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Mr. Anurag Aggarwal was ranked the best trainer and motivational speaker in New Delhi, India and Asia by Rotary Club in 2006. He has written a no. of articles related to public speaking in various leading newspapers like Times of India and Hindustan Times
WAYS OF DELIVERING YOURSPEECH Once you know the topic and sub topics of your speech, it is important that you consider what kind of style you would use to deliver your speech. It may be memorized, manuscript, extempore orimpromptu. Depending on the topic, situation and your comfortability, you may choose any of the style of speech delivery. But first and foremost, we must clearly know what does each stylemean. MemorizedStyle The memorized style of delivering your speech is when you have written your speech, memorized it by heart and you recite it to the audience word by word. This type of speech delivery style is generally common in acting when actors performing on the stage memorize the entire play given to them by the director in written form and they perform it as it is written. It is also common in high schools where students memorize their speech for various competitions. Wherever this style is used, it is generally pretended to be a spontaneous speech rather than a memorizedone. ManuscriptStyle In this style, the speaker reads it word to word from the written speech in front of the audience. This style is really important at places where time and accuracy of data, names etc. play an important role like in news reporting. If there would be errors in news reporting, there would be a question mark on the credibility of thechannel.
Manuscript was originally done a paper on which everything was handwritten but now hand written paper has been replaced by a teleprompter. Manuscript is most commonly used by newscasters and televisionpersonalities. ImpromptuStyle As per Cambridge Dictionary, impromptu literally means “done or said without earlier planning or preparation”. So an impromptu speech is an unrehearsed and unplanned speech. These speeches generally tend to beshort. Since there is hardly any chance of making the notes so the speaker is generally looking directly at the audience. There are no set rules for an impromptu speech.An introduction, acknowledgement, toast, thanks giving speech, award acceptance speech and so are form a part of this quiteoften. ExtemporaneousStyle This style is a mixture of the memorized style and the impromptu style of delivering the speech. The speaker makes keynotes for his speech rather than jotting down and memorizing the entire speech word by word. The keynotes help the speaker in keeping in mind the idea of how he would deliver the speech, what words and phrases he would be choosing while speaking. There should be no fumbling and time allotted should be taken care of. Practice using the keynotes and then devote not more than 5% of the time in looking at the notes whilespeaking. The speaker may write the entire speech, practice with it and make keynotes for final delivery of the speech. Do not take the entire written matter to the podium. This method is the most recommended one in the public speaking courses and is followed by most of thespeakers. As said earlier, depending on the speech, situation and your comfortability you may pick your style of delivering thespeech. To enhance your public speaking skills, you may enquire about the public speaking course offered by Mr Anurag Aggarwal at 10 centers in DelhiNCR. Visit www.anuragaggarwal.comor call us at7834-99-9292.
Published by Anurag Aggarwal Institute of Entrepreneurship & PublicSpeaking Anurag Aggarwal Institute of Public Speaking (M/s Navchetna) was set up by the renowned public speaking trainer, Mr. Anurag Aggarwal, on 21st May 2000. On this day, he took his first session (N1) at YMCA, Connaught Place, New Delhi. The public speaking and personality development institute was started keeping in mind the ever growing demand for communication skills, presentation skills, English communication, public speaking and personality development. The institute started with only one training center and now it has ten training centers covering all parts of Delhi and NCR. View all posts by Anurag Aggarwal Institute of Entrepreneurship & PublicSpeaking