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PILLS 2 nd General Meeting Pharmacy Careers

PILLS 2 nd General Meeting Pharmacy Careers October 6, 2009 Membership Rita PILLS Membership TODAY is the last day when you can pay ONLY $10 for membership fee. After this general meeting, the membership fee will increase to $12!

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PILLS 2 nd General Meeting Pharmacy Careers

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  1. PILLS 2nd General MeetingPharmacy Careers October 6, 2009

  2. Membership Rita

  3. PILLS Membership • TODAY is the last day when you can pay ONLY $10 for membership fee. After this general meeting, the membership fee will increase to $12! • If you forgot to fill out a membership form, please come see Rita after the meeting. • Pharmacy schools may email us to confirm your membership when you put PILLS in your application, so be an ACTIVE member.

  4. PILLS Membership • How to be an ACTIVE PILLS member • Turn in PILLS membership form and fee • Attend at least 2 general meetings • Attend at least 1 social • Contribute at least 4 hours of community service

  5. Volunteer Update Marissa

  6. Volunteering Announcements • More Planned Large Group Events depend on interest • Send out smaller, individual volunteering opportunities in future - remember to complete volunteer app. (PILLS Website) • Look for E-mail Updates on these events • If you have any volunteer suggestions, questions, or comments send them to me at marissahom@gmail.com!

  7. Upcoming Volunteer Events • Oakland Children’s Fairyland: Jack O’ Lantern Jamboree • Saturday, October 24 • Man booths/ children’s games

  8. NCPPS Committee Interviews - Applications posted on the PILLS website by tonight http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~pills/ - Due date : October 11th at midnight (submit application to ncpps.ucberkeley@gmail.com) - Everyone will be involved in finding sponsorship for the event but will also be subdivided into the following sub-committees - food - gifts - registration - programs - technical - building/parking - publicity - Requirements: - We need members who are hard-working and dedicated to contributing to NCPPS - All members of the NCPPS committee MUST be an active PILLS member - Please note that committee members are REQUIRED to work during the event as well

  9. PILLS Social: Game Night! • When: Friday, October 9th 7: 00 – 8:30PM • Where: 130 Wheeler • Come play Taboo, Catch Phrase, Jenga, Twister, Clue, Scrabble, Apples to apples, Spoons, Cards and much more! • Drinks and Snacks will be provided!

  10. PhREND(pre-Pharmacy Readiness, Enrichment, Network, and Development) • Develop close relations, connections, and opportunities for networking. • Meet new friends, socialize, and have fun! • Each group consists of one officer and one PR member • Requirements •  must be a PILLS member

  11. First PhREND Social! • Friday, October 9, 2009 5:30-7pm 130Wheeler • Attend PILLS social after with your new PhRENDs! • One PILLS social required to be an active member. • Not too late to join! • 1) phrends.applications@gmail.com 2) PILLS table on Sproul [Wed & Thurs 10-2pm]

  12. Walgreens Pharmacy Shadowing Program (WPSP) Coordinator: Amy Hassenberg (amyhassenberg@berkeley.edu) Location: 41400 Blacow Dr., Fremont

  13. Procedure • 1) WPSP Schedule: Attend PILLS general meetings and check PILLS mailing list email to find out about upcoming shadowing sessions. • 2)Sign Up: In person at meeting or email me. • 3) Confirmation Email: you will receive a confirmation email of your shadowing session at least 3 days before your shadowing session.

  14. Shadowing • Please display common courtesy and use common sense. Try to make a good impression! • Remember you are representing UCB and PILLS. • Students must dress decently and bring their UC Berkeley student I.D. with them.

  15. Mental Health Clinic Shadowing Program Coordinator: Jennie Cheng (c_jennie@berkeley.edu)

  16. Procedure • 1) Attend PILLS general meetings to find out about upcoming shadowing sessions. • 2) Sign Up in person at meeting or email me. If through email must include [PILLS] in the subject. Only one person per shift.

  17. Hot Topic

  18. 1. Community/Retail Michelle

  19. Community/Retail Pharmacy • Job Description: The profession of a retail pharmacist includes dispensing prescription drugs and offering advice and consultation to patients concerning drug therapy and OTC products. They are responsible for maintaining patient drug history including knowing adverse drug-drug interactions and ensuring safe and effective distribution of medications. Retail pharmacists get the opportunity to work closely and get to know people within the community. • Job Examples: Longs/CVS, Walgreens, Costco, Safeway, etc. • Salary: Average annual income in 2006 was $94,520. Range is approximately $67,860 - $119,480

  20. Community/Retail Pharmacy Job Qualifications: -Must have good customer service skills and enjoy working with people -Can work fast and efficiently at high stress levels while paying attention to details -Be have good teamwork abilities to work alongside other pharmacists, technicians, and clerks.

  21. 2. Compounding Diane

  22. What is Compounding? Description • The art and science of preparing customized (dosage, flavor, form) medications for patients • Practice dates back to the origins of pharmacy Some Uses • Hormone replacement for menopausal women • Lollipops or syrups for children • Veterinary drugs • Solid pill into liquid for people w/ disabilities • Preparing drugs for clinical research trials

  23. Compounding (continued) Setting • mainly specialty compounding pharmacies but also community pharmacies Salary: $106,764 (median of US pharmacist) Qualifications • All licensed pharmacists in the U.S. • Good foundation in chemistry & lab techniques Benefits • Opportunity to work with a variety of practice specialties (hospice, pediatrics, OB/GYN, pain mgmt) • Ability to work in both lab and patient care

  24. 3. Managed Care Katya

  25. Managed Care • Managed care – an integration and delivery of health care to manage accessibility, cost, and quality; anything involving health insurance program • Skills of a managed care pharmacist are needed in the following areas: • Drug distribution and dispensing • Patient safety • Clinical program development • Communication with patients, prescribers, and pharmacists • Drug benefit design • Business management

  26. Managed Care • Areas of practice – HMO, PBM, health plans, physician group practice • Working hours are usually 9am-5pm • Average salary is $112,000 • Great career option for those that like the mix of clinical and business aspects of pharmacy

  27. 4. Pharmacy Policy Amy

  28. Legislation and Public Policy in Pharmacy Interested in the legal area of pharmacy? From consulting on health law issues, to regulating policy for government agencies… Legislation and public policy in pharmacy takes many different forms. Brief Description: Students usually complement their PharmD with a JD (Juris Doctor)--either obtaining them separately or going to a graduate school that offers dual degrees. Having a PharmD/JD will prepare and interest many students in various lines of work, such as; a. regulatory policy for government agencies b. trade associations and pharmaceutical companies c. Biotechnology and Patent Law d. Food and Drug Law f .Health Care for the Elderly and Poor g. And the list goes on…

  29. Dual degree students typically complete both programs in less time, and therefore with less cost, than if both degrees are pursued separately. • Liaison between pharmacy and public policy making. • Average salary is $109,000 per year • Working hours are usually 9-5 with periodic overtimes to complete project/job • Pay for performance • Variety of jobs in numerous working environments (even work at home) • Lack of direct patient contact/care •  Exceptional combination of business of and clinical opportunities Resources to look into for more information: http://www.kaiserhealthnews.org/ http://amcp.org/amcp.ark?p=F03D76AC

  30. 5. Pharmaceutical Industry Lisa

  31. The Pharmaceutical Industry • Job Description: Developing, producing and marketing medicinal drugs • Qualifications: Postgraduate degrees to meet technical demands and scientific duties • Salary: ~$100,000 • Job examples: Drug discovery & development, Clinical research, Marketing and Sales

  32. The Pharmaceutical Industry South San Francisco Berkeley Emeryville Fremont, Palo Alto, Alameda

  33. Academia Huy

  34. Academia • Job Description: Training/teaching pharmacy students for a career in pharmacy and conduct research to support and improve practice in the field of pharmacy. • Routine: Give lectures, hold officer hours, mentor students, conduct research, write proposals for research grants and inspire the next generation of pharmacists.

  35. Academia • Working environment: employed by pharmacy schools but also in medical schools and schools that train other healthcare professionals • Job Examples: Professors, Lecturers, Researchers, and Deans • Average Salary: $86,000 • Qualifications: PharmD and one year of general residency

  36. Nuclear Pharmacy Rita

  37. Nuclear Pharmacy • Compound radiopharmaceutical agents to dispense to local hospitals and medical centers • Responsible for quality control of chemicals • Help patients indirectly • Review patient charts prior to any testing (usually to check for chemical compatibility with other tests the patient is scheduled to take) • Medications are used for diagnostic nuclear imaging as a safe, reliable and cost-effective alternative to invasive diagnostic procedures and surgery

  38. NuclearPharmacy • Work in small teams • Usually work with a pharmacy student and quality control lab technician • Shifts may start at 12am, 6am, or 9am. • Median salary in the United States is $102,532 • Where you will practice • Specialized pharmacies • Imaging centers • Hospitals • Universities

  39. NuclearPharmacy • Additional knowledge necessary in: • Radiation physics and biology • Mathematics of radioactivity • Radiopharmaceutical chemistry • What do you need? • Doctor of Pharmacy degree • One-year residency in nuclear pharmacy is preferred

  40. 6. Clinical/Ambulatory Care Marissa & Calvin

  41. Clinical Pharmacy Doctor Clinical Pharmacist Nurses

  42. Clinical Pharmacy • Description • optimizes therapeutic care and medication management to improve patient health • Requires experience, good judgment, and strong knowledge of drug therapy/ treatment • consults with doctors, nurses, and other medical staff to treat patient --> work as a cohesive medical team • One-on-one patient interaction: medical reconciliation and medication education/ counseling • Must keep up with latest drugs, research, and technology • Routine • monitor patients’ medication and adjust accordingly • Go on rounds: discuss each patient with medical staff to determine best course of treatment • Patient counseling

  43. Clinical Pharmacy • Environment • primarily in hospital and clinical settings • Move throughout hospital: visit patients on the floors, meet with doctors and nurses in various departments, monitor medication therapies and verify orders in pharmacy • Salary • Avg. in San Francisco, Bay Area ~ $117, 134 • Qualifications • Doctor of Pharmacy Degree (PharmD) • Most have completed residencies/ 2 years of experience

  44. Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Description: • Specialized branch of clinical pharmacy. • Provide care through pharmacist-managed clinics. • Specialize in disease states. • Educate patients, caregivers and health care providers about disease states and drug therapy. • Perform point of care testing. Working Environment: • Hospital setting alongside other clinical pharmacists and hospital staff (doctors, nurses, etc) Annual Salary: • Roughly $115,000 Clinics: • Anti-coagulation. • Diabetes • Heart Failure • Hypertension • Qualifications: • Doctorate of Pharmacy • Residency in clinical pharmacy with emphasis in ambulatory care. • Certification in the management of disease state.

  45. Reminders • Next PILLS Meeting Class Planning Tuesday, Oct 20th 7-8:30pm Room TBA • MembershipRita & Calvin • PhRENDS Jay, Marc, Henry Feel free to ask us questions! Thank you!

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