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Grah Pravesh - Salarpuria Group's Resident Referral Program

Salarpuria Group brings the Grah Pravesh real estate referral program. Residents and their friends and families are set to win rewards and cashback worth 10s of thousands to lakhs of rupees.

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Grah Pravesh - Salarpuria Group's Resident Referral Program

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  2. Thesedays, onlytheverybesthousinggroupsofferreal estate referral programsasameansofgeneratingnewhomebuyers andbuildingastrongbrandidentity. SalarpuriaGroup, a renownedrealestategroupinKolkataprimarilyknownforits high-endaffordableandluxuryhousingprojects, haslaunched itsownGrahPraveshprogram. Letusexploredeeplywhatthis referralprogramentails.

  3. SalarpuriaGroup’sone-of-a-kindapartmentreferral programisanincentivebestowedupontheresidents ofSalarpuriaflats. WhenanypersonrefersSalarpuria residencestohisfriends/family, theygetrewards worthRs20,000toRs2,00,000. Ontheotherhand, thereferredfriend /familymemberreceivesa cashbackontheirnewpurchase. Thismakesthe schemeawin-winsituationforboththeparties. WHAT IS GRAH PRAVESH?

  4. WHAT IS THE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA OF THE REFERRAL SCHEME? Inordertoavailthespecialbenefitsofthisprogram, homebuyers havetomeetcertainconditions MustbearesidentofSalarpuria Group YoumusthavereferredSalarpuriatoyourfriends/acquaintances Yourfriendpurchasesaflat Youclaimrewards Yourfriend/acquaintancereceivesacashback

  5. WHAT FLATS FALL UNDER GRAH PRAVESH? SomeofthebestSalarpuriaGroups' projectsthattheGrahPraveshreferral programcovers: SuncrestEstate LuxuriaHeights AmaranaResidences TheAvenue VictoriaVistas

  6. EXCLUSIVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Beforesigninguptoany real estate referral program,alwaysgothroughtheirterms andconditions. ThisalsogoesforGrahPravesh. Italsocomeswithitsownshareof specialclauses: 1 2 3 4 5 Youcannot combineitwith anyprevious Theschemeis enforcedonceyou bookan Therefereeshould notcomeintouch withSalarpuria Thereferral amountdoesnot Contactthrough theReferNow optiononthe website. include scheme apartment beforehand apartment charges

  7. IncentiveslikeGrahPraveshnotonlybooststhemoraleandconfidence ofthehomebuyerbutalsoletsthemliveasatight-knitfamily.

  8. www.salarpuriagroup.com CONTACT US Salarpuria Group 5, Chittranjan Avenue, Kolkata 700072 +033 4030 6000 info@salarpuriagroup.com

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