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The End of the Cold War and After

The End of the Cold War and After. 1989-Present. The End of the Cold War. Causes Soviet Union unable to keep up with the West Mikhail Gorbachev (1985-1991). The End of the Cold War. Glasnost Perestroika Results. The End of the Cold War. Unrest in Eastern Europe Poland

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The End of the Cold War and After

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The End of the Cold War and After 1989-Present

  2. The End of the Cold War • Causes • Soviet Union unable to keep up with the West • Mikhail Gorbachev (1985-1991)

  3. The End of the Cold War • Glasnost • Perestroika • Results

  4. The End of the Cold War • Unrest in Eastern Europe • Poland • Economic stagnation during 1980s • Rise of Solidarity Movement • Government recognizes Solidarity in 1989

  5. The End of the Cold War • Demonstrations throughout Eastern Europe • Gorbachev announces he would not interfere in Eastern Europe • German Reunification, 1990

  6. Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989

  7. The End of the Cold War • Reforms destabilize Soviet Union • Soviet Union dissolves in 1991

  8. Collapse of the Soviet Union

  9. Democracy in Russia?

  10. Break-up of Yugoslavia • Death of dictator Josef Tito 1980 • Ethnic and religious tensions

  11. Eastern Europe after the Cold War

  12. Middle East • Israel fights for its existence between 1948 and 1967 • Israel occupies West Bank in 1967 • Middle East Peace Process 1993-2000

  13. The Middle East

  14. Break-up of Yugoslavia

  15. Creation of the State of Israel 1948

  16. Europe • Europe integrates further • European Union, 1992 • European Monetary Union, 1999 • Expansion of European Union • European Union wants to form its own defense and foreign policy

  17. Present • War on Terror • US and the Middle East • The Future?

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