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Chapter 4 The Bhutanese

Chapter 4 The Bhutanese ブータンの人々 The Kingdom of Bhutan is a tiny country of priests and farmers close to the Himalayan Mountains. 近くに Bhutan’s religion celebrates a never-ending 果てしの無い、終わりのない cycle .  輪 ( 輪廻) The country’s history and mythology are mixed.

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Chapter 4 The Bhutanese

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  1. Chapter 4 The Bhutanese ブータンの人々

  2. The Kingdom of Bhutan is a tiny country of priests and farmers close to the Himalayan Mountains. 近くに • Bhutan’s religion celebrates a never-ending • 果てしの無い、終わりのない cycle. •  輪(輪廻)

  3. The country’s history and mythology are mixed. • However, only after the Buddhist religion and political power were unified, did peacespreadthroughout the nation. s v

  4. The Dzongs or temple-houses were built as centers of faith, education, 〜の中心として and local government /and they continue in these roles even today.  これらの役割(において)

  5. Farmersuseevery place they can to grow o crops, and other Bhutanese families take care of herds of yaks in the mountains. 世話をする • The government and tradition have kept large industries out. 排除する(閉め出す)

  6. And, as Buddhist belief is strong, one son from each family is expected to become a priest. 望まれている(期待されている)

  7. At religious festivals, faith, dance, and drama join together. • This four-day festival is about a hunterwho is taught by the Buddha not to kill.

  8. The hunter promises never to hunt again and, 狩猟をすること as a result, archery became 結果として Bhutan’s national sport.  国技

  9. Buddhism usesmeditationto find happiness. O  見つける為に • And today, Bhutan is the world’s only kingdom following Tibetan Buddhism. 〜に従う • Prayer and religious ceremonies teach/ that all living things must co-exist. 共存する • Nature and man should be united.

  10. For example, a farmer’s prayer flags/ carry/ his 例えば                〜を運ぶ hopes/ for a good harvestto the Buddha. 豊作の為に    〜へ • In this way, eventhe humblest of people can この様に さえも 最も慎ましい生活の人々 practice their religion in Bhutan.

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