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Yoga therapy has become so popular in recent years that many medical professionals now support it. Studies on yoga's many benefits are published in several medical journals. Similarly to this, mental health professionals frequently recommend or incorporate yoga class into some of their work.
WhatWeCanLearnFromYogaClass AndHow YanaHelpYouByThe Same? Yoga techniques are applied to address both physical and mental health problems to promote self-care and overall well-being. Yoga therapy uses specific yoga practices and their well-known health benefits to treat or prevent mental and physical conditions, whereas yoga practice generally aims to cultivate the body and mind. Yoga therapy has become so popular in recent years that many medical professionals now support it. Studies on yoga's many benefits are published in several medical journals.Similarly to this, mental health professionals frequently recommend or incorporate yoga classinto some of their work. HowCanYogaBeUsedAsTherapy? Yogaposesthataretherapeuticinboththeyogatraditionandmedicalscienceareusedinyogatherapy tomeetthespecifichealthneedsoftheclient.Whenit comestoloweringbackpain,forexample,there arespecificyogapositionsandposturesforsupportingandstrengtheningthebackaswellasreducing
the symptoms of a herniated disc. Similar techniques for subtly controlling the nervous system and promoting the return of body awareness exist for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). With autistic clients, specific yoga poses can be practised to improve emotional control and reduce increased sensory arousal. Sessions like one-on-one yoga sessions may also promote behaviour modification through the use of postures, breathing exercises, stretching, and meditation. In addition, there are also online Yoga Classesavailableforthosewhoaretoobusytoattendtheofflineyoga sessions.
PerfectYoga'sEffects As a result of the overwhelming evidence and support for Therapy Yoga, American cardiologist Dr Dean Ornishdevelopedayogic-basedinterventionthatcanreverseheartdisease.Astheylearnmoreabout the potential benefits of yoga therapy for both staff and patients, they recommend the British Council of Yoga Therapists in their service's Complementary and Alternative Therapies section, similar to how the NHS in the United States does. Many mental health professionals have received training in how to use yogatherapyinclinical settings. WhatIsYana'sStory? Yana islicensedtopractice yogatherapy and toinstructHatha yoga.Body and mind arebrought together by the age-old practice of Hatha yoga. The focus of Hatha Yoga, a kind of leisurely physical activity, is breathing. She can heal people of all ages and educational backgrounds. For a variety of reasons, she has always placed a high value on practising Yoga. She has experienced back pain, an inherited disorder, and other musculoskeletal health issues since she was a teenager. It was difficult for hertoputupwithnumerousproceduresandtakestrongpainkillers.Shethoughtitwasdeteriorating her long-term health and making her more dependent on medical attention. Yana, who offers the Best YogaTherapyintheUK,is oneoftheTherapistYoga professionals. SourceBy:What WeCan LearnFromYoga ClassAndHowYana HelpYou ByTheSame?