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Experience matters.<br>You can't beat experience. Over 16,000 pilgrims served. We have over 25 years. We are North America's 1st Completely No Aziziyah Non-Shifting Hajj Company.<br><br>At Sara International Travel we believe that a person has a right to choose a Hajj package with complete confidence in us. Thus, we make it our duty to answer any questions you may have along the way.<br><br>Sara International Travel Inc. (USA) was founded in 1994 with the blessings of Allah swt. Its staff have been serving the Hujjaj for the past 25 years and is currently preparing to enter its 26th year of service to Hujjaj
RAMADAN20231STASHRAH(SAVE £200) USA-CANADA-UK- TRINIDAD-CARIBBEAN E:info@sarainternationaltravel.co.uk UK:03330119786 USA:+17188481222
RAMADAN20231STASHRAH UmrahDuring1st10Daysof Ramadan £2,499*SAVE£200 *Quad Room Occupancy Triple Room Occupancy: £2,599 DoubleRoomOccupancy:£2,699
Tue21Mar(LHR/MAN) Sat01Apr(LHR/MAN) 5daysinMakkah 5daysinMadinah ConnectingFlightstoSaudiArabia 5*MovenpickMakkahClocktower 5*MovenpickAnwarMadinah HighSpeedTrainBetweentheHaramain SehriandIftarIncluded RAMADAN20231STASHRAH UmrahDuring1st10DaysofRamadan
Stay5daysinMakkah,5daysinMadinah. 5*MovenpickHajarMakkah,5*Movenpick AnwarMadinah.
E:info@sarainternationaltravel.co.uk UK:03330119786 USA:+17188481222 thankyou