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digital marketing classes in Bangalore

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  1. Site Speed Optimization Techniques for optimizing website loading speed to improve user experience and search engine ranking. Nidmindia.com +91 9611361147

  2. 1. Image Optimizatio: • Compress images to reduce file size without compromising quality. • Use modern image formats like Web for • better compression and faster loading. • Implement lazy loading to defer offscreen • images until they're needed. Nidmindia.com +91 9611361147

  3. 2. Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML: • Remove unnecessary spaces, comments, and line breaks from code files. • Combine multiple CSS and JavaScript files into one to reduce HTTP requests. • Utilize tools and plugins for automated minification processes. Nidmindia.com +91 9611361147

  4. 3. Enable Browser Caching: • Set expiration dates for static resources to instruct browsers to cache them. • Utilize cache-control headers to specify how • long files should be cached. • Implementing caching directives through • server configurations or plugins. Nidmindia.com +91 9611361147

  5. 4. Content Delivery Network (CDN) Integration: • Distribute website content across multiple servers worldwide to reduce latency. • Serve content to users from the nearest server location for faster delivery. • Utilize CDN services provided by companies like Cloudflare, Akamai, or Amazon CloudFront. Nidmindia.com +91 9611361147

  6. 5. Reduce Server Response Time: • Optimize server configuration and code to minimize the time it takes to generate responses. • Utilize caching mechanisms and optimize database • queries for faster execution. • Choose a reliable hosting provider with • efficient server infrastructure. Nidmindia.com +91 9611361147

  7. 6. Implement Asynchronous Loading: • Load non-essential resources asynchronously to prevent blocking critical content. • Prioritize loading of above-the-fold content to improve perceived speed. • Utilize techniques like async and defer attributes for script tags. Nidmindia.com +91 9611361147

  8. 7. Optimize Web Fonts: • Limit the number of font styles and weights to reduce HTTP requests. • Subset fonts to include only necessary characters, reducing file size. • Consider using system fonts or font loading strategies like font-display: swap;. Nidmindia.com +91 9611361147

  9. 8. Implement Gzip Compression: • Compress website files before transferring them to the browser using Gzip. • Reduce file sizes by up to 70% for faster transfer and decompression. • Enable Gzip compression through server configurations or plugins. Nidmindia.com +91 9611361147

  10. 9. Optimize Critical Rendering Path: • Prioritize loading of critical resources required for initial rendering. • Minimize render-blocking CSS and JavaScript to accelerate the rendering process. • Utilize tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and address rendering bottlenecks. Nidmindia.com +91 9611361147

  11. 10. Monitor and Analyze Performance: • Regularly monitor website speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, or Pingdom. • Analyze performance metrics such as First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Time to Interactive (TTI). • Continuously optimize based on performance insights and user feedback to maintain fast loading times. Nidmindia.com +91 9611361147

  12. Follow for more Such content Contact Us: Website: +91 9611361147 Nidmindia.com

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