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Designated Authority Training Parking & Access Control July 2009 Who is a “Designated Authority”? VPs, Associate VPs , Deans, Associate Deans, Department Chairs and Directors are the Designated Access Control Authorities for the facilities allocated to their unit.
Designated Authority Training Parking & Access Control July 2009
Who is a “Designated Authority”? • VPs,Associate VPs, Deans, Associate Deans, Department Chairs and Directors are the Designated Access Control Authorities for the facilities allocated to their unit. • The above individuals may delegate the authority to request and control keys/access cards and/or requisition changes to locks to a staff member (eg. Admin. Assistants, Dept. Secretaries) using the Access Control Designated Authority Form, which is to be submitted to the Parking & Access Control Supervisor (Janice Matthews). • All requests for master or sub-master keys must be approved by the appropriate Vice-President and the Director, Risk Management.
What Are My Responsibilities as a “Designated Authority”? • store keys/cards that have not yet been issued to others in a secure manner. (The Parking & Access Control Office can provide you with information on key boxes.) • keep a record of all keys issued to faculty, staff, students, contractors and visitors • ensure keys are returnedto YOU when the individual is no longer authorized to have access to the space.
Tools to Help you: • Key Holder Agreement • Key Control Record • Key Tracking Excel Spreadsheet • Key request form • Work order request • All forms can be found on our website at: http://www.trentu.ca/parking/locksmith.php
Non-Trent Individuals • Designated Authorities must ensure: • individuals who are not faculty, staff or students at Trent University read and sign the Key Holder Agreement when they are issued university keys/cards.
Individuals Affiliated With The University • Designated Authorities must ensure: • Students, staff and faculty are informed that they are required to read and comply with the Access Control Policy when their keys/cards are issued. • That individuals affiliated with the University read and sign the Key Control Record when they are issued university keys/cards.
Returned Keys • Designated Authorities will: • ensure that individuals return their keys/cards to them when they are no longer affiliated with the department, or when they are no longer authorized to access a particular room or building. • Returned keys may be retained by the Designated Authority for reissue to the replacement staff member, • unless they have an employee number stamped on them. In such cases, the key is to be returned to the Locksmiths attached with a document indicating who the keys belong to, for what doors and why they are being returned. These keys can be renumbered at no cost. • As well, Designated Authorities will promptly return all keys/cards to locksmiths that are no longer required by that department. Examples include reductions in staff or a reallocation of space. Again the keys need to be attached to a document indicating who the keys belong to, for what doors and why they are being returned
No Longer the Designated Authority • If you are no longer the Designated Authority for your particular department please return your spreadsheet/database and the keys in your possession to the VP,Assoc. VP, Dean, Associate Dean, Department Chair or Director responsible for your area. They in turn will need to fill out a Access Control Designated Authority Form and send it in before delegating the authority to your replacement.
How Do I Keep Track of All These Keys??? • Do a simple Excel spreadsheet noting the key number, door and building the key is for, name, date signed out and due date if it is a temporary key, date returned etc.
FAQ… • How do I get a key/card? • A Trent University Key Request Form must be completed and signed by the Designated Authority for all key/card requests. Key request forms can be faxed to 748-1158, or mailed to Parking & Access Control Office, Blackburn Hall Rm. 103. When you submit a key request, a financial account number is required.
FAQ (cont’d) • Who pays for keys/cards or locksmith changes? • When you submit a work request to locksmith@trentu.ca, or a key request, a financial account number is required. ADepartment requesting a change to the key system such as re-keying and replacing lock sets and cylinders or installation of a different security system such as electronic, biometric or card access, is responsible for the cost of the change. The department is also responsible for the cost of replacing lost, stolen, broken or worn keys and the cost of re-keying in the event of lost or stolen keys. The department may recover these costs at their discretion from the individual who has signed out the keys. • A financial account number is not required for repairs due to normal wear and tear or building deficiencies. It is also not required for upgrades to locks or access control devices (keypads, card readers) approved by the Director of Risk Management for security reasons.
FAQ’s (cont’d) • Who is authorized to repair locks or door hardware? • Only Risk Management locksmiths are authorized to re-key, repair and relocate university lock cylinders or arrange the installation of new locking systems. All repairs or additions to any locking device, key or door hardware will be controlled by the Risk Management Department and documented with an email work request to locksmith@trentu.ca.
FAQ’s (cont’d) • How long will it take to get my key/card? • The locksmith will make every attempt to complete routine key and work requests within five working days. Service level will be affected during peak times. Emergency requests will be handled as soon as possible. • What are the peak times for the Locksmith? • Peak times for the locksmith are from Mid August to End September and Mid April to Mid May each year. If you have planned locksmith projects that can be scheduled outside those times, such as upgrading locking hardware, installing access control or cutting a large number of keys for an anticipated group, we ask that you submit your key or work requests outside of those peak times. When the locksmith is on vacation or otherwise absent from work, a local contractor will provide emergency services only.
FAQ’s (cont’d) • What do I do if I lost my key/card? • All lost or stolen building keys/cards must be reported to Campus Security ext. 1328 and the appropriate Designated Authority. The Designated Authority will complete a Key Request Form if replacement keys are required and a will email locksmith@trentu.ca to initiate lock cylinder changes or other lock related work as required. • The Director of Risk Management or Security Manager will consult with the designated Authority to reach a mutual decision on lock changes based on the risk involved. Lost or stolen cards will be immediately deprogrammed. Costs associated with the missing key/card are born by the issuing department who may in turn assess these costs against the individual who lost the key/card. It is recommended that departments create internal policies to clearly outline who is responsible for the cost of replacing lost keys/cards, any contingent changes to locks and/or any damages or losses to Trent property resulting from the loss of the key/card.
FAQ’s (cont’d) • A key won’t work, what do I do? • Check to make sure you have the right key. Sometimes if you pull the key out slightly it will also work. If that fails e-mail locksmith@trentu.ca.
FAQ’s • A keycard won’t work, what do I do? • Check your records, some cards are issued with programmed expiry dates at your request. • If the card has been damaged, fill out a key/card form for a replacement card (re-work) and fax to x1158 or send it to Locksmith, BH and destroy the old card by cutting it in half. A replacement card will cost $7.00.
FAQ’s (cont’d) • What other services does the locksmith provide besides issuing keys and cards? • installing and repairing locks and access control hardware • providing advice regarding the selection of appropriate access control hardware • Please email locksmith@trentu.ca for any work orders.Please do NOT send lock repair or key requests to fixit.
FAQ’s (cont’d) • How do I get my key/card? • When the locksmith completes an order, the Designated Authority will be informed and asked to make pick up arrangements. The Designated Authority will sign out the keys to individual recipients, keeping a written record of each key issue and informing the recipient of their responsibilities under this policy.
FAQ’s (cont’d) • What constitutes an emergency request? • Emergency requests will be handled as soon as possible – Please contact the Parking & Access Control office at ext. 7324. Emergencies are defined as: • The inability to secure a room due to lock malfunction. • Loss or theft of a residence room key or the key to a high security space that, due to the circumstances, requires re-keying to maintain security. • After Hours emergency requirements may be phoned in to Campus Security at 748-1333.
Summary • To order a new key/card • Fill out a key request form and fax to 748-1158 or mail to Parking & Access Control Office, BH • Lock problems, new Lock request etc. • Fill out a work order request and fax to 748-1158 or mail to Parking & Access Control Office, BH • Remember to: • Get individuals to sign out keys • Make sure keys are returned to you • Secure keys in your possession in a lock box or locked cabinet • Keep track of all keys under your control • You can re-issue keys returned to you if they do not have an employee ID number on them (if they have an employee id number return them to Parking & Access Control Office)
Questions? • Refer to the Access Control Policy at • http://www.trentu.ca/parking/locksmith.php • Email: locksmith@trentu.ca or call the Parking & Access Control Office at ext. 7324