Listen to the song https://soundcloud.com/user-366171438/take-it-demo-unmastered
The Meaning • The meaning of the song is about drugs and addiction and coping with the mental health problems that this can bring. • The lyrics in the chorus are ‘take it lying down’ which relates to drug consumption whilst also being stuck in a place of depression and unable find the motivation to get out of this situation and find something more beneficial to do.
Music video inspiration • For this type of music video i’d like to make it seem very chaotic and almost violent, as I feel that this would fit the theme of the heavier type of rock music that we have chosen.
The genre • The genre of the song is alternative rock. • Typically, the conventions of alternative rock videos are normally dimmed lighting alongside lots of flashing colorful lights in the background. • Organized chaos, things like destruction, fire, mess being created over time • Usually quite abnormal • Smart – casual outfits • Editing usually keeps up with the pace of the song
Potential Ideas I had the idea of the cast slowly becoming less and less presentable in terms of costume, and overtime the video becoming more and more chaotic and messy, to portray the lead singers mind becoming more clustered with thoughts.
Possible Cast The reason for this cast choice is because we feel that each of these people fit the stereotypical look that we feel alternative rock band members have, and we feel that each of these people could bring a lot to this video
How we will develop our star persona Possibly slightly mentally ill or unstable