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Holy Liturgy of Orthodox Church. www.orthodoxtv.in. The word “ orthodox ” means “ right belief ” or “ right praise ” .
Holy Liturgy ofOrthodox Church www.orthodoxtv.in www.orthodoxtv.in
The word “orthodox” means “right belief” or “right praise” www.orthodoxtv.in
Orthodox churches still use forms of worship that were practiced in the first centuries.Our worship is based to a great extent on passages from Holy Scripture.We sing most of the service, joining our voices in simple harmony to ancient melodies. www.orthodoxtv.in
Worship in the Orthodox perceptive does not simply mean prayer alone. It is beyond prayer. Prayer means communion with God in a personal way. Worship means doing prayer collective. www.orthodoxtv.in
For the Orthodox worship and liturgy include some or all the five sensesthe sight, hearing, smelling, touching& tasting. By sight :Sees the worship going onHears the prayers, jingling of bells, melodious music Smells the incense: sense of smell is used to enlighten the minds and hearts of the worshipers, bringing them into closer communion with God. Touches each other at the kiss of peaceTastes the eternal food at receiving the Holy Eucharist. www.orthodoxtv.in
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them (Matthew 18:1920). www.orthodoxtv.in
Eucharistic service is based on experiencing the salvific actions of Jesus ("do this in my remembrance of me") using bread and wine, and saying His own words (known as words of the institution). www.orthodoxtv.in
Eucharist(εὐχαριστία GK) • is holy mystery (Mysterion GK) :or ROZO (Syr) that is celebrated during the Divine Liturgy within the Orthodox Church, where the bread and wine gets consecrated through the power of the Holy Spirit to become Precious Blood and Body of Jesus Christ that is consumed by prepared Orthodox Christians. • Other names for the Eucharist include: Holy Gifts, Communion, and the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ • Orthodox Christians believe that the Real and full Presence of Jesus Christ (not merely a sign) is with the body and the Blood after consecration . www.orthodoxtv.in
Eucharist= ThanksgivingIt is instituted by Jesus Christ before His passion. The Holy Apostles and Evangelists Matthew, Mark, and Luke, thus in detail describe the institution of the Holy Eucharist during the Lord's Supper on His Passover Mat 26: 26-29; Mark 14: 22-24; Luke 22:19-23; 1 Cor 11: 23-26 www.orthodoxtv.in
Christ took the bread in His Holy hands and looking up to heaven, gave glory and thanks to the Father, broke it into parts and gave it to the disciples saying: "Take, eat, this is my body which is given for you". The disciples took the bread from His hands, and divided it among themselves. After, He took the cup of wine mixed with water, gave thanks to God the Father, and said to the disciples: "Drink ye all of it, for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for you and many for the remission of sins". And they all drank of it. After, He commanded them: "This do in remembrance of me". The Holy Apostles strictly fulfilled this command of Christ and celebrated the Sacrament of Communion. www.orthodoxtv.in
Eucharist is the center of life in the Orthodox Church • Because the Church is primarily a Eucharistic community. • Eucharist is the completion and culmination of all mysteries of the Church. It is the souls and goal of all her doctrines and institutions. www.orthodoxtv.in
leavened bread • The Orthodox Church uses leavened bread • According to the Gospel of Saint John Last Supper and Passion took place during the evening, night and day time of Passover Day, therefore leavened bread was eaten in Last Supper. www.orthodoxtv.in
Jesus as the celebrant • At the Eucharist the sacrifice offered is Christ himself. Christ himself performs the act of offering Eucharist in the Church. He is both Priest and Lamp being offered. www.orthodoxtv.in
Jesus Christ as the Eucharist In Orthodox Theology • He is God • He is Sacrificial Animal • He is the Priest who offers • He is the one who receive the offering • He is the fulfiller /effect of Sacrifice www.orthodoxtv.in
We offer to Thee • Eucharist is offered to God the Holy Trinity. • It is not just to the Father, but also to the Holy Spirit and to Christ Himself. • Each Prayer ends with a doxology to the Holy Trinity • Now, what is the sacrifice of the Eucharist? Who offers it ? and to whom is it offered? • The answer is always Jesus Christ. www.orthodoxtv.in
We offer for all, for the whole Universe According to Orthodox Theology, Eucharist is a propitiatory sacrifice offered on behalf of both the living and the departed and for the whole Universe. www.orthodoxtv.in
When an Orthodox Christian is preparing to partake in the Holy Communion, he must first of all cleanse his soul through repentance and confession.Without these the Orthodox Church doesn't allow the faithful to Communicate. Confession is a whole- hearted acknowledgement of all our sins, errors, and faults, together with a determination to be good and to live according to the commandments of Christ. At confession absolution is received, which is the Church's assurance of God's forgiveness. Repentance is joined with fasting and on the day that we receive the communion we must abstain from food for at least 6 hours until we receive communion. www.orthodoxtv.in
Prayer is the essence of the Orthodox Christian way of life. It is the means by which one achieves communion with God. Moreover, it is the means by which one experiences the presence of God in his/her life. www.orthodoxtv.in
Pray in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, before sleep, before meals, simply, throughout the day. The Orthodox Church therefore encourages both private prayer (taking place personally and privately between God and us) and corporate prayer (taking place in the Divine Liturgy, the Holy Mysteries, and other services of the Church) as a means to this end. www.orthodoxtv.in
Whether corporate or private, prayer is understood in the Orthodox Church as the ‘lifting of the mind and heart to God’. We turn our minds and our hearts toward Him and His will. This is accomplished by either speaking to Him with words or by being in silence, trusting in God and being open to His will for us. www.orthodoxtv.in
The Daily Cycle of PrayerThe Evening ServiceIn the Orthodox Church the liturgical day from evening to evening, i.e. with the setting of the sun. This practice follows the biblical account of creation;" And there was evening and there was morning, one day" (Genesis 1:5). It takes us through creation, sin, and salvation in Christ. www.orthodoxtv.in
The Compline Service “Soothara”It is a service of psalms and prayers to read following the evening meal before one retires to sleep. It focuses on three things: thanksgiving for the day that has passed; protection for the ensuing night; and forgiveness of wrongs committed during the day. www.orthodoxtv.in
The Midnight Prayer • This service consists of psalms and prayers that are said in the middle of the night. This service focuses on the significant "middle" of the night events that are found in Scripture, the resurrection of our Lord and His Second Coming. www.orthodoxtv.in
The Morning Service The Service is centered in thanksgiving for the coming of the true light of Christ and calls all to repentance by uniting the elements of morning psalms and prayer with mediation, the Gospel reading, and the particular theme of the day in the given verses and hymns. www.orthodoxtv.in
The Mid Day Prayerconsists of 3 hr 6hr &9thhrThe central prayer of each hour is the Lord's Prayer. In addition each hour has a set of psalms, hymns, and a distinctive prayer for that Hour. Each Hour has a particular theme based upon some aspects of the Christ-event and salvation history. www.orthodoxtv.in
Liturgyis a term that refers to acts of worship that are performed by the members of a religious group. A liturgy is also called a riteor a ritual.Most religions have their own liturgy. www.orthodoxtv.in
A liturgy may combine words, music, and gestures.It also may include religious objects, such as altars and special clothing, and symbolic acts, such as pouring or sprinkling water as part of the ceremony of baptism. Some liturgical services are held at certain times of the day, week, or year. They may take place on a fast day, festival, or Sabbath. www.orthodoxtv.in
The principal liturgical service in Christianity is called the Eucharist, Holy Communion, Holy Qurbana. The most important events of the Christian liturgical year are the Christmasand the Easter. www.orthodoxtv.in
Christianity has many forms of liturgy. The most widespread ones are the Byzantine form and the Latin, or Roman form and the Syrian Form. The Byzantine rite is used by the Greek and Russian Orthodox Church and several other Eastern churches. The Latin rite is used by the Roman Catholic Church Syrian Form is used by the Syriac Orthodox Churches, for instance The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church www.orthodoxtv.in
Holy Communion In Christian churches, is the sacrament (holy ceremony) of the Lord's Supper. The Gospels and I Corinthians report that at the Last Supper, Jesus told His disciples ”eat, for this is my body, and drink, for this is my blood. Many Protestants call the sacrament the Lord's Supper. Anglicans, Roman Catholics, and members of the Eastern Orthodox churches call the ceremony the Eucharist or Holy Communion. Some Protestant churches observe the ritual monthly or weekly. Others observe it four times a year. Roman Catholics must receive Communion during the Easter season, and often they receive weekly or daily Communion. www.orthodoxtv.in
IIClergyThere are three major orders of Orthodox clergy--Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. There are also two chief minor orders--sub deacons and readers. Deacons, sub deacons, and readers assist the priest during religious services. www.orthodoxtv.in
PriestsThe priest's daily dress is a black robe; in India, due to the hot weather, priests tend to wear a white robe. Bishops usually wear a black or a red robe with a red belt. www.orthodoxtv.in
Vestments The clergy of the Orthodox Church have unique vestments quite distinct from other Christian denominations. The vestments worn by the clergy vary with their hierarchical order in the priesthood. The deacons, the priests, the bishops, and the Catholicose have distinct liturgical vestments. www.orthodoxtv.in
The liturgical vestments • The liturgical vestments are worn by the priest during the Order of Aaron in the preparatory prayers that precede the celebration of the divine mysteries. • The priest first puts away his outer garments, saying: Remove from me, O Lord God, the unholy garments wherewith Satan has clothed me by the filth of my evil deeds, and clothe me with the choice garments that are fitting for the service of Thy glory and for the praise of Thy holy Name, O our Lord and our God, forever. www.orthodoxtv.in
Cap • The priest then puts on the phiro (lit. 'fruit'), a small black cap which the priest must wear during all public prayers. • It consists of seven sections which indicate the full priesthood of the celebrant. www.orthodoxtv.in
The priest also puts on shoe”msone, ceremonial shoes which are worn during the celebration of the Holy Qurbono. Upon wearing the left shoe, the priest recites, May my feet, O Lord God, be shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace so that I may tread underfoot serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy, for ever.Upon wearing the right shoe, he recites, Cast down under my foot, Lord God, all false pride that is exalted against Thy knowledge, and grant that by Thy help I may bring the lusts of the flesh into subjection, for ever. www.orthodoxtv.in
He then puts on the kutino 'alb', a white surplice whose color is an indication of the priest's purity. The priest signs the cross over it three times saying, Clothe me, O Lord, with the robe of incorruption through the strength of Thy Holy Spirit, and make me worthy to keep the true faith and walk in the paths of purity and righteousness all the days of my life. www.orthodoxtv.in
Then he puts on the hamnikho 'necklace,' the stole which symbolizes the priest being armed with the fear of the Lord. He signs the cross over it twice, reciting Psalm 18:39, 40: Gird me with strength unto the battle and subdue under me them that rise up against me, defeat my enemies and silence those who hate me. www.orthodoxtv.in
Then he puts on the zenoro 'girdle' which speaks of the priest's control over all bodily desires. He signs the cross over it once reciting Psalm 45:3: Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O thou most mighty with thy splendor and glory. Thy glory triumphs. www.orthodoxtv.in
He then arms himself with the zende 'sleeves' which symbolize the priest's readiness to keep God's Law and do works of righteousness. He signs the cross twice over the left sleeve and recites Psalm 18:34 while wearing it: He trains my hands to war; and he strengthens my arms like a bow of brass.He then signs the cross once over the right sleeve and recites Psalm 18:35 while wearing it: Let Thy right hand help me up, and let Thy loving discipline raise me. www.orthodoxtv.in
If the celebrant is a prelate, he puts on the masnaphto'turban', a head-cover which symbolizes the cloth with which the Lord's head was bound for His burial. He makes the sign of the cross twice on it and wears it reciting Psalm 4:6-7: Who can show me He who is good? May the light of Thy countenance shine upon us, O Lord, Thou hast given gladness to my heart. www.orthodoxtv.in
The priest then puts on the phayno, a cope which symbolizes Aaron's robe of many colors and the Savior's seamless robe. He signs the cross over it thrice reciting Psalm 132:9-10:Let Thy priests be clothed with righteousness and Thy righteous with glory. For Thy servant David's sake, turn not away the face of thine anointed.Then he puts it on reciting Psalm 132:9: Clothe Thy priests with salvation and Thy saints with glory. www.orthodoxtv.in
If the celebrant is a prelate, he puts on thebatrashil `Pallium' which is similar to the Hamnikho but extends both front and back. It reminds the prelate of the Cross which the Savior carried. He crosses it once reciting Psalm 27:5: In the day of trouble, he protects me in the shadow of his tabernacle. He exalts me upon a rock; and now he shall lift up my head above mine enemies. www.orthodoxtv.in
The Catholicose/Patriarch wears the sakro `shield' attached to the zenoro on the right side. The shield of faith symbolizes his authority and his position as the protector of the faith (Ephesians 6:16 ".. above all taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one). Prelates also wear a Cross and an icon, usually of the Mother of God, around the neck. While wearing the cross he recites Psalm 34:5: Turn your eyes to him and hope in him and you shall not be disappointed. www.orthodoxtv.in
Then the prelate takes the crosier (mooroneetho) in his left hand, which symbolizes the bishop's authority and reminds us of the shepherd's staff, reciting Psalm 110:2: The Lord will send forth the sceptre of Thy power out of Zion: thou shalt rule in the midst of thine enemies. He also takes a hand Cross in his right hand, from which a cloth called mqablonitho 'veil' is hung reciting Psalm 44:5: For Thy cause we shall combat our enemies and for the cause of Thy name we shall trample those who hate us. Upon completing this, the celebrant washes his hands. www.orthodoxtv.in
Deacons: Alter boys : Mzamarono Deacons wear a white kutino and an uroro 'stole' in various shapes according to their rank.Singers (mzamrono) wear the kutino without the uroro. www.orthodoxtv.in
Readers (qoruyo) wear the uroro in the form of a Cross. www.orthodoxtv.in
Subdeacons (apodyaqno) wear the uroro folded around the neck. www.orthodoxtv.in
Deacons (shamosho) wear the uroro over the left shoulder, on either side like wings. www.orthodoxtv.in
Archdeacons (archedyaqno) wear the uroro round the neck. They also wear a zenoro and zende similar to priests. www.orthodoxtv.in