birds Isabelle and molly are doing a slide show on owls
Tawny owl xx • Even tawny owls are hit by cars and vans on the road. • Tawny owls like cat food and also eat mice. • Also tawny owls come all year round. • As well they come out at day.
Barn owls • Barn owls like living by farmlands . • They make a tweeting noise. • They come all year round. • Thy like meal worms, mice , rats and other things.
Short eared owl Me and molly like and love owls
The information of short eared owls • They are brown, black, white ,cream ,buff • THERE LATEN NAME Asio flammeus • Owls (Strigidae) • In the UK they breed primarily in Northern England and Scotland, but are seen more widely in winter. Short-eared owls are best looked for in winter on coastal marshes and wetlands. However, birdwatchers must be careful to avoid disturbance at communal roost sites. • All year round • Small mammals, especially voles.
Long eared owl information • Latin name ! Asio otus • Owls (Stringed) • It is nocturnal and secretive, so unlikely to be seen other than on migration (when birds may turn up on coasts at any time of day) or when leaving or returning to a communal roost site in winter. • All year round. • Small rodents, and small birds in winter. • Europe breeding*UK wintering*UK passage
Owls All owls are a bird of pray