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The Great Controversy between Good and evil, GOD and satan is ongoing. However based on the Bible prophecies it well end soon when Jesus returns to earth once more - this time as King of kings and LORD of lords! BE READY!!!
Revelation Seminars:Two Worldwide Movements Unveiled Lesson # 12
Right now, during a time of apparent world peace, there are numerous internal conflicts in progress around the world. Since WW2 tens of millions of human lives have been snuffed out in these hostilities. Even the nations not at war are at each others’ throats.
War may emerge anywhere, it seems, and force innocent people to flee. Homes, families, jobs and security are suddenly disrupted and controlled by the enemy. People in such crises realize they may be dead by nightfall. Who can measure the trauma and anguish involved?
While the final countdown for this earth nears the zero hour, every person on earth is making decisions that will determine his/her eternal destiny. Millions are wondering which way to turn, what choices to make.
Satan is determined to draw the multitudes of earth into his camp. His philosophies and theories seem to have a bewitching effect upon people. His movement is unveiled in Revelation 11. It is engulfing millions.
On the other hand God has a grand message of hope and deliverance for people in these desperate hours. Further, He promises that His message will sweep across the entire world quickly in our day. His magnificent message is found in Revelation 14.
Christ’s and satan’s movements are diametrically opposed. The gospel of Christ is the basis for the first; atheism and secularism supported by the evolutionary theory, is the basis of the second.
The theory of evolution has swept into and captured the national school systems even in Christian countries, in spite of the fact that God condemns it as “science, falsely so called” and “philosophy and vain deceit.” • 1 Timothy 6:20, Col. 2:8, 2 Peter 3:3 - 6.
God’s message provides a joyous way out of today’s confusion, heartaches and crisis. Satan’s plan is to lead us to personal trauma, woe and destruction. • It is difficult to properly stress the importance of the subject of this seminar. We will look at Revelation 11 first.
God’s Two Witnesses • 1. What are God’s two witnesses who suffer shameful treatment? • Rev. 11:3,4 • Answer: • The two olive trees and the two candlesticks.
NOTE: • The two olive trees refer to the Holy Spirit(Zech. 4:3 - 6). The two candlesticks refer to the Bible, God’s Word(Psalm 119:105, 130).So the two witnesses, olive trees and candlesticks all refer to the same thing - the Bible, which was given by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21). These two witnesses refer to the Old and New Testaments of the Bible(John 5:39, Luke 24:27).
2. How long were God’s people and the two witnesses persecuted?Revelation 11:2,3 • Note: 42 prophetic months and 1260 prophetic days are the same. They equal 1260 literal years because in prophecy a prophetic day equals a literal year • (Eze. 4:6; Num. 14:34). Answer: 42 months or 1260 days.
3. When did the 1260 years of persecution occur? • Answer: • A.D. 538 - 1798 • (History affirms a 1260 year period from 538 A.D. to 1798 A.D., when the Christian Church persecuted Bible - believing Christians).
History affirms a 1260 year period from 538 A.D. to 1798 A.D. when the Christian church persecuted Bible-believing Christians.
4. What warnings are pronounced against those who attack God’s Word?Rev. 11:4-6 • Answer: • “fire devours them”. • Note: • People who hurt or do violence to the Holy Scriptures will in the end be destroyed by fire (2 Thess. 1:8, Rev. 22:18, 19)
5. Who finally killed the two witnesses?Revelation 11:7 • Answer: • “The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit.”
Note: • The beast from the pit is satan (Rev. 20:1 - 3). However, as in Rev.12:3,4 the beast also represents an earthly kingdom through which satan successfully worked (Rev. 12:3,4, 7 - 9).
6. How long would the two witnesses remain dead?Rev. 11:9 • Answer: • Three and a half days, which represent 3 1/2 years.
Note: • Satan despises the Bible because it exposes his evil plans and uplifts Jesus. He tries to keep us from studying the Bible at any cost, so let’s promise God to spend some time in Bible study each day.
7. What nation did Satan use to “kill” the Bible?Rev. 11:8 • Answer: • Spiritually… • called Sodom and Egypt.
Note: • Only one nation could possibly fit: the nation of France. It was grossly immoral (Sodom) and atheistic and God-hating (Egypt). During the French Revolution, before the 1260-year persecution ended, the French government burned and banned Bibles for three and a half years in an effort to abolish Christianity. Killing God’s witnesses is as serious as crucifying His Son.
8. What happened after the witnesses were raised?Rev. 11:11,12 • Answer: • They ascended up to Heaven.
Note: • This means that the Word of God would be highly exalted after it was resurrected - and it was! The British and Foreign Bible Society was organized in 1804 and the American Bible Society in 1816. The Bible became available to the man on the street, and has remained a best seller to this day.
9. When God’s power struck what happened?Rev. 11:13 • Answer: • “...the tenth part of the city fell and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand.”
Note: • The city mentioned here is the fallen Roman Church, supported by the ten nations of Europe (Rev. 17:12,13). This “earthquake” hit as Napoleon sent his military to Rome and captured the Papal leader in 1798, bringing to an end the 1260-year period. France represents 1/10 of the city . 7000 Nobles lost titles during the French Revolution.
Origin of Atheistic Communism • Answer: • “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” 10. Why did militant atheism spread to Russia?Gal. 5:9
Note: • A little evil can become big very quickly. The reign of atheism spread as the power of the church and the nobility was broken. Then atheism went north and east to the vast country of Russia. In the Russian Revolution of 1917 a vital part of the uprising was an attack upon religion. Today, Russia’s millions are still, overwhelmingly atheistic.
Note: • The virus of atheism has swept across the world, infiltrating everywhere and gaining adherents to an alarming degree. The school systems of the world dispenses atheism in their adherence to evolution. Satan’s movement to defy God has virtually captured the sciences. The devil is angry, militant, brilliant and determined. His religion of atheism engulfed a third of the world and is still growing even today.
11. How far will God’s great last day movement go?Rev. 14:6 • Answer: • “To every nation and kindred and tongue and people.”
Note: • God’s last day movement will go worldwide. No one will be left out. All will clearly understand God’s requirements and His love. God commands that the everlasting gospel of love for these last days must include His three-point message of Revelation 14:6-12.
12. The first part of God’s message for today is? Rev. 14:7 • Answer: • “Fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgement is come and worship Him that made heaven and earth.”
Note: • The message is opposed to evolution. It says “worship the Creator for the hour of his judgement is here.” (Did you know that the judgement has already begun?). Lesson 10 made it clear that God asks His people to keep His Sabbath as proof that they accept Him as Creator.
13. What is the second part of God’s great message for today?Rev. 14:8, 18:2-4 • “Babylon is fallen.” “Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
Note: • The second point of the message is, “Babylon has fallen. Get out quickly or you will be involved in her sins and will receive of her plagues.”
14. What warning does the third part of God’s message give?Rev.14:9,10 • “If any man worship the beast and receive his mark … the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God.”
Note: • God is saying that if a person receives the mark of the beast, he is lost and will receive of her plagues.
15. What happens when God’s great messages reach the world?Rev. 14:14 • “I looked and behold a white cloud and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man.”
16. How long will it take for God’s messages to reach everyone?Romans 9:28 • “He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness.”
Note: This is a promise! God Himself will cut short the time required for the three angels’ messages to go to the whole world with great power. We are the people who will live to see the King return! Are you ready?
17. Why will many be lost when Jesus returns?Hosea 4:6 • “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge I will also reject thee”
Note: • Many will be lost because God gave them information or knowledge and they refused to hear it. People who were lost in Noah’s day “knew not” for the same reason: they wouldn’t listen! • (Matt. 24:37-39)
18. As one of Jesus’ sheep, what will I want to do?John 10:27 • Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me.”
19. Why has Jesus given us His wonderful messages?John 15:11 • “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”
Note: Jesus wants us to be happy. Following where Jesus leads and heeding His loving counsel is the only way to joy and happiness.
20. What does Jesus promise us as a free gift?1 Cor. 15:57 • “But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”