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What are the tests indicated before the IVF treatment?

What are the diagnostic measures test done before the IVF treatment process for men abd woman?

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What are the tests indicated before the IVF treatment?

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  1. Diagnostic measures test done before the IVF treatment Before the IVF process begins, both men and women have to undergo various tests and diagnosis. Tests done to diagnose infertility are generally known as Pre-Screening Tests. Which method of IVF is best suitable for you is determined by the results of Pre-screening Tests.

  2. Diagnostic measures and tests indicated before the IVF treatment? Results of the pre-screening test help doctors answer the following questions: Is There A Presence Of Any Infections, Genetic Issues Or Autoimmune Diseases? Are You Ovulating? Are Your Fallopian Tubes Normal? Is The Uterus Ready For Implantation? Are The Sperm Count And Functions Normal Or Not? ● ● ● ● ● Once problems are identified, treatment will be planned as per your current situation. The recommended approach will be based upon your age, diagnosis, the period of infertility, and previous treatments. While every patient does not require to go through all the diagnostic tests. However, a thorough diagnostic evaluation is an ideal treatment plan to achieve the ultimate goal of pregnancy.

  3. What are the tests and diagnosis for a woman before IVF Treatment? Usually, doctors recommend multiple tests before proceeding with the IVF process. These tests are recommended so that no complications may occur during the procedure and treatment can be done successfully. IVF tests are conducted after a thorough consultation with the doctor. During the consultation, IVF doctor will let you know your best options and tell you which method of IVF procedure is best suitable for you. General Screening Test – Infectious and Genetic ● Infectious Screening If a patient is affected by any infectious viruses or organisms such as Chlamydia Antibody, Gonorrhoea, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis Serology, HIV then they have to undergo an Infectious Screening test. This test is recommended for both the patient and her partner to avoid diseases from passing on to your baby. ● Pre-Pregnancy Screening Under Pre-Pregnancy Screening Test complete Blood Count, Blood Type & Rh (Rhesus) Factor, Rubella Titer tests are performed. These tests are performed to protect the fetus from serious complications such as anemia and other possible heritable disorders.

  4. Pituitary/Thyroid Screening Mostly women at the stage of childbearing age are commonly diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, which can contribute to infertility or can even cause miscarriage during pregnancy. Therefore, proper diagnosis is required to be done which includes tests like prolactin, TSH, free thyroxine hormone test. ● Genetic Screening This test is performed to diagnose some genetic diseases such as Tay Sachs, Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell, etc. According to your medical history if you are diagnosed with Genetic Autoimmune Diseases or Medical Disease, then before initiating the IVF cycle physicians may advise you to take some other tests in order to avoid the heritable disorders to pass on. ● Pap Smear To diagnose Cervical cancer, other cervix problems or Sexually Transmitted diseases, this test is recommended. If you are diagnosed with any of these diseases then it may cause obstruction or complication in your pregnancy. Ovarian Function and Ovarian Reserve Screening About 30- 35% of female-related infertility is due to Ovarian Disorder. So, the basic purpose of the test is to diagnose whether you are ovulating or not.

  5. Following tests are performed under Ovarian Reserve Screening: ● Baseline Ultrasound Baseline Ultrasound is performed on the second, third or fourth day of the menstrual cycle. With this, you can get information about the size of the ovary, volume and number of follicles. ● Day 3 Blood Work Under Day 3 Blood Work, FSH, LH, E2 tests are performed. From these tests, the hormone level is diagnosed, such as follicle Stimulating hormones, luteinizing hormones and Oestradiol, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. This helps the doctors to get to know about a woman’s “Ovarian Reserve”. Fallopian Tube Evaluation Usually, 30% of the female infertility cases are related to fallopian tube issues. Some of which are Tubal Blockage, scarring due to prior or undiagnosed Pelvic Infection, stomach infections such as Appendicitis, prior surgical history, previously occurred Ectopic Pregnancy or Endometriosis. ● Hysterosalpingography Hysterosalpingography is an X-ray examination in which an amount of dye is inserted through the uterus and fallopian tubes. It is done to find out whether the fallopian tubes are blocked or not.

  6. An evaluation may be performed according to your specific situation, which includes the following test: ● Baseline Pelvic/Vaginal Ultrasound Pelvic Ultrasound is done on the second, third or fourth day of the menstrual cycle. This procedure gives information about the uterine cavity, such as the length and direction of the cavity. ● HSG (Hysterosalpingogram) Hysterosalpingogram can provide information about the structural defects of the uterine cavity. ● Sonohysterography/Sonohysterogram (Saline Sonography) In this treatment, a small amount of sterile fluid is poured inside the uterus for evaluating the uterine wall and inner uterine cavity thoroughly. This procedure provides information about abnormalities of the uterine wall and endometrial cavity.

  7. Diagnostic Hysteroscopy A hysteroscopy test is recommended for those women who are undergoing IVF or who have doubts about Sonohysterography. ● Endometrial Biopsy Under certain circumstances, the test is performed to diagnose problems regarding undeveloped endometrium (known as luteal phase defect), or infection of the endometrial lining. IVF test rules out any problems with embryo such as abnormalities, infection, or disease, which could reduce the chances of a successful pregnancy and prevents miscarriage.

  8. Website : https://zealthy.in/ E-mail : care@zealthy.in Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/zealthyconnect/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/zealthyconnect/ See full details by clicking this link : https://zealthy.in/en/treatment/ivf-in-india Get free advice from our experts : https://zealthy.in/ask-an-expert

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