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In continuation of our previous article on 10 ways to get IPO ready; in this concluding article, we will try to highlight a few more critical moves for companies towards IPO readiness.
10/5/2017 10 Ways to Get IPO Ready Part-II | YRC | Your Retail Coach 10 Ways to Get IPO Ready Part-II | YRC Aug 28, 2017 In continuation of our previous article on 10 ways to get IPO ready; in this concluding article, we will try to highlight a few more critical moves for companies towards IPO readiness. Move 7 – Road Show Planning Road shows in an IPO (initial public o?ering) process are a set of promotional activities planned and conducted by companies to grab the attention of potential investors and generate interest for the IPO in the market. Companies or their authorized representatives travel across to di?erent market hubs located in di?erent cities and give presentations to analysts, fund managers and potential retail and institutional investors. Road show events provide an excellent opportunity for the companies to present their story to the potential investors and other stakeholders, interact with them and build the foundation of strong investor relations. (3) Message us http://www.yourretailcoach.in/blog/10-ways-to-get-ipo-ready-part-ii-yrc/ 1/5
10/5/2017 10 Ways to Get IPO Ready Part-II | YRC | Your Retail Coach Road show events provide an excellent opportunity for the companies to present their story to the potential investors and other stakeholders Move 8 – Bring Your Best Leadership Forward While planning, preparing and executing the IPO process, companies need to deploy their best team at the helm of the a?airs. In the IPO journey, companies are going to need leaders who are not just technically sound in their professional ?elds but are also champion negotiators, story-tellers, and communicators. Along with increased paperwork and internal changes, communication with the media, analyst community and potential investors are also expected to intensify. companies are going to need leaders who are not just technically professional ?elds but are also champion negotiators, story-tellers, and communicators sound in their Move 9 – Improve Company’s Performance The performance of a company is a key consideration from the perspective of investors and other stakeholders. How a company is performing today is valued more than how it promises to perform in the future. A reliable business model, robust internal processes, a competent workforce, healthy ?nancial condition, competitiveness, compliance etc adds up to the performance of a company. Therefore, a company expecting to attract investors and investment need to work in these areas to improve its performance. The performance of a company is a key consideration from investors and other stakeholders. How a company is performing today is valued more than how it promises to perform in the future the perspective of Move 10 – Practice Run With a year or two in advance before going public, it is a good idea to manage and run a company as if it is already a public company. This will give ample time to the companies to prepare themselves internally in various ways which may include modi?cations in the business model, bringing necessary changes in the business processes, the building of a competent workforce, organizational restructuring, technological upgradations etc. This practice run will immensely help companies in bringing about the necessary changes in the organization. Message us http://www.yourretailcoach.in/blog/10-ways-to-get-ipo-ready-part-ii-yrc/ 2/5
10/5/2017 10 Ways to Get IPO Ready Part-II | YRC | Your Retail Coach This will give ample time to the companies to prepare themselves internally in various ways which may include modi?cations in the business model, bringing necessary changes in the business processes Going public has never been an easy-peasy ride for any company. From the understanding of the rules to tons of documentation; from coordination with external agencies to the handling of investor relations; from managing existing business operations to change management in the organization, the entire IPO process can be a grilling and hectic project for the management of a company. Advance planning for IPO-readiness can save the day and the last minute hustle for companies. (4) Author Bio Rupal Agarwal Chief Strategy O?cer Get Advice Related Blogs 10 Ways to Get IPO Ready Part-I | YRC 05 Reasons why Developing the Right Culture in the Organization is Inevitable for Growth | YRC IPO Basics : What is an IPO? | YRC How Can an SME Raise Funds from Public? | YRC Search Message us http://www.yourretailcoach.in/blog/10-ways-to-get-ipo-ready-part-ii-yrc/ 3/5
10/5/2017 10 Ways to Get IPO Ready Part-II | YRC | Your Retail Coach RSS Feed Subscribe to our Newsletter Email * Subscribe Recent Posts 5 Things to Check Before Investing in a Franchise Brand | YRC 6 Things you Must Keep a Check on Before Entering Into Retail | YRC How can an Indian SME Attract Investment? | YRC How SOPs will help in Franchise Business Expansion? | YRC Is Your Brand Ready For Expansion??? | YRC ADS Message us http://www.yourretailcoach.in/blog/10-ways-to-get-ipo-ready-part-ii-yrc/ 4/5