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Scholarship hunt

Scholarship hunt. Aaysp. Make $$ in your last year of high school. Average: $500/hr. Scholarship hunting sites. $$$$$$$$. Good scholarship sites 2 sign up at. www.fafsa.gov www.fastweb.com www.collegescholarships.com www.scholarshipsaz.org www.scholarships.com.

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Scholarship hunt

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  1. Scholarship hunt Aaysp

  2. Make $$ in your last year of high school • Average: $500/hr.

  3. Scholarship hunting sites $$$$$$$$

  4. Good scholarship sites 2 sign up at • www.fafsa.gov • www.fastweb.com • www.collegescholarships.com • www.scholarshipsaz.org • www.scholarships.com

  5. Twitter accounts to follow for $$$ • 1. @FAFSA: This is the official account of Federal Student Aid, the U.S. government's financial-aid arm. Along with its new studentaid.gov website, this is an absolutely essential resource for college funding basics. • [Get more details about the FAFSA.] • 2. @PayingForSchool: Fastweb is one of the leading scholarship search sites in the country; this is its official Twitter presence, and it features plenty of scholarship info, along with entertaining discussions and expert help. • 3. @CollegeBoard: College Board is the publisher of the SAT standardized tests; on Twitter and at its new bigfuture.org website, it also offers college advice, answers to your questions, and stories from real students. • 4. @volunTEENnation: Volunteering can be crucial to your scholarship chances, and VolunTEEN Nation posts frequent volunteer opportunities and community service-oriented scholarships.

  6. Twitter accounts to follow for $$$ • 5. @CollegeNET: CollegeNET's unique scholarship program allows users of the site's discussion forum to vote for weekly winners, and its Twitter account will help you keep up on all the conversations. • 6. @DebtFreeScholar: Blogger Nate Desmond has been writing about scholarships, financial aid, and student loans since 2009, and offers a ton of practical, real-world advice for students and parents. • 7. @CollegeWeekLive: The "world's largest college fair," CollegeWeekLive brings together admissions, financial aid, and scholarship experts regularly; follow CollegeWeekLive on Twitter to ensure you don't miss an event. • And, finally, there are a few accounts we've mentioned here before that deserve a recap:

  7. Twitter accounts to follow for $$$ • 8. @Scholarshipscom: This one bears repeating, not only for their frequent and thorough scholarship listings, but because its "Short And Tweet" scholarship program actually awards $1,000 scholarships for your Twitter posts. • [Turn Web savvy into college scholarships.] • 9. @USNewsEducation: If you're a fan of The Scholarship Coach, you should keep an eye on our publishers at U.S. News for even more expert blogs, advice, college rankings, and news. • 10. @ScholAmerica: Last, but certainly not least, don't forget to follow Scholarship America on Twitter. Not only do we post regular scholarship news and opportunities, but we link to every new Scholarship Coach post so you don't miss a week.

  8. National scholarships $$$$$$$$

  9. The Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) Program selects 1,000 talented students each year to receive a good-through-graduation scholarship to use at any college or university of their choice. By the end of April, the Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) Program will be announcing the entire list of students selected for the GMS Class of 2014.  • The 2015 GMS Online Application will be available August 1, 2014. For the complete list of eligibility criteria, click here.

  10. GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program • To be eligible for this award, applicants must: • demonstrate at school, at the workplace, and within the community the attributes of leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship; • demonstrate strong academic performance (minimum 3.0 grade point average/4.0 scale or equivalent); • demonstrate financial need; • be citizens of the United States of America; • be current high school seniors attending high school in the United States • plan to enroll in a full-time undergraduate course of study toward a bachelor’s degree at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States for the entire upcoming academic year.

  11. http://www.collegescholarships.org/our-scholarships/140.htm • Since Twitter is still such a new medium, we hoped that by creating a scholarship around it we could help encourage further thinking about how to leverage it. That is why we're giving$1,680.00 to college students who uses Twitter. • $1,400.00 Winner • $140.00 First Runner Up • $140.00 Second Runner Up

  12. Signazon.com • The "Design-A-Sign" Scholarship Contest is open to high school and college students. To enter, you must submit a digital design of a graduation sign. The winner is decided by online public voting.

  13. Coca cola scholarship • http://www.coca-colascholarsfoundation.org/ • cokescholars • The Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship is an achievement-based scholarship awarded to graduating high school seniors each year. Students are recognized for their capacity to lead and serve, and their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities. • Applications are due October 31.

  14. UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS! Money given to you by the university

  15. U of m - aa • http://www.finaid.umich.edu/ • IMPORTANT NOTE: • Be sure to apply early for admission to U-M. And if you feel you may need financial assistance, apply for financial aid early too. In general, equal consideration for scholarships is given to eligible students who: • have been admitted to U-M by February 1 (note that a few scholarships have different deadlines), and • have applied for financial aid by April 30 (to be considered for need-based scholarships).

  16. U of m - aa • DISTINGUISHED SCHOLARSHIPS • http://www.provost.umich.edu/scholars/ • Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Fellowships • Churchill Scholarship • Fulbright Scholarship • Goldwater Scholarship • Luce Scholarship • Marshall Scholarship • Mitchell Scholarship • Rhodes Scholarship • Truman Scholarship • Udall Scholarship

  17. U of m - Dearborn Apply for Admission by December 15, 2013 for the 2014-2015 academic year, and be instantly eligible for scholarship consideration.

  18. Wayne state university scholarships.wayne.edu/

  19. Local scholarships! Aaysp

  20. From fordson • http://fhs.dearbornschools.org/counseling-department/

  21. From Edsel Ford HS

  22. Dearborn Superintendent Scholarship • Dearborn Superintendent Scholarship: • This inclusive scholarship program is only open to high school seniors from the Dearborn Public high schools. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater on a 4-point scale to be eligible. Also, the students must be of upstanding character and whose personal conduct is a positive influence on the student body. A 100 to 250 word essay is required as part of the applicant evaluation and award selection. Please submit your essay to Mr. Baydoun in the counseling office by Friday, May 16, 2014.

  23. Dearborn Amicus Scholarship: • A $750.00 scholarship will be awarded each year to high school seniors graduating from each of the three high schools in Dearborn. The students must have documented financial need. Also, the students must demonstrate through the application process that they are self-starters and proven leaders. Applicants must submit a 250-word essay explaining their post-secondary goals and how leadership in high school has contributed or prepared them for life after high school. Please stop by the counseling for an application. All applications are due to the attention of the high school principal’s office by May 2, 2014.

  24. The Garden Club of Dearborn Scholarship: • The Club is offering three scholarships in the amount of $250 each to three (3) high school seniors this spring, one from each of the three (3) Dearborn high schools. Applicants must have received an acceptance letter to attend a college or university next fall and be planning to study horticulture, landscape design, forestry, land management, biology, environmental science, or a similar field of study related to the natural sciences. All applications are due by May 9, 2014.

  25. Detroit Police Department “T-Berry Scholarship”: • All applicants must be a legal dependent of an active/retired Detroit Police Office of any rank. Also, the high school seniors must be in the graduating class of 2014 and have been accepted to an accredited university or community college for continuing education. The deadline to submit the essay is May 1, 2014. Please stop by the counseling office for an application.

  26. Metzler Scholarship: • The counseling department is looking for three seniors that have demonstrated exemplary community service. The candidates will have to write an essay, not to exceed 500 words, that describes their efforts and their reasons for giving their time in the way that they do. Scholastic achievement will also play an important role in determining the finalists. Please see Mr. Baydoun in the counseling office if you are interested. The deadline is April 28, 2014.

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