diocese Road to a permanent Sanctuary We are pursuing a realistic, time-sequenced action plan
Uses of Proceeds from Capital Campaign Land Acquisition Purchase of 5 acre parcel on TX-242 in The Woodlands $500,000 Building of Sanctuary Construction of Church, Chapel and associated site improvements $1,200,000 Contingency 10% of sanctuary building and site improvement cost $120,000 Total Capital Raise For land, improvements, building and contingency $1,820,000