1. Geography 210: Physical Geography and Environmental Issues Water Supply, Use, and Management
2. This is WATER week Water on Earth
Where is it, and in what form?
Fresh water on the continents (S&S 15)
How does water get (re)cycled?
What impacts the availability of usable water?
Issues of water management & supply
Stream flow and flooding
Local water issues
Wetlands: form, function, remediation
FIELD TRIP FRIDAY!!! Dress appropriately…
3. The USEPA National WetlandsOffice—Its Role in WetlandPolicy and Protection Doreen M. Vetter
Special Assistant for Water
Office of the Administrator
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Friday October 6, 2006
1:30-2:30 pm
Heffner Wetland Building Lobby
Olentangy River Wetland Research Park
4. What’s special about H2O? Heat capacity
Universal solvent
High surface tension
Exists in all 3 phases at normal Earth surface temperatures
Solid H2O is lighter than the liquid H2O
Sunlight penetrates water
5. Global water supply & distribution 97% in oceans
2% in glaciers
1% elsewhere
Rivers, streams
Atmosphere (0.001%)
Abundance is not the problem, delivering enough when it’s needed is.
6. Hydrological Cycle
7. Freshwater vs. saltwater 97.5 % of all water on Earth is saline
Remaining 2.5 percent is freshwater
~75% in Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets
~24% as fossil groundwater.
Only 0.26% is ‘accessible’
lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams
0.007% water on Earth is renewable and available for use on a sustainable basis.
8. Water usage: A global perspective Water usage accelerating, globally
1975: 700 km3/y
2002: 6000 km3/y
demand for water to sustain, feed, and employ the world's people is projected to double by 2025.
Compared to other minerals, water is inexpensive
Usage is 1000 x that of all other mineral production
Usage is now a significant fraction of that available
Usage is on-sustainable in many regions of the world
9. Domestic water use Our society consumes 50-100 gallons per person, per day.
This pie chart shows how an average home in Akron, OH uses water (src: USGS).
10. Future water shortage > 50% of humanity will face water shortages within 50 years, UN report, January 2003
"water-stressed" countries
US will overuse available surface water resources by 13% in 2020, USWRC
$400 billion /year global industry
Water, The Next Oil?
11. Desalinization: A viable option? Removes salt from water
Filtration: forcing saline water through salt-impermeable membranes
Each m3 of sea water contains 40kg (88 lb) of salt
Salinity = 4%.
>500 ‘desal’ plants now exist.
10x that of existing water supply in US
Requires large amounts of energy.
Environmental issue
What to do with the very salty water coming out of the desal plant?
12. the hydrologic cycle of water from the oceans and the continents to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration; back to the ocean and continent surfaces through precipitation and eventually returning to the oceans through surface runoff (rivers) after storage (lakes, ground water, ice sheets) Hydrologic cycle
13. Quantifying water supply Water Budget: model balancing inputs & outputs
Simple annual budget : (Precipitation – Evaporation – Infiltration = Runoff)
Useful in water resource management
Supply is NEVER greater than runoff
Large year to year variations in precipitation rate & stream flow
Even humid regions can have drought
14. US Water Budget
17. Droughts happen That sucks…
Loss of land fertility
Crop failure
Famine Potential
Water Resource Management
18. Continental fresh water: location & management issues Ground water
Surface water
19. Groundwater & surface water flow system Fig 20.3 Groundwater and surface water flow system.Fig 20.3 Groundwater and surface water flow system.
20. Groundwater Occurs below the water table, where the soil is saturated
Aquifer = undergrnd zone where water can be extracted at useful rate
Depletion by wells causes drawdown a cone of depression in the water table
As many wells exploit an aquifer, their cones of depression merge to create a general lowering of the water table
21. Ground Water Contamination
22. Surface-Groundwater interactions
23. ~1/2 Americans use groundwater as primary drinking water
accounts for 20% of US water usage
Overdraft: when discharge (output) > recharge (input)
Problems: land subsidence, salt water intrusion
Groundwater issues
24. The Ogallala Aquifer Composed of water bearing sands and gravel, i.e. groundwater
…filled during melt of ice sheet in last ice age.
…current 20 x overdraft, -> 1.74 feet per year (1,082,631 acre ft).
North Plains Groundwater Conservation District (http://www.npwd.org)
25. Subsidence:Groundwater level changes as a result of pumping in the Texas-Oklahoma High Plains region. Fig 20.7 Groundwater level changes as a result of pumping in the Texas-Oklahoma High Plains region. (Source: U.S. Geological Survey).Fig 20.7 Groundwater level changes as a result of pumping in the Texas-Oklahoma High Plains region. (Source: U.S. Geological Survey).
26. Salt water intrusion Depletion of groundwater causes a cone of depression in the water table and can lead to salt water intrusion if along a coastal site
27. Surface Water the relative magnitude of discharge of major rivers in the United States
28. Sources of stream flow
29. Measuring stream discharge (Q)
30. Hydrograph
31. Urbanization effect
33. Flooding Most universally experienced natural hazard.
Urbanization and flooding
Land use planning
35. Water Use and Management Off-stream use: removed from source, returned
Consumptive use: removed, but not returned
In-stream use: navigation, hydro power, habitats, recreation
Water Resource Management
Stream diversions
36. In stream uses
37. Trends in U.S. usage (1950-95)
38. Trends by category Major use: irrigation and thermoelectric
Irrigation use leveled by ~1980
Industry use declined after ~1980
Public and rural supply use increased (POPULATION)
39. Irrigation and land use
40. The Aral Sea is drying up and dying as a result of diversion of water for agriculture. Fig 20.9 The Aral Sea is drying up and dying as a result of diversion of water for agriculture (courtesy of Philip P. Micklin).Fig 20.9 The Aral Sea is drying up and dying as a result of diversion of water for agriculture (courtesy of Philip P. Micklin).
42. Water Conservation …is the careful use and protection of water resources.
Involves both quality and quantity.
Improved agricultural irrigation could reduce w/drawl by 20-30%; how?
Price water to encourage conservation
Use lined or covered canals to reduce seepage and evaporation
43. Comparison of agricultural practices in 1990 with what they might by by 2020. Fig 20.12 Comparison of agricultural practices in 1990 with what they might by by 2020. The improvements cal for a variety of agricultural procedures, from biological pest control to more efficient application of irrigation water to restoration of water resources and wildlife habitat. (Source: P.H. Gleick, P. Loh, S.V. Gomez, and J. Morrison, California Water 2020, a Sustainable Vision, [Oakland, Calif: Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment and Security, 1995].)Fig 20.12 Comparison of agricultural practices in 1990 with what they might by by 2020. The improvements cal for a variety of agricultural procedures, from biological pest control to more efficient application of irrigation water to restoration of water resources and wildlife habitat. (Source: P.H. Gleick, P. Loh, S.V. Gomez, and J. Morrison, California Water 2020, a Sustainable Vision, [Oakland, Calif: Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment and Security, 1995].)
44. Water Conservation: Domestic Use …only 10% of national water usage
Most consumed in bathroom & clothes washing
Concentrated urban populations
How to conserve?
“Xeriscaping” (i.e. no green lawns in AZ!)
Don’t flush; more efficient fixtures
Fix leaks: 1 drip per second = 15 gals / day
45. Wetlands Important ecologically and aesthetically
Defined: areas inundated by water; or where land is saturated to a depth of a few cm a few days/yr
Water (and carbon) storage; groundwater recharge
Natural filters (“kidneys”)
Highly productive ecosystems (habitats)
Flood control
46. Why bother retaining/restoring wetlands? Reduce downstream flooding
Purify water
Sites of concentrated nutrient cycling
Groundwater recharge
Nursery grounds for fish, shellfish, birds and other animals
45% of endangered animals depend on wetlands
Coastal wetlands form barrier to storm surges
Aesthetically pleasing
47. Can wetlands be restored? 1% of US wetlands are lost every 2 yrs; est. 90% of total freshwater lost in 200 yrs
Compensatory restoration required by National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
Legal success ? ecological success
Self-design as ecosystem property: natural processes contribute to species introduction and selection
48. Dams and the Environment Considerable environmental effects:
Loss of land, cultural resources, biology
Sediment storage behind dam
Downstream changes in hydrology and sediment transport impact river environment and organisms
49. Case study: Dam removal in ME
50. Summary Water enables life
Water we can use is a tiny fraction of total on Earth
Water supply & usage involves many interactions; a water budget is needed
Water consumption will likely increase with population, even as w/drawl decreases slightly
Water w/drawl conflicts with in-stream needs
Groundwater use and overuse has resulted in problems
Water use for agriculture is most significant area for conservation
51. Summary (cont.) Wetlands are important components at the ecosystem level, benefiting people and other ecosystems
Flooding is perhaps the most universal hazard in the world, enhanced by urbanization; best approached with land-use planning
We are facing a growing water shortage