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5-Star Youth Sports 2010. Presented by the 2010 Five Star Board. Facts about youth sports in America.
5-Star Youth Sports 2010 Presented by the 2010 Five Star Board
Facts about youth sports in America • The evidence supporting sports participation for young people is overwhelming...It has the power to combat everything from racism to low self-image, to the high-school drop-out rate.“ - Sue Castle, Executive Producer of PBS Sports: Get in the Game • Female high school athletes are:1. 92% less likely to get involved with drugs2. 80% less likely to get pregnant3. 3 times more likely to graduate than non-athletes (Womens Sports Foundation) • By participating in youth sports, the young athlete will: 1. Develop and become proficient at the various sports skills. 2. Develop skills needed to socialize with their peers as well as adults. 3. Develop independence and confidence. 4. Develop a sense of achievement, which helps develop a positive self-image. 5. Develop leadership skills and qualities. 6. Learn how to cooperate and compete. 7. Develop agility, coordination, endurance, flexibility, speed and strength. 8. Develop the ability to make decisions and accept responsibilities. 9. Learn to understand and express emotions, imagination, and appreciation for what the body can do. 10. Develop an interest in continuing sports participation as an adult. Source: http://www.ultimate-youth-basketball-guide.com/youth-sports.html
Who is 5-Star? • 5-Star is a non-profit organization (501c3) • We‘ve provided local youth sports to the Renton-Issaquah area since 1939 • 5-Star serves families in Liberty and Hazen High School attendance areas • 5-Star hosts sports to over 700 local children each year • We offer youth sports programs in basketball, baseball, fast-pitch softball, football, and cheerleading • Ourorganization is run 100% by unpaid volunteers • The registration fees we charge for our sports programs are used to cover the costs of insurance, equipment, facilities rentals, and other related costs • All donations made to 5-Star are tax deductible and help defray our costs • 5-Star is dedicated to the local community youth. We provide a platform for every player to grow intellectually, develop good teaming skills, and most of all, have fun. • We are not an elite league – every child plays • Lysted Law Compliant http://www.5starcommunity.org
Softball Softball • Season: March through June • Players: 150+ • Ages: 5-14 • Levels: T-ball, coach pitch to underhand fast pitch • Affiliation: ASA (Amature Softball Association) 5-Star Softball is part of the Greater South King County Softball Association and plays 4 other recreational leagues within King County. The combined leagues support over 500 softball players. http://www.5starcommunity.org
Baseball Baseball • Season: March through June • Players: 200+ • Ages: 5-16 • Levels: T-ball, Mustang to Colt level baseball • Affiliation: PONY Baseball 5-Star Baseball is affiliated with PONY Baseball, teaching players “real” baseball skills at age appropriate levels. At 10 years and up tournament teams can play all summer long. Baseball is the one sport that high school students can coach. http://www.5starcommunity.org
Football Football • Season: August through November • Players: 200+ • Ages: 7-14 • Levels: Rookies, Cubs, Sophmores, JV, Varsity & Senior • Affiliation: Greater Eastside Junior Football Association 5-Star Football has been part of this community for over 50 years. It is our goal to provide a quality environment and a safe venue to introduce kids to football and to prepare them with the tools necessary for the high school level and beyond. 5-Star football regularly enrolls over 200 participants. http://www.5starcommunity.org
Cheer Cheer • Season: Currently coincides with football, but may be associated with Basketball in future seasons • Players: 12-24 • Ages: 6-14 • Affiliation: Greater Eastside Junior Football Association The 5 Star Cheer program is open to 1st through 8th graders. Cheerleaders perform at football games with possible appearances in parades and community events. The program offers participants a chance to learn the elements of cheer and dance. This is great preparation for those interested in trying out for high school cheer. http://www.5starcommunity.org
Basketball Basketball • Season: November through January • Players: 200+ • Ages: 7-14 • Affiliation: 5 Star Athletics 5-Star Basketball is strictly Issaquah/Renton schools. The program is made up of 20 teams that play other teams in their level. The goal is to provide fun, quality experience in basketball, emphasizing, character, teamwork, learning, participation, fun, fitness and healthy competition. http://www.5starcommunity.org
Youth Sports All-Year Reg = Registration Timeframe http://www.5starcommunity.org
Contacts General Information: info@5starcommunity.org Website Address: http://www.5starcommunity.org Primary Contacts http://www.5starcommunity.org
Community Partnership • 5-Star is the local youth sports leaderin the our area • 5-Star has a Scholarship Program • 5-Star is the feeder program for Hazen and Liberty High School Sports • 5-Star currently runs the “My Community Park” Project (CPG - Community Partnership Grant from King County) to improve the existing parks in our community • 5-Star “Opens the Door” of the hall to non-profit community groups as a meeting hall for free (Liberty Drill, Liberty Dance, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and as a general meeting area to discuss community issues, etc.) • 5-Star works with schools and community groups to improve and maintain athletic facilities and fields http://www.5starcommunity.org
What do we need from you? • Support of our program and our community – Do you know a way we can help in the community or give back, please contact one of our board members today! • Registration – sign your child up to play with us today or contact us for more information. • Volunteers!! • Board Positions • Sport Directors • Coaches • Team Parents • Helpers • Umpires • Fund Raisers • Spirit Day • Tax Deductible Donations http://www.5starcommunity.org
Closing Statement • We are a standalone, local, non-profit athletic association who simply want children to grow and flourish in a safe environment while learning sports as part of a team • Please support our program by volunteering and registering your children in the 5 Star Program http://www.5starcommunity.org