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PCOD is a condition which can causes irregular period & ovulation problems despite having more than normal number of eggs in ovaries. It is a condition which affects women from all age groups from adolescent age till old age.<br><br>________________________________________<br><br>Additionally PCOD can cause:<br>u2022tHirsutism u2013 excessive facial & body hairs<br>u2022tAcne<br>u2022tMale pattern baldness<br><br>Women with PCOD are at increased the risk of following :<br>u2022tType 2 Diabetes<br>u2022tRisk of cardiovascular diseases<br>u2022tRisk of endometrial hyperplasia & endometrial cancer<br>u2022tRisk of anxiety & depression
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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/Disease PCOD is a condition which can causes irregular period & ovulation problems despite having more than normal number of eggs in ovaries. It is a condition which affects women from all age groups from adolescent age till old age. https://yaamifertility.com/
Routine tests & evaluation in PCOD includes: Pelvic ultrasound & assessment of ovaries Hormonal assessment : LH, testosterone, AMH, DHEAS BMI & waist circumference Glucose challenge test Blood pressure Assessment of depression or anxiety https://yaamifertility.com/
Treatment of PCOS is aimed at correcting the present concern of the patient: Ovulation problems Correction of period irregularity Weight reduction Individualised care during pregnancy Lifelong follow up to monitor the risk of diabetes & cardiovascular diseases. https://yaamifertility.com/
There are conditions other than PCOS which can cause similar issues: Thyroid Disorders ProlactinDisorders 01 02 Idiopathic Hirsutism Cushing Syndrome 03 04 https://yaamifertility.com/
Options for fertility treatment for PCOS women are: Ovulation induction Intrauterine insemination (IUI) if any male factor is present Laparoscopy IVF Prevention of miscarriage https://yaamifertility.com/
Some infertile women with PCOS may need laparoscopy for following indication: Women who fail to ovulate with oral tablets. High levels of LH & AMH. High risk for Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome with hormones injection. Women who need assessment of fallopian tubes. Cannot come for repeated follicular monitoring. Normal male factor with fair chance of natural pregnancy. https://yaamifertility.com/
Important things to consider during your PCOS treatment: PCOS is a very complex hormonal , metabolic , lifestyle & psychological issues. It is a lifelong condition. It is a lifelong condition. Before labelling a woman as having PCOS it is important to make sure that there are no other hormonal conditions which can cause similar issues. It requires individualised evaluation & treatment planning. https://yaamifertility.com/
Thanks! Do you have any questions? • https://yaamifertility.com/ • 078800 07281 • yaamifertility@gmail.com • Address: Third floor VidyarajAnnexe, BasantVihar Near SatyaSai Square, Vijay Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010 https://yaamifertility.com/