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Want to get your hair colored but are scared of damaging your hair? Donu2019t worry. With proper care and a little effort, you can keep your color-treated hair looking healthy, shiny and vibrant. Read on to know about tips that are advised by hair styling experts at Toni&Guy North India after coloring your tresses.
EXPERT TIPS ON CARING FOR COLORED HAIR Want to get your hair colored but are scared of damaging your hair? Don’t worry. With proper care and a little effort, you can keep your color-treated hair looking healthy, shiny and vibrant. Read on to know about tips that are advised by hair styling experts at Toni&Guy North India after coloring your tresses. USE QUALITY, CONDITIONING HAIR COLORS 1 Thefirststeptogettingyourhaircolorrightisto choosetherightproducts. Askyourhaircoloristto useaprofessionalhaircolorwithconditioning propertiesthatwillcontinuetokeepyourhair nourishedformanyweeks. Youcanfindhaircolors withnaturaloilswhichwillhelpmaintainmoisture inyourcolor-treatedhairtokeepthemshinyand healthy. ThehairstylistsatToni&GuyNorthIndia willbemorethanhappytoansweryourquestions abouttheproductstheyuseattheirsalon. SHAMPOO LESS FREQUENTLY 2 Topreventwaterfromwashingawayyourhair color, trywashingyourhairlessoften. Youcan retainthosenaturaloilsthathelpconditionyour color-treatedhairbyshampooingtwiceorthricea week. Thiswillhelpyourcolorlastlongerandhelp maintainhealthinyourcoloredhair. AFTER COLORING, WAIT AT LEAST 2 DAYS BEFORE SHAMPOOING 3 Whenyoucoloryourhair, waitatleast48hoursto shampoo – andifyoucan, longer. Ifyoucango threeorfourdaysbeforeshampooing, evenbetter. Thisgivesthecolorplentyoftimetoset. Skip shampooeverydayandtrytodothiseverythree daysforbestresults. CREATEDBYTONI&GUYNORTHINDIA
EXPERT TIPS ON CARING FOR COLORED HAIR WHEN YOU DON’T SHAMPOO, KEEP YOUR HAIR DRY IN SHOWER 4 Ifyou’renotgoingtoshower, makesureyouweara showercaptokeepyourcolor-treatedhairfrom gettingwetwhileshoweringasthiscancause somecolortofade. Youcanalsopullyourhairup intoaloosebunoraponytailtoprotectitfrom gettingwet. USE LUKEWARM WATER FOR COLOR-TREATED HAIR 5 Whenyoushampooyourcoloredhair, useonly lukewarmorslightlycoolwatertemperatures. Super-hotwaterremovesthedyefromyourhair fasterandstripsthecolorbecauseitopensthe surfaceofthehairstrand, whichcausesthedye moleculetoescape. CONDITION EVERY TIME YOU SHAMPOO 6 Whenyoushampooyourcolortreatedhair, make suretoconditioniteverytimewithacolor- protectingconditioner. Conditionedhairwillhelp yourcolorlookshinierandmoreeven. Ifyouhave finehair, conditiononlythetipsasthesearethe oldesthairsandhavethemostdamage. The products that you use on your hair will ultimately make all the difference in the longevity of the color, and the long-term health of your hair. Colored hair requires special attention, so ask the experts at Toni&Guy North India about the right salon-grade products for colored hair. Using the best products will help maintain the health of your hair for much longer. CREATEDBYTONI&GUYNORTHINDIA