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Hence Casting is one of the oldest process of manufacturing and hence as a lot of defects and that’s why forging process was introduced with fewer defects and better quality and easy productivity. Forging-Process is a directory for forging companies where one can register themselves if they are a forging company and get traffic from all over the world, people can search for you and hence can find you all over the world.
WHAT IS CASTING? The casting was first used about six thousand years ago, casting continues to be an important manufacturing process for producing very small, as well as very large and complex parts. Fluid flow in casting is then described, with Bernoulli and the continuity equation being applied to establish a framework for analyzing molten metal flow through a mold. The casting process basically involves: 1. Pouring molten metal into a mold patterned after the part to be manufactured. 2. Allowing it to solidify. 3. Removing the part from the mold.
SOLIDIFICATION OF METALS After molten metal is poured into a mold, a series of events take place during the solidification of the metal and its cooling to ambient temperature. These events greatly influence the size, shape, uniformity, and chemical composition of the grains. The significant factors affecting these events are the type of metal, the thermal properties of the metal and the mold, the geometric relationship between volume and surface area of the casting, and the shape of the mold because of a pure metal gas a clearly defined melting point, it solidifies at a constant temperature. After the temperature of the molten metal drops to its freezing point.
DEFECTS OF CASTING WHAT ARE CALLED DEFECTS? Defects can develop during manufacturing that depends on factors such as materials, apart designs and processing techniques. While some defects affect only the appearance of the parts made, others can have major adverse effects on the structural integrity of the parts. Several defects can develop in castings because different names have been used in the past to describe the same defect. But now different names have been given by international committee of foundry technical associations, these are:
TYPES OF DEFECTS 1. METALLIC PROJECTIONS It consists of fins, flash or projections such as swells and rough surfaces. 2. CAVITIES It consists of rounded and rough internal or exposed cavities including blowholes, pinholes and shrinkage cavities 3. Defective surfaces These are surface folds, laps, scars, adhering sand layers, and oxide scale
TYPES OF DEFECTS 4. DISCONTINUITIES It means cracks, cold or hot tearing and cold shuts. If solidifying metal is constrained from shrinkage freely, cracking and tearing may occur 5. INCOMPLETE CASTING Such as misruns (due to premature solidification), insufficient volume of the metal poured, and rumout. 6. Incorrect dimensions Factors such as improper shrinkage allowance, pattern mounting error, irregular contraction, deformed pattern or wrapped casting.
TYPES OF DEFECTS 7. INCLUSIONS Inclusions which form during melting, solidification, and molding; these are generally non-metallic. They are regarded as harmful because they act as stress raisers, and thus reduce the strength of the casting. Hence Casting is one of the oldest process of manufacturing and hence as a lot of defects and that’s why forging process was introduced with less defects and better quality and easy productivity.
ABOUT THE COMPANY ABOUT FORGING-PROCESS.COM Forging-process.com is a forging directory where one can come and post their forging company and customers can look for the company suitable and available to them nearby and can contact them and choose the best forging company suiting their needs. There are various blogs written on forging • The Best method for doing forging. • Comparison between hot and cold forging • Forging defects companies must avoid. • Casting vs Forging. • Applications of Forging Process And much more...
FOR QUERIES We love to meet you in person: Kirti Nagar, New Delhi Call us at +91-7678506014 Email id: info@forging-process.com Website: www.forging-process.com