The Magic Circus returned with an outstanding performance in Kaleidoscope. ... To raise money the children wore funny or red clothes, like pyjamas. ...
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The Thoresbian ONLINE A number of our Gifted and Talented children have worked hard to write stories on some of the exciting events that happen at Thoresby Primary School. We have chosen to call our online newspaper The Thoresbian. Pupils of Thoresby Primary School have been writing about their school since 1929 when they first published a magazine about the then Thoresby Street Central School. Our online version follows in this tradition and shows how proud we Thoresbians are of our wonderful school. Our school Newspaper Staff:
Becky (Editor)
Jodie The original newsletter Our school mural Super Sports Pitch
By Zemal and Karimah
Thoresby pupils are having a kick of a time playing in the all-new sports pitch known as the Active Zone.
In July 2008, Throesby was lucky enough to get a brand new 3G football pitch. Out of all of Hull, ours is the only school known to have a sports pitch that has been sprinkled with Astrid termite. It cost a lot but Thoresby was prepared to pay the price because the children deserve it.
The children said a huge thank you to Joe Duffy (known as Coach Duffy) whom this would not have been possible without. The pitch was opened by the famous footballer and local legend Dean Windass, which was a great surprise to the children. Mrs Milner, the Head teacher, said, What a wonderful opportunity for everyone to get fit having fun!
Get fit having fun? That sounds like a typical lesson with Coach Duffy! Magical Mischief
By Cameron
The Magic Circus returned with an outstanding performance in Kaleidoscope.
One of the highlights of last years Kaleidoscope was the triumphant return of The Magic Circus. The act was hilarious, weird and had a lot of audience participation. It only had two actors but it seemed like a lot more with members of the audience and string puppets! The two acts were a ringmaster and a funny misunderstanding clown!
It is easy to say that this act is truly unique and hilarious as mentioned before. Lets hope the magic returns soon! Doing something funny for the money
By Becky
On Friday 13th March, Thoresby Primary School took part in the biannual Red Nose Day event.
Everyone was taking part and the atmosphere was overflowing with excitement. To raise money the children wore funny or red clothes, like pyjamas. The lower school (Y1, Y2) also took art in the colouring competition while the upper school took part in the teachers spelling quiz. Every activity cost between 20 and 50p. The school wanted to raise a lot of money.
Mrs Dawson said, It took me 4 weeks to plan the great day we all had. I really enjoyed planning it even thought I sometimes couldnt sleep at night. The day was very funny. I was relieved it went so well.
The school was pleased to have raised Ł300.70 for the children in Africa who are homeless and cant go to school.
We all has a great time doing something funny for the money!
Perfect Pen pals
By Becky
Since February, Class 5OM have been writing to their Spanish pen pals.
The children in Class 5OM are able to communicate with their pen pals in Zaragoza through the eTwinning website. The children communicate in each others languages, for example the children from Hull write to their pen pals in Spanish and the others reply in English.
One quite satisfied child called Kaya said, I like having a pen pal from Spain because it will help me learn about what they are like.
Everyone was particularly excited about having pen pals for the first time. There were mixed emotions about reading their replies. Lets hope they learn a lot before its time to say adios! Terrific Toilets
By Zemal and Karimah
New toilets at Thoresby wow the children.
The children in Reception were all extremely pleased with their new toilets. The girls toilets had beautiful stickers stuck on the walls and boys had rockets and spaceships stuck on.
One young child from Reception said, I love them! Mrs Milner said, The stickers were stuck on the toilets because the teachers and children from the school council thought that it would be good because they could use their imagination.
Lets just hope the queue isnt too long!