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Coherence 2006 Il ciclo e la chimica-fisica dell’acqua: Venerdì 21 aprile 2006 ore 14.00-19.30 Aula La Ginestra Dipartimento di Chimica Università di Roma “La Sapienza” Piazzale Aldo Moro 1 Roma.
Coherence 2006 Il ciclo e la chimica-fisica dell’acqua: Venerdì 21 aprile 2006 ore 14.00-19.30 Aula La Ginestra Dipartimento di Chimica Università di Roma “La Sapienza” Piazzale Aldo Moro 1 Roma Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Saluto con riconoscenza i presenti ed in modo particolare i Colleghi di Chimica dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza” che ospitano questo Convegno di Coherence2006 I primi anni della mia CARRIERA UNIVERSITARIA ho pubblicato con loro (….primo tra i Farmacologi italiani….) i primi lavori sui FREONS (HALOCARBONS)…quei gas che producono il buco d’Ozono e tanti problemi meteorologici attuali Ecco i lavori fatti insieme…! CARDIOTOSSICITA’ DEI FREONS (HALOCARBONS): 13) Cardiotossicità del diclorodifluoroetano. (G.L.Pantaleoni, L.Zoccolillo, A.P.Magrì) Rassegna Medicina Sperimentale, 22 (1975) 1-9. 17) La tossicità degli idrocarburi alifatici alogenati contenenti fluoro. (G.Pantaleoni,L.Zoccolillo) Ann.Ist.Super.Sanità, 13 (1977) 343-352. 39) Halocarbons in Antarctic Surface Water.(L. Zoccolillo, M. Rellori) International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 55 (1994) 27-32 40) Halocarbons in Antarctic surface waters and snow. (L. Zoccolillo, L. Amendola, G.A. Tarallo) International Journal of Enviromental Analytical Chemistry, 63 (1996) 91-98 Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
ECCO IL BUCO D’OZONO OGGI….SUL POLO SUD « Back to article Ozone hole over the South Pole during 25 September 2003 monitored by MIPAS. Ozone 'thickness' is measured in Dobson Units. Credits: BIRA-IASB Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Giancarlo Pantaleoni, Umberto Grieco, Bruno Brandimarte, Antonio Pacilè,: Moderneacquisizioni di biochimicofisica sulle funzioni dell’acqua nelle cellule e negli interstizi cellulari (in rapporto alle acque alimentari farmacologicamente testate e tutelate tossicologicamente) (esposizione del progetto presentato all’Unione Europea come Sistema Integrato per Il Controllo Strategico delle Acque (Sicsa) e del progetto di collaborazione Italo-Greca per il Termalismo. 1° FUNZIONE Sono passate le ere ma ancora oggi le piante utilizzano la Fotosintesinella sua incredibilmente semplice “miracolosa” equazione : …acqua + anidride carbonica > glucosio + ossigeno • - per produrre cibo per sé e per tutta la piramide alimentare che su di esse poggia, • - per approvvigionare d'ossigeno l'atmosfera. Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Tutti i Regni della Natura quindi tutte le Scienze sono interconnesse ! La Pianta Simbolica L’uomo Simbolico di Vitruvio These five letters are used to represent the different classes of a simple simbolic plant:B - fruits,F - flowers,I - internodes,L - leafs, andT - tubers Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Gli Atomi della Vita Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
La VITA UMANA è partita da: I MITOCONDRI = AMICIPROCARIOTICOLLABORANTI !!! Las células procariontes no poseen un núcleo celular delimitado por una membrana. Los organismos procariontes son las células más simples que se conocen. En este grupo se incluyen las algas azul-verdosas y las bacterias. Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Comportamenti Cellulari: di Procarioti ed Eucarioti • Taxis • Difesa Attiva • Difesa Passiva • Collaborazione La Collaborazioneha unito due Procarioti “tolleranti” ed ha creato un nuovo organismo Cellulare senza il quale le Piante e noi non esisteremmo !!!…. La Cellula EUCARIOTA Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
…altre Definizioni ESSERE UMANO VITA un Assemblaggio cellulare eucariotico Tutte le Cellule sono un IDROGEL 1 1° è ENERGIA che prende coscienza di se stessa (chimica, fisica) e del mondo che lo circonda ( biologia, astrofisica, etc..etc.. ) Tutte le Cellule sono una EVOLUZIONE ENERGETICA 2 2° L’essere umano è coordinato da TRE CERVELLI (Rettiliano-Ipotalamico-Neocorticale) 3° La Scienza dice : 1 La VITA proviene dal BIG BANG …da confermare.. 2 la Vita è COLLABORAZIONE confermato ! Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
LA COLLABORAZIONE È già presente nel PSEUDO-CAOS del BIG BANG e quindi Inserita a livello MOLECOLARE GENETICO L’ESSERE UMANO con difficoltà ne prende coscienza SCIENTIFICAMENTE con la NEOCORTEX (III° CERVELLO) LE CELLULE lo fanno automaticamente VITTORIO ERSPAMER lo ha scoperto nel suo TRIANGOLO PEPTIDICO Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
THE PEPTIDE TRIANGLE di Vittorio Erspamer Farmacologo a ROMA“La Sapienza” Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
VITTORIO ERSPAMER è lo scienziato che più di tutti ha scoperto con il suo TRIANGOLO PEPTIDICO LA COLLABORAZIONE TRA CELLULE EUCARIOTE Il PRODOTTO INTRACELLULARE della COLLABORAZIONE È riversato nei Liquidi Interstiziali di ogni apparato ed organo Lo studio dei LIQUIDI INTERSTIZIALI è stato affrontato da URBAN UNGHERSTEDT che ha messo a punto la MICRODIALISI I LAVORI IN QUESTO SETTORE PROCEDONO..purtroppo… CON MOLTA DIFFICOLTÀ PER MANCANZA DI Fondi…!!! Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
PER ORA SAPPIAMO CHE: • nell’ACQUA INTRACELLULARE • Sono riversati i prodotti cellulari di ogni apparato ed organo. • Dall’ acqua intracellulare passano poi nell’ acqua extracellulare (= spazi interstiziali) • Dagli spazi interstiziali si rovesciano nel torrente circolatorio e vengono diffusi alle cellule di ogni apparato ed organo che collaborano tutte tra loro per superare ogni emergenza. • Debbono essere studiate: • Le funzioni dell’Acqua intracellulare ed extracellulare. • Come, dove e perchè vengono trasportati i “Prodotti Cellulari “ scoperti da VITTORIO ERSPAMER, e da altri RICERCATORI… prima e dopo di lui. Oggi si conosce quanto segue: Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
A) Come l’acqua penetra nelle cellule Funzioni dell’Acqua intracellulare • Functions • Water serves as: • a solvent for nutrients and delivers nutrients to cells, while it also • helps the body eliminate waste products from the cells. • Both the spaces between cells (intercellular spaces) and the spaces inside cells (intracellular spaces) are filled with water. • Water lubricates joints and • acts as shock absorbers inside the eyes and spinal cord. • Amniotic fluid, which is largely water, protects the fetus from bumps and knocks. • Water also helps the body maintain a constanttemperature by acting as a thermostat. When a person is too hot, whether from being in a hot environment or from intense physical activity, the body sweats. When sweat evaporates, it lowers the body temperature and restores homeostasis. Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Water Balance Water balance refers to the balance between the amount of water consumed and the amount of water excreted. The body's water content needs to be constant for optimal functioning. Cells are bathed in interstitial fluids (fluids from between cells) that contain nutrients. These fluids also carry metabolic wastes away from the cells. Intracellular fluids facilitate chemical reactions inside the cells, and they help maintain cell structure by adhering to the cell's larger molecules, such as proteins and glycogen. Body fluids contain solutes (chemical compounds that are soluble in water), which separate into charged particles, or ions, when dissolved in water. Intracellular fluids are high in potassium and phosphate ions, while interstitial fluids are high in sodium and chloride ions. These ions help to maintain the amount of fluids both within and outside the cells. Water molecules follow the solutes moving across cell membranes from a lower to higher solute concentration to maintain homeostasis. Water facilitates a number of critical body functions, from lubricating joints to carrying away cellular waste. Physical activity speeds fluid loss via perspiration. Athletes who do not drink enough water can easily become dehydrated, which can impair physical and mental functioning. Here, soccer star David Beckham drinks from a water bottle during a practice session. Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Water Intake Regulation When the body has lost a lot of water, the concentration of solutes in the blood becomes too high. The solutes attract water from the salivary glands, making the mouth dry and causing a person to feel thirsty. The sense of thirst is a craving for water or other fluids. When water loss is slow, a person may have time to feel thirsty enough to replenish the water loss. In cases where the water loss is excessive and acute, however, and replenishment is not adequate, a state of dehydration can occur. Dehydration is a state in which the body has lost so much water that normal physiologic functions cannot take place, resulting in symptoms such as fainting(= svenimento) and nausea. Heat, intense physical activity (profuse sweating), diarrhea, vomiting, and excessive urination can all cause excessive fluid loss. A runner can sweat off six cups of fluid in an hour. Mild dehydration occurs with a loss of 5 percent or less of a person's bodily fluids, moderate dehydration is a loss of 5 to 10 percent of a person's bodily fluids, and severe dehydration is a loss of 10 to 15 percent of fluids. Severe dehydration can cause death. Some clinical signs of dehydration include dry skin, less frequent urination, fatigue, light-headedness, dark-colored urine, dry mouth, and lack of skin elasticity. Often, increased fluid intake and replacement of lost electrolytes are sufficient oral rehydration therapy for mild dehydration. However, the cause of dehydration has to be addressed for further improvement. In cases of severe dehydration, it may be necessary to hospitalize the person and restore fluid balance through intravenous fluid replacement. Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Water Excretion Regulation The brain and kidneys regulate the amount of water excreted by the body. When the blood volume is low, the concentration of solutes in the blood is high. The brain responds to this situation by stimulating the pituitary gland to release an antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which signals the kidneys to reabsorb and recirculate water. When the individual needs more water, the kidneys will excrete less and even reabsorb some. When excessive fluid loss occurs, the blood volume will fall, as will blood pressure. The kidneys respond by secreting an enzyme called rennin. Rennin activates the blood protein angiotensinogen to convert to angiotensin, which causes the blood vessels to constrict and blood pressure to rise. Angiotensin also activates the adrenal glands to release a hormone called aldosterone. Aldosterone causes the kidneys to retain sodium and water. When the body needs water, less is excreted and more is retained. Water Intoxication Water intoxication occurs when there is too much fluid in the body. Excess fluid may collect in bodily tissue, particularly in the feet and legs, a condition called edema. Excessconsumption of fluids, as well as kidney disorders that reduce urine output, may contribute to water intoxication. The symptoms of water intoxication are confusion, convulsions, and, in extreme cases, death. DEHYDRATION; DIARRHEA; NUTRIENTS; ORAL REHYDRATION THERAPY. from Kweethai C. Neill Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
B) Funzioni dell’acqua intracellulare ed extracellulare Recenti acquisizioni sulla regolazione dell’Acqua intracellulare • The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003 • The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2003 "for discoveries concerning channels in cell membranes", with one half of the prize to • Peter Agre "for the discovery of water channels" and • one half of the prize to Roderick MacKinnon "for structural and mechanistic studies of ion channels". Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Salt and water are important actors in the chemistry of life. Life on earth, and our own lives, originated in salt water – in the oceans and in the womb (= grembo materno). Yet only fairly recently have we understood howwater molecules and salt ions are transported in and out through the cell walls. Peter Agre Roderick MacKinnon Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
The Art of Water Transport in Aquaporins Aquaporins are membrane water channels that play critical roles in controlling the water contents of cells. These channels are widely distributed in all kingdoms of life, including bacteria, plants, and mammals. More than ten different aquaporins have been found in human body, and several diseases, such as congenital cataracts and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, are connected to the impaired function of these channels. They form tetramers in the cell membrane, and facilitate the transport of water and, in some cases, other small solutes across the membrane. However, the water pores are completely impermeable to charged species, such as protons, a remarkable property that is critical for the conservation of membrane's electrochemical potential, but paradoxical at the same time, since protons can usually be transfered readily through water molecules. Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Conclusioni Attendiamo fondi per: Studiare ed approfondire a livello Microdialitico: 1 La Collaborazione peptidica e neuroumorale tra cellule-apparati ed organi (ne sono già state scoperte alcune: fattore natriuretico, ormoni, neuromediatori, ecc.ecc.) Produrre tecnologie e Metodi per monitorare e Controllare l’inquinamento delle acque alimentari e d’irrigazione ( abbiamo presentato qui un Metodo illustrato dall’ ING. Antonio PACILÈ e presentato per i Fondi EUROPEI) 2 3 Scoprire e Classificare Farmacotossicologicamente ogni sostanza naturale Vegetale ed animale per una Banca dati internazionale. Noi abbiamo messo a punto un Metodo di base che produce il risparmio per la sperimentazione del 90% degli animali di Laboratorio e di sostanze da testare. Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Grazie per l’attenzione! Attendiamo Fondi = MONETE per la Ricerca Scientifica!..a proposito…una scoperta curiosa!!! Moneta Europea in Nickel-Rame Valore= 1936,27 Lire Italiane 180 avanti Cristo I°Monetaconosciuta in NICKEL-RAME di King Pantaleon ”the Savior”. Classe 1936 Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Questa conferenza è riportata nel mio sito: www.fasam.it Fasam = farmaci-salute-ambiente Eccoci qui… tutti insieme!!!... Quanta acqua…!!! Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Ulteriori approfondimenti in Internet per gli studenti: Water Structure and Behavior Martin Chaplin Liquid water (H2O) is often perceived to be pretty ordinary as it is transparent, odorless, tasteless and ubiquitous. It is the simplest compound of the two most common reactive elements in the Universe. However, it is the most remarkable substance. Although we drink it, wash, fish and swim in it, and cook with it (although probably not all at the same time), we nearly always overlook the special relationship it has with our lives. Droughts cause famines and floods cause death and disease. We are about two-thirds water and, without it, we die within a few days. It has importance as a structured and structuring solvent, a solute, a reactant and a biomolecule. Life cannot evolve or continue without liquid water, which is why there is so much fuss about water being found on Mars and other planets and moons. Water is the second most common molecule in the Universe (behind hydrogen, H2) and is fundamental to star formation. It is unsurprising that it plays a central role in many of the World's religions. Because of its clear importance, water is the most studied material on Earth but it comes as a surprise to find that its behavior and function are so poorly understood (or even ignored), not only by people in general, but also by scientists working with it everyday. Water seems, at first sight, to be a very simple molecule, consisting of just two hydrogen atoms attached to an oxygen atom. Indeed, there are very few molecules that are smaller or lighter. Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
The size of the water molecule, however, belies the complexity of its actions and its singular capabilities. Water's unique properties seem to fit ideally into the requirements for life as can no other molecule. A number of explanations of the complex behavior of liquid water have been published, many quite recently, with several stirring up great controversy. In this site, I have attempted to present these ideas in a self-consistent manner, which I hope will encourage both its understanding and further work. The water moleculeThe structure of the water molecule (easier introduction, water's molecular orbitals)Molecular vibration and absorption of waterHydrogen bonding in water (easier introduction, the molecular orbitals of a water dimer and cyclic pentamer)The Phase Diagram of waterHexagonal ice, Cubic ice, Ice-two, Ice-three, Ice-four, Ice-five, Ice-six, Ice-seven, Ice-eight, Ice-nine, Ice-ten, Ice-eleven, Ice-twelve, Ice-thirteen, Ice-fourteen, Clathrate ices I, II and H, Amorphous iceWater ionization (the molecular orbitals of the H3O+ and OH- ions, H3O2+ ion and H5O2+ ions)Forty-one anomalies of water and their explanations Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Weird properties of waterVapor pressure-Temperature behavior, Pressure-Temperature-Density behaviorVolume-Temperature behavior, Temperature-viscosity behaviorProperties of water and heavy water (changes with temperature)Molecular models of waterWater clustering in liquid waterOverview of the structuring in liquid water (outline of methods for investigating water structure)Introduction to water clustering (a brief history of water clusters)The icosahedral (H2O)280 water clustersThe tetrahedral (H2O)14 water clusterWater icosahedral cluster architecture (spherical coordinates, shell radii/occupancy, alternatives) Differences in icosahedral water structures on puckeringWater cluster equilibria, puckering and temperature effects (explanation using animated gifs)Connectivity map for the icosahedral water clusterSupercluster of 13 icosahedral water clusters (superstrand of water icosahedral clusters)Substructural forms of the icosahedral water clusterAlternative clusters and water cluster architecture, based on gas clathrates Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Paper model Evidence for icosahedral water clustersConclusionsHydrationHydrocolloidsAgar, Alginate, Arabinoxylan, Carrageenan, CMC, Cellulose, Curdlan, GelatinGellan, b-Glucan, Gum arabic, Guar gum, Locust bean gum, Pectin, Starch, Xanthan gumHydrocolloid rheologyHydrocolloids and healthIons and the Hofmeister seriesH3O+ magic number cluster ion, SO42- cluster, tetramethylammonium ion clustering, CO2 clusterHydrophobic hydration Kosmotropes and chaotropesSugar hydration (cyclodextrins)Polysaccharide hydration (introduction to polysaccharides, furan pseudorotational angles)Protein hydration and denaturationIntracellular water Nucleic acid hydrationAqueous biphasic systems Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Aqueous solutions of C60Magnetic and electric effects on waterWater and microwave radiation (background information, complex dielectric permittivity)Water activityWater and healthFrequently asked questions concerning liquid water How can hot water freeze quicker than cold water?Can water be prevented from freezing by increasing the pressure?Is water good for you?Is water blue?Does water have a memory?Does magnetic descaling of water work?How can a liquid have a structure?Does the radial distribution peak at about 3.7 Å exist?Is there fine structure in the radial distribution function?Do interstitial water molecules exist?How is icosahedral clustering related to the outer structure two-state mixture model? Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo
Water-related materialHomeopathy, including a working hypothesis of the dilution effect.Declustered water, anomalous water and polywaterNovel fulleranesPlatonic solids and waterExtras Contributed papersJ. G. Watterson, Enzyme function: random events or coherent action?Philippa Wiggins, Life depends upon two kinds of water Book reviewsAqueous systems at elevated temperatures and pressuresHandbook of refractive index and dispersion of water for scientists and engineersReferences1 - 100, 101 - 200, 201 - 300, 301 - 400, 401 - 500, 501 - 600, 601 - 700, 701 - 800, 801 - 900, 901 - 1000, 1001 ®Visitor's Book (post your news and views, Visitor's Book archive 2000-2003)Site newsWater related links Prof. Giancarlo Pantaleoni : Farmacologo- Idroclimatologo