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Before you turn off the computer, leave the office and generally unplug, go through this mental checklist to make sure you have been productive and accomplished your goals for the day. This will also help you prepare for the next day.
EMAIL Did I answer the emails that required a response? Did I sort and file the emails I’m keeping? Did I delete the emails I’ll never, ever need again?
PRIORITIZATION Did I do the one thing I absolutely had to do today? What is the one thing I must do tomorrow? Did I review and update my To Do List?
CALENDAR Did I update my schedule? What time is my first meeting tomorrow? Am I ready for it?
ORGANIZATION Did I clean out my Inbox and Outbox? Did I trash, pass or file the reports, memos, etc.? Did I prepare my desk for tomorrow?
PEOPLE SKILLS Did I remember to say please and thank you? Did I complement someone? Was I a leader today?
A good leader takes a little more than [her] share of the blame, a little less than [her] share of the credit. ~Arnold Glasow
“…an incredible and vital reference for any job-seeker.” Bit.ly/letsgetyouhired
Shannon Mouton Gray shannonrmgray@gmail.com @ShannonRenee Linkedin.com/in/shannonmoutongray