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ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ANNUAL TRAINING. TIFTON, GA. Executive Order 13148. Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management. Course Outline. SECTION ONE Why do we have an EMS and what is it anyway? SECTION TWO Major Concepts SECTION THREE
Executive Order 13148 Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management
Course Outline • SECTION ONE • Why do we have an EMS and what is it anyway? • SECTION TWO • Major Concepts • SECTION THREE • Your participation
SECTION ONE • Why do we have an EMS and what is it anyway? EMS
What is an EMS? • A framework that allows an organization to address the effects its operations may have on the environment. • Key EMS concepts: • Compliance with environmental laws and regs • Pollution prevention (P2) • Continual improvement
Executive Order 13148 • Issued by President Clinton on April 21, 2000 • Demonstrate environmental leadership with the federal government • Ensure that Federal agencies adopt lowest life-cycle cost environmental practices • Ensure Federal facilities are responsible members of their communities
Why do we have an EMS? • Required by E.O. 13148 • USDA ARS policy • Reduce our environmental footprint • It’s the right thing to do!!
Benefits of EMS • Improve environmental awareness • Reduce environmental impacts • Resource savings: natural and monetary • Meet regulatory compliance • Better community image • Better communication about environmental issues
SECTION TWO • Major Concepts of EMS Act Plan Do Check
The Continuous Cycle • PlanPlanning, identifying environmental aspects and establishing goals • DoImplementing, includes training and operational controls • CheckChecking, includes monitoring and corrective action • ActReviewing, includes progress reviews and acting to make needed changes
EMS Major Components • Policy/Commitment • Planning • Implementation • Check/Review • Final Management Review/Audit
Tifton EMS Policy The ARS Tifton Environmental Policy describes our approach to environmental management. Personnel should understand that the EMS Policy: • Applies to ALL • Commits to environmental compliance • Commits to pollution prevention • Commits to continual improvement • Is available on the EMS website
Planning Phase • Identify Activities, Products, and Services • List Environmental Aspects of each activity • List Environmental Impacts of each Aspect • Rank Environmental Impacts in order of Significance • Set goals for improving those items ranked “Significant”
Definitions • Activities – A major function that is done at your location • Fuel storage, vehicle operation, building maintenance • Products – Something you generate at your location for internal or external customers • Services – An action done for a customer • Custodial
More Definitions • Environmental Aspect (Cause) – Are the elements of an organization’s activities, products, or services which can interact with the environment. • Environmental Impact (Effect) – Is any change to the environment whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organizations activities, products, or services.
Tifton’s Activities, Aspects, & Impacts • Laboratory Research • Aspect: Purchasing Hazardous Chemicals • Impact: Generation of hazardous waste • Aspect: Use of Hazardous Chemicals • Impact: Generation of hazardous waste • Aspect: Use of Radioactive Chemicals • Impact: Possible release and the cost for cleanup • Wastewater Discharges • Impact: Potential impact at water treatment plant from sinks or floor drains
Tifton’s Activities, Aspects, & Impacts • Field Research • Aspect: Application of Agricultural Pesticides • Impact: Generation of hazardous or universal waste • Aspect: Field Plot Maintenance • Impact: Potential contamination of land, water, or air. • Aspect: Use of Water (Irrigation) • Impact: Depletion of natural resources: surface or ground water usage, fossil fuel or electricity for pumps
Tifton’s Activities, Aspects, & Impacts • Facility Construction Projects • Aspect: Construction of Existing Facilities • Impact: Generation of solid and/or hazardous waste • Aspect: Construction of New Facilities • Impact: Depletion of natural resources (fossil fuels, construction materials)
Tifton’s Activities, Aspects, & Impacts • Facility Operations • Aspect: Office Use of Electronic Equipment • Impact: Generation of recyclable waste (paper, batteries, toner cartridges) • Aspect: Generation of Hazardous Facility Waste (spent solvents, used oil, fluorescent lamps, excess furniture) • Impact: Cost for Disposal • Aspect: Temperature Control of Buildings • Impact: Ozone Depletion
Tifton’s Activities, Aspects, & Impacts • Facility Operations (continued) • Aspect: Motor Vehicle Operations • Impact: Generation of used oil, contaminated rags, used antifreeze, tires, batteries, and air emissions. • Aspect: Custodial Operations (Use of cleaning products, paper, water, energy) • Impact: Depletion of natural resources and contamination of land • Aspect: Grounds Maintenance • Impact: Depletion of natural resources (pesticides, fertilizer, water use, fossil fuels)
Priority Chemical Reduction Purchasing of Hazardous Chemicals Use of Hazardous Chemicals Application of Hazardous Chemicals Office Products/Paper Consumption Use of Electronic Equipment Generation of Waste (Hazardous, Solid, Universal) Building Temperature Control Grounds and Custodial Operations Motor Vehicle Operations Tifton’s Significant Environmental Aspects
Objectives and Targets • Full Compliance with Regulations • Reduce Waste Streams • Hazardous, Solid, and Universal • Reduce Energy Consumption • Recycle • Green Purchasing • Pollution Prevention
Your Participation All personnel have roles and responsibilities at the location for EMS. Your level of participation will vary according to the work you perform. At a minimum, you are responsible for knowing: • The commitments of the Environmental Policy • How your job impacts the environment • The procedures/protocols of your job and adhering to them • The potential environmental impacts of departing from the procedures of your job • The legal and other requirements of your job
Minimizing Environmental Impacts An objective of EMS is to reduce environmental impacts. Below are ways you can support this objective: • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Reduce your use of resources such as water. Reuse resources such as office supplies Recycle all batteries, paper, electronics, toner cartridges, metal scraps, metal cans, glass and plastic containers, and fluorescent light bulbs, etc. • Purchasing Requirements – Government purchasing agents, including credit card holders, are required to follow the Affirmative (Green) Procurement Plan. • Carpool – Conserve fuel by carpooling to field sites or other work related destinations.
Benefits of EMS Minimizing environmental impacts help: • Protect human health and the surrounding ecosystem • Promote a good relationship with surrounding community and emergency services • Save money through resource conservation • Support the mission by prioritizing environmental issues and focusing resources on those with the greatest significance
1. Good housekeeping and maintenance practices 2. Spill prevention and preparedness 3. Inventory management 4. Prudent purchasing 5. Waste exchange programs 6. Alternate cleaning processes 7. Reduce/reuse process wastes 8. Process modifications 9. Changes in equipment or technology 10.Environmentally preferable purchasing Top Ten Pollution Prevention Techniques
RECYCLING • ARS Tifton IS a recycling facility. • We recycle our…. • Office Products • Plastics • Glassware • Steel, Tin, or Aluminum cans • All Batteries • Electronic Equipment • Cardboard
Recycling - Office Products Almost any paper product that can be easily torn can be recycled!! • Examples: Newspapers, catalogs, files, copy paper, colored paper, binder dividers, letterhead, forms, invoices, envelopes, index cards, phone books, post-it notes, shredded paper, construction paper, wrapping paper, paper with labels attached, packing paper, and much more. Each program/lab is responsible for deciding how best to collect their recyclables. Paper recycling bins are available, at no charge, for your building or office. Contact Tom Maze at 386-3496.
Recycling – Glass and Plastic Any glass or plastic product that can be easily rinsed can be recycled!! All colors of glass and any type of plastic are OK!! • Examples: Glass solvent bottles, broken beakers and flasks, plastic jugs and tubs, drink bottles, etc. Each program/lab is responsible for deciding how best to collect their recyclables. Collection sites have been established for each Unit. Pickups are done on an as needed basis.
Recycling - Lab Glass/Plastic KEEP GLASS AND PLASTIC SEPARATE All lab glassware and plastic must be TRIPLE rinsed before recycling. The rinse waste created from particularly hazardous chemicals/solvents should be collected as hazardous waste. These may include but are not limited to methylene chloride, chloroform, phenol, ether, etc. Most acid, base, salt, and alcohol rinses can go down the drain after proper neutralization. Use common sense or when in doubt - ASK SOMEONE!! Each program/lab is responsible for deciding how best to collect their recyclables. Broken glass containers can easily be converted to recycling containers.
Hazardous Waste • A waste with properties that make it dangerous, or capable of having a harmful effect on human health and the environment. • Many of Tifton’s labs produce hazardous wastes in their daily activities. Please continue to follow proper collection and disposal techniques. • Know what you are working with and dispose of it properly!
Universal Waste • Universal waste regulations streamline collection requirements for certain hazardous wastes into the following categories: • Batteries • Pesticides • Mercury-Containing Thermostats • Lamps
eCycling – Recycling Old Electronics • Do you know what to do with old computers, copiers, scientific equipment, televisions, etc? • “Plug-In To eCycling” is a consumer electronics campaign working to increase the number of electronic devices collected and safely recycled in the United States. • Launched in January 2003, as part of EPA’s Conservation Resource Challenge.
Your Waste Contact • For more information about hazardous wastes, universal wastes, or recycling or disposal of electronic equipment, please contact: • Tom Hendricks, Collateral Duty Safety Officer, (229) 387-2392.
Georgia Clean Day • The Georgia Department of Agriculture organizes the program which gives everyone an opportunity to discard old, unusable, or cancelled pesticides at no charge. • ARS Tifton has taken advantage of this great opportunity to dispose of unwanted pesticides here on our campus.
Spills generate waste!! By preventing spills, you can prevent hazardous releases and avoid associated disposal costs. Spill Prevention
Train employees in proper use of chemicals, apparatus, instruments, and tools Use pipetting aids, spigots and pumps instead of pouring liquids Store materials securely and away from traffic To Avoid Accidental Spills…
Housekeeping and Maintenance • Lab clutter contributes to knocked-over containers while also impairing efficiency and morale. • Use secondary containment where appropriate. • Inspect and maintain equipment routinely. • Replace seals and gaskets on a regular basis. • Use tight-fitting lids to prevent evaporation. • Reducing spills, overflows, leaks, ruined samples, and accidents prevents pollution-- while also reducing materials, costs, and stress!
Inventory Management • Proper management ensures that your inventory is an asset, not a pollution prevention liability.
Inventory Management • ARS Tifton conducts annual chemical and pesticide inventories. • The inventory is sent to local officials and emergency response personnel to help them better prepare in the event of an emergency. • Also, employees may reference the inventory when a small amount/one time use of a chemical is needed. It is better to borrow from a coworker than have excess chemicals on hand that will eventually be disposed of as hazardous waste. This helps prevent pollution and SAVES MONEY!!!
Inventory Management Tips • Label all containers with contents and date to avoid costly and hazardous “unknowns” • Use secondary containers to prevent spills and leaks • Rotate inventory so older material is used first • Purchase only what you will use
Prudent Purchasing • Buy only the amount of chemicals that you will use within a reasonable time period • Buy durable apparatus and equipment that can be repaired and maintained • Coordinate or centralize purchasing to avoid unnecessary purchases • Buy Green Products when available
Prudent Purchasing • Buy “Right Size” NOT “Economy Size”
Environmentally Preferable Purchasingaka: Affirmative Procurement Definition: Products or services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose
Materials Substitution • In some cases, labs are unable to make substitutions due to required protocols • However, opportunities do exist beyond chemical substitution; such as alternatives to mercury thermometers • Ask your vendors to keep you informed when new, less-hazardous products become available
Affirmative Procurement Affirmative procurement means examining the pollution prevention practices of your vendors and subcontractors
Provide support – change habits • Old habits die hard • Employees need support through both motivational and technical hurdles • Initial training and periodic refreshers are essential to continuing pollution prevention success