Sga THE COURSE IMMERSE YOURSELF IN A 25-DAY INTENSIVE YOGA TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM Join a 25-day Intensive training program to become a certified worldwide yoga instructor. Boost your confidence a n d competence wi t h ou r 200-hour Classical Yoga immersive program . Our comprehensive cu rriculum is ideal for prospective Inst ructo rs o r those wishing to further their yoga practice. A t Shiva Tattva Yoga best yoga teacher training Ashram in Rishikesh, India, immerse yourself in true training under In dia n m asters In the ancient 'Gurukul' method. This one-of-a-kind opportunity creates a s ol i d basi s for teaching vocations or personal yoga development b y m aking learning accessible a n d rewarding This course, p e r f e c t e d over 1 5 years, ensures you can con fidentl y teac h yoga and obtain p ro pe r ce r ti fic a tion . W e promise that after finishing t h e course, yo u will b e able to confidentl y teach. Put your fai t h i n our time-tested p r og r am for a f i r m foundation in yoga training Explore our charming Yoga ash ram for 25 days, indulging in nou rishing vegetarian m eals p re pa r ed with love." Embrace the yogic lifestyle a n d philosoph y b y immersing yourself in yoga and m editation. Share thi s trans fo rm ing journey wi t h like-m i n d e d people f r om all aro und the wo rl d . A s y o u g o about your reg ular activities, make meaningful co nn ec tio ns that wi l l g r o w Into a su pp o r ting worldwide family. O u r ashram p r o v i d e s a haven where you m a y not onl y stud y but also f o rm long-lasting connections , making for a n enriching a n d unforgettable experienc Find peace and q u i e t at o u r ashram , whic help yo u focus for g o o d training. O u r brie powerful courses will unexpected personal progress. B continuous assistance a n d c oac h com pleting their studies. W e're step of the way, ensuring that your continues beyond training a n d fosters learning a n d growth. I surprise u www.shivatattvayoga. com
COURSE HIGHLIGHTS s 6ga I� DURING OUR 2OO-HOUR YOGA TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM. YOU WILL.. Benefit from a well-rounded a n d time-tested curriculum that includes 1 7 0 Hatha Yoga poses, profound yogic philosophy, extensive yoga anatomy, dally pranayama and meditation, a n d m uch more. 60 hours of hands-o n teaching p r a c t i c e will help you gain confidence Improve your teaching abilities b y learning to give precise directions, corrections, a n d m odification approaches. Learn h o w to organize yoga poses and design classes with p a r t i c u l a r objectives. Learn h o w to educate people of many ages, backgrounds, a n d body kinds. In only 2 5 intense days, you m ay get a globally recognized yoga teacher certification . A t a typical yoga ashram , yo u m a y immerse yourself in the yogic lifestyle. G e t advice o n h o w to create your o wn yoga school or studio
CERTIFICATION & ACCREDITATION s t t v a yoga The Shiva Tattva Yoga Teacher Training l asts four weeks and Includes 2 4 0 ho ur s of Intense yoga teachi ng. This goes beyond the gl obal cri teri a f o r a 200-hour yoga teacher certi fi cati on. O u r teacher certi fi cati on i s approved by Yoga Alliance a n d recognized b y maj or yoga federations globally. Upon completion, y o u c a n further pursue our 300-hour and 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training certifications. YOGA ASANAS: PRACTICE & TEACHING Our professors wl l l actively supervise you for 6 0 ho ur s of hands-on teaching experience. This unique feature gives you the confidence to s t a r t teachin r i g ht away. As a result, o u r 200-hour Hatha Yoga certi fi cati on I s i deal for people w h o want to t e a c h. It Is also valuable for anybody wi shi ng to bull s t r o ng foundati on in yoga and improve their personal practice. 8 4 + H a t h a Yoga A s a n a s a nd Vi nyasa S e q u e n c e H o w to s t r u c t u r e a b e g i n n e r ' s c o u r s e a n d o p e n Yoga a s a n a v a r i a t i o n s f o r B e g i n n e r s Yoga for K i d s & P r e g na n t w o m e n G u i d e d d e e p r e l a x a t i o n I Yoga N i d r a
\ s 6ga GURUl(ULA SYSTEM 1 The old Gurukula ed uc a tion system is h on o re d in Shiva Tattva Yoga Ashram. Students in t his technique l e a r n a n d live at t h e residential cen t e r with their m entors. Du rin g t hei r educa tion, s tudents are expected to l e a r n moral p r inciple s a n d life skills. This approach b u i l d s a strong link o f trust a n d devotion be t wee n teachers and students, guaranteeing a seamless f l o w of Information a n d a full k nowledge of the material. B ei n g at the ash ram for four week s allows yo u to disc onnect from extraneous dis t ra c tion s a n d f oc us o n learning to th e b e s t of your abilities of best yoga school in Rishikesh. YOGA ASANAS: PRACTICE & TEACHING l t f 'f f 05:45 AM SHATKARMA (Cleansing Activity) 06:00 A M PRANAYAM 07:00 A M HATHA YOGA ASANA BREAKFAST 08:45 A M YOGA ANATOMY 09:30 A M 11:55 A M ADJUSTMENT & ALIGNMENT YOGA PHILOSOPHY & ETHICS 02:40 P M 04:00 P M MULTI STYLE YOGA & TEACHING METHODOLOGY 06:45 P M MEDITATION
LOCATIONS & ACCOMODATION s t t v a yoga The Shiva Tattva Yoga Ashram is located in a lovel y green area surrounded b y hills, woods, plains, a n d m e ad o ws in Rishikesh. Located b esi de a t r an q uil waterfall a n d t h e sa c re d Ganges River, is k n o wn as the b i r t h p l a c e of yoga and is sometimes refe r r ed to a s the world ca pi tal o f yoga. W ith stun ning mountains, the holy Ganges River, captivating temples, a n d s pe c ta cul a r waterfalls, o u r ash ram provides a n amazing atmosphere for professional learning. B ei n g at the ashram for four week s allows yo u to disconnect from extraneous dis t ra c tio ns a n d f oc us o n learning to t h e b e s t of your abilities. FACI LI T I ES A T SHI VA TATTVA YOGA ASHRAM SIMPLE & CLEAN ACCOMODATION (SINGLE ROOMS ANO DOUBLE SHARED ROOMS) YOGA HALL www.shivatattvayog a. com