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“Teaching for Effective Learning” Robyn Barratt

“Teaching for Effective Learning” Robyn Barratt. “Down the Track” Day 1 AISSA April 7 2010. Purposes of the workshop. Embed sharing of effective practices, participants’ prepared unit of work, TfEL Guide in interactive workshop Support understanding about TfEL Framework

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“Teaching for Effective Learning” Robyn Barratt

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  1. “Teaching for Effective Learning”Robyn Barratt “Down the Track” Day 1 AISSA April 7 2010 Robyn Barratt

  2. Purposes of the workshop • Embed sharing of effective practices, participants’ prepared unit of work, TfEL Guide in interactive workshop • Support understanding about TfEL Framework • Develop personal & shared understanding of how people learn, and therefore how to set up conditions for learning • Clarify beliefs/values, and challenge assumptions about teaching & learning Robyn Barratt

  3. Structure of the workshop Session 1 Building a learning culture Setting up conditions for learning Clarifying beliefs about learning Session 2 Challenging assumptions about learning Robyn Barratt

  4. Building a Learning Culture Robyn Barratt

  5. Our fundamental question:How do people learn? “How people behave as learners is as much to do with what they believe as it is with the skills they have mastered.” Prof Guy Claxton, ‘Wise Up’, 2006, Hawker Brownlow “Learning, as we know, refers to the degree to which a person can retrieve and repeat a concept or skill they have had experience with. The real test of mastery lies in how well they can transfer what they know and can do to novel situations.” Kym Brown, ‘Engagement in Learning’, Occ Paper #3 DECS 2006 Robyn Barratt

  6. Reflection in pairs: A time when I learned something really well… Introductions Robyn Barratt

  7. Group norms Robyn Barratt

  8. “Real teams don't emerge unless individuals on them take risks involving conflict, trust, interdependence and hard work.” Katzenbach & Smith, The Wisdom of Teams, 2003 Robyn Barratt

  9. Setting up Conditions for learning What do we know about learning? How can we help students to learn? Robyn Barratt

  10. Writing task: What are my desired outcomes from this unit of work? Robyn Barratt

  11. TfEL’s pedagogical challenge? “…work with the students to determine readiness, and design challenging but achievable tasks, (and to) convey high expectations and provide explicit teaching and scaffolding as necessary.” Teaching for Effective Learning Framework Guide, DECS, 2010, Page 8 Robyn Barratt

  12. SA: TfEL Framework, Page 8 Robyn Barratt http://www.learningtolearn.sa.edu.au/core_learning/ The South Australian Teaching for Effective Learning Framework Guide is available at www.learningtolearn.sa.edu.au/core_learning/files/links/TfEL_Framework_handout_4_p.pdf

  13. Australian Curriculum • Goal 1: Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence • Goal 2: All young Australians become: • Successful learners • Confident and creative individuals • Active and informed citizens Robyn Barratt www.mceecdya.edu.au/mceecdya/melbourne_declaration,25979.html (accessed 16/10/2010) 13

  14. UNDERSTANDING THEMThe Six Generations: Description Birth Age Million(%) Seniors Before 1925 78+ 0.94 5% Builders 1926–1945 58–77 2.75 15% Boomers 1946–1964 39–57 4.75 25% Generation X 1965–1981 22–38 4.83 26% Generation Y 1982–2000 3–21 5.15 29% Generation Z2001+ <3 0.25 1% Mark McCrindle

  15. STUDENTSReaching the right generation: Mark McCrindle Robyn Barratt

  16. Neuroscience and Learning There have been a number of studies that have demonstrated the fact that the adult human brain retains a degree of ‘plasticity’ - ie that its structure and organisation can physically change as a result of new demands placed upon it, and that these changes can occur in adulthood and are not confined to a period of childhood development. There are two significant periods of neural ‘pruning’, adolescence and old age. (London taxi drivers 2000, Musicians 1998) John Hall, Neuroscience and Education, Feb, 2005 Robyn Barratt

  17. Learning is making connections- assimilation and accommodation - “When the new information is largely consistent with prior ideas and beliefs, it is usually combined easily with existing knowledge and reinforces existing views – this is referred to as assimilation. On the other hand, if the new information is inconsistent or in conflict with existing ideas the learner may be required to transform his/her beliefs and this process is called accommodation. This is much harder than assimilation – it creates dissonance and disorder and is both a cognitive and emotional process. Although accommodation is hard, it is also essential for conceptual change and therefore serious learning.” Louise Stoll et al,2003 Robyn Barratt

  18. The Brain - Mind Connection for emotions Fight or flight response affects learning John Joseph www.focuseducation.com.au Robyn Barratt

  19. Professor Brian CambourneThe 8 conditions of learning: • Immersion • Demonstration • Engagement • Expectations • Responsibility • Approximations • Employment • Response We are reminded about these conditions by thinking about the most spectacular and universal human act of learning – learning to talk Robyn Barratt Cambourne B, Conditions for Literacy Learning, 2001

  20. Constructivism Robyn Barratt ‘Mulitiple Truths’Glenda Mac Naughton, Melbourne University, 2007

  21. ‘Virtual schoolbags’ …Pat Thomsons’s idea that all children have ‘virtual schoolbags’ which are full, but that only some children get the opportuntiy to make use of what’s inside during their school lives. Robyn Barratt Prof Pat Thomson, Uni of Nottingham, UK, in ‘Redesigning Literacy Pedagogies, Sense Publishers, 2006

  22. Psychology How can we build on resilience of Young Adolescents? Andrew Fuller video on ‘wellbeing’ Robyn Barratt www.andrewfuller.com.au

  23. Reflection in pairs: When I taught something really well What does that tell us about your ‘style’? Robyn Barratt

  24. Work it out! How many steps does it take for two people to be on the same foot, if they begin working on the same foot, and the smaller person teakes three steps to the taller one’s two steps? Robyn Barratt

  25. Dr Julia AtkinWWW.learningbydesign.com.au Robyn Barratt

  26. Our Four Learning Selves Robyn Barratt HBDI

  27. Robyn Barratt

  28. Clarifying beliefs about learning The “Pedagogy Shuffle” • When you find each other – discuss the meaning of the cards. • Here are some starters: • Do you agree that this belief would result in such practice? • b. Can you find other relevant practices to demonstrate this belief in action? • Is this belief one you hold or not? • Do you practise this classroom strategy –do you have alternative practices that engage learners more powerfully than the one on the card? Robyn Barratt

  29. MORNING TEA Robyn Barratt

  30. Challenging our assumptions about learning Robyn Barratt

  31. Review of Robyn’s beliefs Robyn Barratt

  32. Our individual and collective assumptions run deep Robyn Barratt

  33. What’s your goal? Consider your unit of work and ask yourself: “What do I hope to achieve through this unit of work?” I complex sentence Robyn Barratt

  34. Robyn Barratt

  35. What do you hope to achieve? (1 complex sentence) Describe What assumptions are implicit in this challenge? Where did these come from? Inform/Justify Are these assumptions valid? How do you know? Are any of these assumptions open to challenge? Confront/Reflect In light of the above, could your statement be reframed? What does this mean for moving forward? Reconstruct Challenging my assumptions? Robyn Barratt Learning to Learn, 2007

  36. You are highly influential I have come to a frightening conclusion. I am the decisive element in the classroom. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my dialy mood that makes the weather. As a teacher I possess tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. Ginott, 1972 Robyn Barratt

  37. “A belated discovery, one that causes considerable anguish, is that no one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be unlocked from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional appeal.” Marilyn Ferguson, The AquarianConspiracy Robyn Barratt

  38. SA: TfEL Framework, Page 8 Robyn Barratt http://www.learningtolearn.sa.edu.au/core_learning/ The South Australian Teaching for Effective Learning Framework Guide is available at www.learningtolearn.sa.edu.au/core_learning/files/links/TfEL_Framework_handout_4_p.pdf

  39. Reflection on your learning Protocol Using the TfEL Framework to review your Unit of Work Robyn Barratt

  40. LUNCH Robyn Barratt

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