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Power Amplifier Design

Power Amplifier Design. TriQuint MMIC Design Training. AWR Confidential. Summary. An Example of a 2.5 GHz Amplifier to Show: Setting hotkeys and customizing the AWRDE Creating and editing schematics and layouts Using TriQuint DRC and LVS Simulation and tuning

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Power Amplifier Design

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  1. Power Amplifier Design TriQuint MMIC Design Training AWR Confidential

  2. Summary • An Example of a 2.5 GHz Amplifier to Show: • Setting hotkeys and customizing the AWRDE • Creating and editing schematics and layouts • Using TriQuint DRC and LVS • Simulation and tuning • Optimization and using statistics • Nonlinear noise analysis and contributors • Routing iNets • Automated Circuit Extraction (ACE) • Axiem • System analysis TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  3. Slide Notation • This class is a step by step tutorial on the AWR Design Environment. • Complete instructions are provided in the text and in the screen shots / pictures on each slide • The graphic below is always shown on slides where there is interaction with the Project, Elements, or Layout tabs of the AWR project manager. The correct tab for the required action is always selected indicating to the user where the items they are looking for are located. TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  4. 2.5 GHz PA Amplifier Target Design

  5. Target Design • 3-D view of the target design TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  6. Loading Libraries (PDK’s)

  7. Libraries - Installing • Before using a PDK (Process Design Kit), it must be installed on your computer (this procedure is how all PDK’s in the AWRDE are installed) • Browse to the installer file (TQOR_TQPEDi_1_1_2x_xx.msi) in the folder that was provided to the class and run the installer • Accept all the default settings Note: Your PDK version number will be different. TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  8. Libraries • Start the AWRDE and read in a process definition by choosing File > New With Library > TQOR_TQPED • If you already had other versions installed, you can choose the specific version of the PDK you would like to use TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  9. Project Save • Save your project using File > Save Project As • Choose any project name… TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  10. Project Frequencies • Go to Options > Project Options • Click on the Frequencies tab • Enter “2.5” for the Start frequency and check the box next to Single Point • Click Apply before clicking OK TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  11. Setting Hotkeys

  12. Hotkeys • Add a couple of custom hot keys by choosing Tools > Hotkeys • Note: We can customize: • Hotkeys • Toolbars • Menubars TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  13. Hotkeys - 2 • For Categories, choose Window and then select WindowTileHorizontal • Click in the “Press the new hotkeys” field and then press the “H” key • Leave Standard as the editor • Press the Assign button • Also assign the “V” key to “WindowTileVertical” • Also assign the “R” key to “EditRotateRight” (under Edit category) Note: You can use the Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys in addition to letters to make a hotkey. TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  14. Creating And Editing Schematics (Unified Database / Editing Layouts)

  15. New Circuit Schematics • Go to the Project tab and make a new circuit schematic named “IV_Test” by right-clicking on Circuit Schematics and choosing New Schematic Note: It is generally a good idea not to use spaces, esp. with artwork cells. Use the underscore “_” instead. TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  16. Layout View of Schematic • Open the layout view of the schematic by clicking on the View Layout button Note: There are several toolbar menus - RC in a blank spot of the toolbar browser area to see the choices. Equations Toolbar Schematic Design Toolbar Standard Toolbar Tip: There is a Schematic and Layout view associated with every circuit schematic. TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  17. Clean Workspace • Tile the schematic and layout views by using the new “H” hotkey (or select Window > Tile Horizontal) Note: You can change the color of the layout background using a built-in script Scripts > Global Scripts > Examples > Toggle_Layout_Color TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  18. Element Placement • Elements are found on the Elements tab • Element categories appear in the top of the pane, elements appear in the bottom • Elements are placed by dragging from the bottom pane to the schematic and then letting go of the mouse – this pulls up a ghost image that can then be placed Elements tab TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  19. Element View • Like Windows Explorer, the element view can be changed by right-clicking in the lower pane of the “Elements” tab – Show Details is a common setting. Tip: You can get help on any element by RC > Element Help. Tip: The classification of the elements in the element browser is the same as in the Element catalog. TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  20. Element Placement • Elements can also be placed using the Element button • You can also use the built-in hotkey Ctrl + L • This will bring up the “Add Circuit Element” dialog • With this dialog, you can find an element by typing in its name or searching by keyword in the description Note: Use Ctrl + click on the column header to change the field on which you search TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  21. Element Rotation • Prior to placement, elements can be rotated with the right mouse button • Tip: You can also flip the elements about their horizontal axes using: • Horizontal axis - Shift + right mouse button. • Vertical axis - Ctrl + right mouse button. TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  22. Element Categories • Elements for this exercise can be found in the following categories:Libraries > *TQOR TQPED > PHEMT >TOM3 > PHEMT_Instances > TQPED_EHSS_T3_Inst MeasDevice > IV > IVCURVE • Ports, Grounds, and Subcircuitscan be found on the tool bar (Schematic Design Toolbar) • Tip: Hot Keys • Port – Ctrl+P • Ground – Ctrl+G • Subcircuit – Ctrl+K TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  23. Test Bench Assembly • Assemble the schematic shown below Note: The circled parameters are NOT using default values. Watch the schematic layout as you change the W and NG parameters. TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  24. Test Bench Assembly TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  25. Creating Graphs and Adding Measurements (Using Simulation)

  26. Adding Graphs • Add a new rectangular graph named “IV_Curves” by right-clicking on Graphs and choosing NewGraph TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  27. Adding Measurements • Add a new measurement to the graph by right-clicking on the graph and choosing Add Measurement • Choose “Measurement Type” Nonlinear > Current and “Measurement” IVCurve and note that it points to IV_Test TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  28. Duplicating Measurement - Aplac • Copying measurements is a quick way to add similar measurements to the same graph or other graphs • You can copy a measurement by dragging an existing measurement onto the top of the graph icon • This method of copying works with Schematics, Data Files, System Diagrams, Optimization Goals, Yield Goals, EM Structures, etc. TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  29. Once the Measurement copy is created, it can be edited by double-clicking on it Change one of the IVCurve measurements so that it uses the APLAC DC simulator and click OK Duplicating Measurement - Aplac TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  30. Simulation • Press the lightening bolt (Analyze) button to see the results. TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  31. Using Tuning

  32. Tune Setup • Tune on the circuit by going back to the IV_Test schematic window and using the Tune Tool to select the W and NG parameters on the eHEMT. • Once a parameter is selected for tuning it will turn blue Use tune tool to select parametersfor tuning. Equations Toolbar TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  33. Tuning • Press the Tune button and use the sliders to vary W and NG and see the effect on the simulation results on the graph. Note: The Aplac and standard HB results change simultaneously TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  34. Tuning • Open the layout view of the “IV_Test” schematic • Also open a 3D layout view by clicking on the View 3D Layout button • Use your Tile Horizontal or Tile Vertical hotkeys to tile all four windows • Now tune on W and NG to see all four windows update simultaneously • Hold down the Ctrl key to see the layout views update real time TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  35. Tuning TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  36. Markers and Traces • Makers can be added to graphs by right-clicking on the graph and choosing Add Marker • The built-in hotkey for this is Ctrl+M • Add a marker at 4V VDS and 240 mA IDS • You can search for a specific point on a graph by right-clicking on the marker text and choosing Marker Search TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  37. Markers and Traces • If we select the trace where 4V, 240mA lies and hold down the mouse button, we can see the gate voltage on the bottom left of the screen TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  38. Building the Amplifier

  39. Create a New Schematic • Create a new schematic and name it “1Stage_Amp” • This schematic will need the following elements that can all be found under Libraries > *TQOR TQPED • Capacitors > Lumped > TQPED_CAPA (x3) • PHEMT >TOM3> PHEMT_Instances > TQPED_EHSS_T3_Inst (x2) • Resistors > Lumped > TQPED_RESW (x6) • Spirals > TQPED_MRIND (x1) • Vias and Pads > TQPED_SVIA (x3) • Vias and Pads > TQPED_PAD (x3) • These are standard elements • Ports > Port (x2) (Can also use Ctrl+P) • Ports > PORT_NAME (x1) TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  40. 1Stage_Amp Schematic – Full View Note: The orientation of the capacitors is important. Look at the “\” on the symbol - that is pin 1. TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  41. 1Stage_Amp Schematic – Resistor Bank Hint: Use your new hotkey “R” torotate the elements after placing them. Also, use copy and paste for multiple elements that are the same. TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  42. 1Stage_Amp Schematic – Active Bias TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  43. 1Stage_Amp Schematic – Active Bias See next slides for details onsetting inductor parameters TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  44. Secondary Parameters • You will need to modify some of the secondary parameters of the inductor • Right-click on the inductor symbol and choose Properties • Click on the Show Secondary button to expose all the parameters • You will need to add a PIN_ID parameter to Port 2 called “RF_OUT” TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  45. Secondary Parameters • Make sure the parameters of your inductor match these: TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  46. Schematic Layout - Placement

  47. Amplifier Layout • We want to make the layout snap 0.1 um • Choose Options > Layout Options • Change the grid spacing to “0.1” um TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  48. Amplifier Layout • Open the layout view of the “1Stage_Amp” schematic. It might look something like this (a mess) TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  49. Importing GDSII Libraries • Import a GDSII library into AWRDE by switching to the Layout tab and right-clicking on Cell Libraries > Import GDSII Library • Import Class_Lib.gds from your Training folder TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

  50. Amplifier Layout • With your schematic layout view open, click on the Layout tab and click on the Cell Library called Class_Lib • Toward the lower left corner, you will see a Layout Cell called Class_Lib • Drag this cell into the layout window Click here Then drag from here TriQuint MMIC PA Design – AWR Confidential

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