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Paralysis is the loss of ability to move specific part of the body or the whole body, mainly loss of muscle function. Nerves send signals to muscle. Those signals make muscles to move, after paralysis loss of nerve function to send signals to brain, muscles and different parts of the body will be there.<br>

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  1. Role of Ayurveda In Paralysis What is paralysis? Paralysis is the loss of ability to move specific part of the body or the whole body, mainly loss of muscle function. Nerves send signals to muscle. Those signals make muscles to move, after paralysis loss of nerve function to send signals to brain, muscles and different parts of the body will be there. What causes paralysis? The nervous system is the control system and communication system of the body. The following conditions may cause paralysis: 1) Spinal bifida is the birth defects cause paralysis.

  2. 2) Traumatic injury to the spinal cord. 3) Autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, Guillain Barre syndrome. 4) cerebral palsy. 5) Uncontrolled Hypertension. What are the symptoms? Numbness or pain in the affected muscles. Muscle weakness. Visible signs of muscle loss or atrophy. Stiffness Involuntary spasm Types depending on location are: 1) Monoplagia: This affects half side of the body like one leg. 2) paraplegia: This affects lower body like both legs. 3) Hemiplegia:This affects half side of the body like one leg and one hand. 4) Quadriplegia: This affects both arms and legs, sometimes muscles in trunk, function of internal organ. Ayurveda role in paralysis Paralysis called as Pakshaghata (one side or whole body, aghata means affected with loss of functions).

  3. Pakshaghata is vataja vyaadhi. In Ayurveda Panchakarma plays very important role in treating Pakshaghata by strengthening muscles. Depending upon the cause’s treatment is planned. 1)Abhyanga: Body massage to the affected part with the medicated oil like mahamasha taila, Dhanwantari taila, ksheerabala taila increases blood circulation and strengthens the muscular system. 2)Swedana 3) Basti: Basti helps to clean entire colon and removes ama from the body, also balances vitiated vata. Basti is called as mother of panchakarma. Basti aims at treating vata, muscle strengthening, stimulates nervous system. Asthapana Basti Niruha Basti

  4. Anuvasana Basti 4) Nasya Nasya specially indicated in bels palsy condition, Murcha, mada improves vision, speech, muscles stiffness. 5) Shirodhara

  5. 6) Shashtika shaali pinda sweda Shashtika shaali pinda sweda strengthens muscles, increases blood circulation of the affected part and progresses movements. Herbs used in Ayurveda for paralysis: 1) Ashwagandha It is also called immunity booster herb. It promotes healing in tissues, strengthens muscles, treating fatigue. It is given in paralysis patient because of its neurogenerative, brimhana properties. 2) Bala Bala strengthens the muscles, body parts, and acts as hridya (good for heart). As per its name Bala, it gives strength to the patient and stimulates nerves, relieves pain, numbness and muscle cramps. 3) Nirgundi Nirgundi oil is used for external application to relieve pain and stiffness. 4) Rasna: It has rejuvenating properties, anti-inflammatory properties, muscle relaxant, vatahara. So Rasna is very important for paralysis patient.

  6. Many herbs used in medicine formulations to treat and prevent Pakshaghata. Role of yoga in paralysis: Yoga as a part of our daily routine have magic in balancing all the doshas. 1) By practicing yoga basic asanas like Surya namaskar Trikonasana Balasana Shavasana Vajrasana Pashchimottasana Meditation and pranayama calms both body and mind by controlling Blood pressure, also controls and obesity. To know more, talk to a doctor at Sushain Clinic. Dial +91 6390905275 or Click on “Video Consultation with Ayurvedic Doctors”

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