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What are Power Cords? Which Cord Powers Your Computer?
WhatarePowerCords?WhichCordPowersYourComputer? You just cannot take away the electrical oxygen we require for survival!Allourmajorday today activities either are contingenton machines or electricity or both. Weneedmachinesandmachines need electricity. Electricity is the flow of electrons through a conductor. Now, to align that flow of electrons,weneedametal conductorsheathedinsideapoly vinyl chlorideinsulator(PVC).This equipmenttypically known as apowercord. Powercord,powerconnector,mainscableorlinecord- callit with any of those names but the purpose it serves would not change. These power cords let you connect your electrical appliance through itself with oneofitsendspluggedinthewallsocketora wallextensionboardanditsotherendispluggedinthereceptacle installed on the appliance, to build a system of temporary connection. https://www.sfcable.com/
Appliances which are purely power backed, need these power cords to get connected with the main electrical supply line for powering andenergizingitself.Fewappliancesarebatterybacked and they majorly need the connection only to recharge the batteries.These cords are capableof carrying alternating current as well as direct current. Oneendofthepowercordshastheplugandtheotherendhasa connector.Theconnectorisinsertedinthe receptacle and theplug is plugged in the wall socket. Both these ends can be of male or femaleorigin. NEMAPowerCords Back in 1926, National Electrical Manufacturing Association was established in North America which developed the NEMA 1 connector. The connector itself dates back to roughly the same time period. Today NEMA connectors are generally used all over the North American Continent and in countries which have specified the NEMAstandards. https://www.sfcable.com/
The basic NEMA 1power cord has 2flat pins whicharealmost5inches apart from each other.Ifitalsoconsistsofroundpinright belowthetwoflatpins,itis NEMAtype5.The thirdpinis generally used for grounding purposes and this kind of NEMAplugisoften called “grounded plug”. Computer Power Cord Most of the computer desktops and some instrument amplifiers, printers, monitor and other portable devices use the c13power cordwhichhasastandardspecifiedunder IEC60320.Apowercordwith a country specific standard powerplugattachedononeend andac13power cord coupler to theotheris generally calledan IEC cord or computer power cord as it is majorly used in computer applications. Standards and Specifications The computer power cord, Electrotechnical Commission standard determines the c13 is described by International with the 60320 standard. The electrical, mechanical, thermal requirements and safety operations of the specified power cable https://www.sfcable.com/
cord.Theselectionof the coupler connector alsodependsupon the shape,dimensionsandsizeoftheappliancetobeconnectedwith thepower cord. Thec13powercordisratedat15A/250Vand10A/250VWiththe temperature rating up to 65° Celsius.Thismaximumtemperature rating is the pin temperature. The c13powercordcontainsEarth Contact and it also allows rewirable connector. https://www.sfcable.com/