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CO Walkthrough: How to launch a successful project like Telegram

Everyone talks about Bitcoins and Blockchain development, but what about the first steps in ICO business and Token Sales? One thing is certain, you must plan ahead your crypto marketing campaign and ICO development cycle to compete with giants like Telegram's ICO - TON.<br>Here is the White paper that will help you to navigate in the world of ICO business. It has helpful tips and tricks for ICO beginners. A piece of advice on marketing strategy and the list of Top ICO portals where you can promote your freshly launched ICO project. <br>It's an easy-to-understand guide for those who don't know where to start. If you desire to achieve launching success, this White Paper is what you need for a good start. <br>The professional software and ICO developers took part in organizing this reading material. So you'll get pro advisors to explain to you how to conduct a successful White paper for your new ICO project. <br>Also, if you don't want to start the Token Sale just yet this ICO Walkthrough will give you a hint about the ICO discovery phase.

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CO Walkthrough: How to launch a successful project like Telegram

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  1. ICO Walkthrough: How to Launch a Successful Project Like  Telegram  Did you invest in Telegram tokens and looking to become a rich person? Well, recent news               shows that the Telegram owner has raised on their ICO (initial coin offering) ​$850 million, according to ​SEC filing​. It’s pretty obvious that businessmen around the globe strongly believe in the future of TON Blockchain that Telegram Messenger plans to develop during                 post-ICO stage. Company’s CEO Pavel Durov initially planned to achieve around $600           million but the demand for TON project pushed the limit even higher.     Just the pre-sale alone is the largest ICO seen to this day and beats up even some major                 current ICO playersonthemarket.So,it’ssafetosay,thosewhoparticipateintheICOpublic                 sale will totally see their profit in the Q3 2018 (aftertheearlyMVPofTONwillbereleased).                   But... What if you desire to launch your own worldwide supported ICO development like                 Telegram? Keep reading to find out how to achieve launching success!                                                                                                                                                                                   https://icodevelopers.co  Blockchain development and consulting company, 2017-2018   

  2. ICO Walkthrough. The Components of Successful ICO Development    At ​ICOdevelopers​, we often get such requests from our clients as ‘consult me on how to start ICO, please’ or ‘I     want to launch an ICO campaign. What should I do and     how?’. Well, we decided not to reinvent the wheel and   collaborated with the Head of Business Development department of friendly software development agency TECSYNT Solutions – ​Julia Kurganova​. One of her areas of expertise is Blockchain and ICO Strategy development,   which is why we conducted a round table together in     order to respond our clients properly.        The first question always would be – where should you start. The ICO development is a hot                 topic these days but do you really know what an ICO means? No or not really? So, for those                   who can’t answer this questions here will be your starting point in the ICO Walkthrough               we’ve prepared for you.                                                                                                                                                                                                            Stage 1. Discovery Phase. Pre-ICO   This step includes thoroughbusinessandin-depthmarketinganalysisthatwillhelptoanswer             isyourICOdevelopmentideasuitableforyourbusiness?LaunchingsuccessfulICOcampaign               is hard enough but it’s much harder when you dive in the token sales without preparations.                 You can spend tons of time and money on an ICO campaign that will fail in drawing enough                     investments.    A startup owner should keep in mind that ICO isn’t a tool for just any business. First and                 foremost, your crypto tokens must generate actualvaluefortheusers.Issuingacoinoffering             just to become rich at the expense of your contributors won’t be greeted positively. The key                                                                                                                                   https://icodevelopers.co  Blockchain development and consulting company, 2017-2018   

  3. principles of professional cryptocurrency market are authenticity and transparency. So,         before declaring the crowdsale of tokens on some ICO portal, you should develop a strong               strategy and consider if you even should conduct the sale at all.    So, how to decide whether you should issue an ICO campaign or not? The decision depends                 on whether your cryptocurrency tokens are integratable into your original product in the             most meaningful way. If it’s just coins for future exchange trading, it practically guarantees                 that your ICO campaign won’t receive high interest from crowdfunders. And you risk being               left outside the race after spending all your budget on the initially unprofitable campaign.     Summing it up, before you decide to invest in ICO development make sure that your               decentralized tokens are able to increase the value ofyouroriginalproduct.Forthispurpose               ask a trusted tech team to walk you through the professional discovery phase hand-in-hand                   that will result in a whitepaper.                                                                                                                                 Stage 2. ICO Development Pro Tips for Successful White Paper  On the pre-ICO stage, the White Paper is a critical component of your business strategy. A                   bad document usually brings to nothing all your business efforts. So, pay attention to the               details and keep in mind that your White Paper should be crystal clear and plainly explain                 such things:     – What’s your main idea and why do you need a fundraising?  – How will you build your crypto tokens?  – How the token sales and redemption will be structured?  – Outlined concept of why your idea will change the world?   – The assessment of economic and data security risks    This information could be 10 or 100 pages long, it’s up to the team you hire for theresearch                 phase. We also recommend hiring professional to translate the White Paper into multiple                                                                                               https://icodevelopers.co  Blockchain development and consulting company, 2017-2018   

  4. languages. It’ll help you to outreachtheworldandattractmoreattentiontoyourproject.The                 cost of this ICO development stage would be around $15,000– $20,000.                     Typical structure of good White Paper document will look like this: Background  Describe your management team, key team members and their  level of experience. Tell how the project started.  General Information  Market description, how the Blockchain can be applied to it.  Market and Business  Analysis   Deep analysis that will outline market growth potential and  research of all existing competitors.  Product’s Description  What do you actually plan on selling to investors and what is the  duration of the offering.  Token/Coin Outline   Which form and pricing mechanisms will your product have and  the number of tokens or coins that will be issued.   Technical Details   What technology stack will be used for an ICO development,           along with more detailed product description, stated long-term         value of each coin, various graphics, charts and calculations.                    Terms of Use  How and where your product can be used.  Pre-ICO rules   Clear terms and conditions that would be applied to investors.  Development Roadmap  Show your buyers what’s donetothedateandwhatneedstobe             done after sale stage. Picture the milestones and timeline that           are planned for whole development process.                          Business Plan  Strategic budget – how much money will be spent and on what  purposes.  https://icodevelopers.co  Blockchain development and consulting company, 2017-2018   

  5. Profits  Show what benefits do you offer and which rights will be           provided to the token/coin holders.               Basic Conclusions      Here is an example – ​Telegram ICO white paper​. Look closely at the section that describes the actual value of their tokens.                                   Stage 3. Gather Up Reliable ICO Development Team  Launching success head-ondependsonateamyouhirenotonlyforconductingawhitepaper             and designing a website. First of all, you must have team members who know how to write                 you reliable Smart Contracts and developcryptocurrencywallets.So,youshouldavoidhiring             shady developers or companies and choose the quality over the price of software           development.    Taking into account the launching success of famous ICO campaigns, we can say that             communicating within a team, its goals and the level of investors’ safety are the top 3 issues               that tend hold the interest of target audience. Therefore, your team must have strong               connection withinvestors–seamlesscommunicationiscritical.Timezonesdifference,clearly           determinedgoalsandconstantclientsupportalsomatternotjustbefore,butduringandafter             ICO. Every investor chooses the best and open-up team behind the ICO project he or she               plan contributing to.     To sum it up, all your major team members must have openly available social media profiles                   with their face pictures (preferably Linkedin) so any potential investor couldcheckthemout.             And your team’s reputation must be crystal clear.                                                                                                                                                                                                         Stage 4. Outreach your investors. Start marketing your ICO development   https://icodevelopers.co  Blockchain development and consulting company, 2017-2018   

  6. Any cryptocurrency business is only successful as much as its marketing campaign. So, it’s           very important that you create not only a media hype but a ​FOMO (fear of missing out) as well. FOMO would allowtoattracthighernumberofinvestorsandconductaveryimpressive               funding. Investing in PR and marketing stage is always wise if you want to raise even more                 money.     Boost your ICO white paper on relevant web platforms and the crypto community. Like               Pareto ICO – real-time peer-to-peer content marketplace and actionable intelligence           platform for investors. Also, it’s always a plus for your marketing campaign if you involve               certain Blockchain partner that is known on the market topromoteyourproject.Inthiscase,               your investors will feel safer while contributing to your ICO development.    In addition, try to involve all possible marketing resources to let people know about your               brand new ICO project. Conduct strong advertising campaign on following social platforms:    - Reddit  – Top listing ICO portals  - Quora   - LinkedIn groups  - Twitter  - Facebook groups  - Hacker News, Indie Hackers and Medium journals (Hacker Noon, Startups & Venture Capital), etc.    Aside from this, you’ll need your ownbeautifullydesignedandfastwebsitewithallimportant               information about your ICO development and tokens sale. In addition to hosting server for           fundraising and tokens distribution, this optimized site must have following sections:      ● Contacts and social profiles with high-quality photos and short biographies, – yours and your  team members.  ● Technical Documentation: Privacy Terms, Terms of use, Whitepaper.  ● Partners or advisors, maybe reference from them or your existing clients.                                                                                                                                                                                                      https://icodevelopers.co  Blockchain development and consulting company, 2017-2018   

  7. ● Product and pre-ICO Description.  ● A subscription form  ● Project Roadmap  ● Press Kit and News from ICO industry   ● A video presentation of your pre-ICO (or photos, links to publications about your product,  maybe speeches).  ● Product’s beta preview if it’s ready     Also, don’t neglect the email marketing. It allows spending very little time and money but               outreach wider number of investors and media personas. You send emails to everyone who             can potentially be willing to invest in your ICO and then maintain the connection with those                 people who responded to you positively. After that, keep the schedule for your email             marketing:     – Send your clients weekly news  – Notify them about the investment date (a month, a week, a day and five minutes before the ICO  start).  – Provide security alerts and various links to helpful how-to guides.    But the most important thing – you must ensure your investors’ safety and let them know                 that they will be protected while participating in your funding round. For example, use the             multi-signature escrow wallet to gather up the names of all key holders toannouncethemto             the public. In your marketing campaign, define all the terms and conditions for investors and             propose some premium discounts for early investors.                                                                                                                                           Stage 5. Launching Success of ICO development  Here come the launch day and post-ICO support. After your tokens are sold and the               fundraising is finished, it’s time for your developers to prepare and launchyourproject.Your               investors are waiting for tangible results and that same actual value of your tokens/coinswe               talked about earlier. In case of an emergency, also make sure that there is an established                                                                                 https://icodevelopers.co  Blockchain development and consulting company, 2017-2018   

  8. procedure for the returning of the funds to your contributors – if you fail to reach the goals                 and the would be a need to close the campaign back.     Make sure that your ICO is getting positive attention on platforms (like ​Trusted Tech Team Reviews​). Your contributors must see that your companyisdoingwellandusersaresatisfied             with software provided by your development team. And whether everything is fine or not,           don’t forget to remain genuine and constantly stay in touch with your contributors. Alert             them about updates on the progress of project.                                                                                                         Top Listing ICO Portals and Sites Where You Should Promote Your Project  The final part of our ICO walkthrough If you’re looking for high-rated ICO listing sites to                 place your ICO right now, herearesomereliableICOlistingwebplatformsyoushouldcheck.                 They are being updated daily and provide all necessary information about current ICO,               upcoming ones and already launched. Here you can register your ICO startup and expect a             wide number of capitalists to get involved in investment round.     1. ​ICO Alert  ‘ICO Alert maintains the only complete calendar of all active and upcoming Initial Coin Offerings                 (ICOs), token sales, and crowdsales. OurICOAlertReportsgiveyouexclusiveinsightandanalysisof               new cryptocurrency ICOs, crowdsales, token sales, or token generation events’.     2. ​ListICO  ‘Best Upcoming ICOs in 2018 with Reddit shares. ICO list, ICO crypto, best ICO Coin – ListICO is               more than just an upcoming ICO listingwebsite.TheICOlistisuptodateandmaintainedregularly.                 You’ll find here the best initial coin offerings in 2018’.    3. ​TokenMarket  A great platform for token sales and decentralized funding. It’s an exchange and informational               source for functional tokens for finance or Blockchain based projects and organizations.                                                                                                                                                           https://icodevelopers.co  Blockchain development and consulting company, 2017-2018   

  9. 4. ​ICO Watchlist  Best ICO and token crowdsales constantlyupdatedlistforinvestorsthatallowsyoutofollowallthe             best ICOs (Initial Coin Offering) and upcoming token sales. The ultimate ICO list for crypto             investors.     5. ​Top ICO List  ‘Explore the best NEW cryptocurrencyinitialcoinofferings(ICOs)usingtheactiveICO,preICOand               upcoming ICO tabs. Hottest NEW ICOs added daily’.    6. ​ICO Rating  ‘ICORating is a rating agency that issues independent analytical research, evaluating ICO projects               and assigning them ratings. A rating conducted by ICORating provides investors with a foundation               for making a well-informed and reasoned decision. At the same time, it demonstrates the openness             and commitment of the project founders, thus making it more investor-attractive, and raising a               project's chances of conducting a successful ICO’.    7.​ ICO Hot List  One of the best initial coin offering list with ICO reviews and rating. It’s is acuratedandup-to-date                     list of active, upcoming, traded token sales and ICO's. Top choice for quality ICO's with real               potential across their whitepapers, roadmaps, teams, etc.     8. ​ICO Bench  ICObench is an ICO rating platform supported by investors and financial experts from the worldof               crypto and beyond. There is information about ICO rating, listing,funding,whitepapers,ICOdates,               teams, roadmaps and calendar with details on top ICOs from various industries.     9. ​ICOholder  Ultimate rated ICOs list with detailed information about every initial coin offering and tokens             crowdsale. Rating of all best ICOs and existing Blockchain platforms and events​.    10. ​ICO Market Data                                                                                                                                                                                                            https://icodevelopers.co  Blockchain development and consulting company, 2017-2018   

  10. Top initial coin offering list with comprehensive information on the most promising active and             upcoming ICOs and token sales around the world. Best choice for best rated ICOs and               cryptocurrency reviews. ICO Market Data helps filtering scam and get through the current ICO             landscape.    But it’s just a drop in theoceanthelistofotherprofileresourcesismuchlonger,youshootus                       a mail with your own ICO marketing list.                                                                     Conclusion  We hope that now you have some basicunderstandingoflaunchingsuccessandhowtobuild                 a pro ICO startup. One more important rule you must never forget – ​breaking the law or betraying the trust of your investors is the worst thing to do. If you don’t want to lose your                 business make sure you study the SEC Bulletin and otherlegalaspectsregardingICOlaunch               in the country where the is proposed to be developed.     If you’re looking for a technically expertized development team with skills to write you an e-wallet               and Smart Contract... Or want to gather more information about the timeline and price of ICO                 development contact us via email or our social media channels (​Twitter​, ​LN​).                                                                                                                            https://icodevelopers.co  Blockchain development and consulting company, 2017-2018   

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