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Federal Student Aid (FSA) US Department of Education. For more information about regulations regarding Federal Student Aid and the US Department of Education, go to http://federalstudentaid.ed.gov/about/index.html. Federal Student Aid 2009-10.
Federal Student Aid (FSA) US Department of Education
For more information about regulations regarding Federal Student Aid and the US Department of Education, go to http://federalstudentaid.ed.gov/about/index.html
Federal Student Aid 2009-10 Applicability ofFederal Student Aid program requirements “Two types of distance education are defined in the regulations: (1) correspondenceand (2) telecommunications programs. Telecommunications programs are treated in the same way as traditional residential programs. Correspondence programs are subject to certain restrictions: no more than 50% of a school’s programs may be offered through correspondence study, and no more than 50% of a school’s regular students may be enrolled in correspondence programs.” (Chapter 8, 2-99) http://www.ifap.ed.gov/fsahandbook/attachments/0910FSAHbkVol2Ch8DistanceEd.pdf
Federal Student Aid 2009-10 Applicability ofFederal Student Aid program requirements Telecommunications programs are able to participate in the FSA (eligbile for Title IV funding) Correspondence programs are subject to certain restrictions. “If a school offers more than 50% of its courses by correspondence, the school loses its eligibility to participate in the FSA. Similarly, if 50% or more of a school’s students are enrolled in its correspondence courses, the school loses its eligibility to participate in the FSA programs.” (Chapter 8, 2-99) http://www.ifap.ed.gov/fsahandbook/attachments/0910FSAHbkVol2Ch8DistanceEd.pdf
Federal Student Aid 2009-10 “A telecommunications course is one that is offered principally through the use of one or more technologies to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor and to support regular and substantive interaction between these students and the instructor, whether asynchronously or in “real-time.” (Chapter 8, 2-99)
Federal Student Aid 2009-10 Telecommunications courses include: • Television, audio, or computer transmission through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, or satellite • Audio and computer conferencing • Video cassettes or disc recordings if that course is delivered to students physically attending classes at the school providing the course during the same award year • Regular and substantive interaction between students and the instructor (Chapter 8, 2-99) Note: Drexel University uses “myriad of information technology” to cover all examples of technology
Eligibility for Funding 2009-2010 Federal Student Aid Handbook Chapter 8 – Distance Education http://www.ifap.ed.gov/fsahandbook/0910FSAHandbookIndex.html http://www.ifap.ed.gov/fsahandbook/0910FSAHbkVol2.html http://www.ifap.ed.gov/fsahandbook/attachments/0910FSAHbkVol2Ch8DistanceEd.pdf
Higher Learning Commission • “In previous years, Commission tracked and approved distance education only when it was 100 percent asynchronous online. Beginning in June 2010 the Commission will adopt a different approach to approval of distance education.” • “This document provides definitions of distance and correspondence educationas well as revised protocols for approval. While this policy will not take effect until June 2010, the Commission is beginning to collect this information through the Annual Institutional Data Update (AIDU) in preparation for implementation.” www.dmi.illinois.edu/nca/DistanceEdApproval2010.pdf
Middle States Commission on Higher Education
Middle States Commission on Higher Education http://www.msche.org/publications/distguide02050208135713.pdf http://www.msche.org/
Middle States Commission on Higher Education Middle States Commission on Higher Education – Distance Learning Program Interregional Guidelineshttp://www.msche.org/publications/distguide02050208135713.pdf Note: Students in electronically offered programs must have access to appropriate student services (see 4c, pp. 15-16) • 4c. The institution recognizes that appropriate services must be available for students of electronically offered programs, using the working assumption that these students will not be physically present on campus. With variations for specific situations and programs, these services, which are possibly coordinated, may include:
Middle States Commission on Higher Education • Accurate and timely information about the institution, its programs, courses, costs, and related policies and requirements. • Pre-registration advising. • Application for admission. • Placement testing. • Enrollment/registration in programs and courses. • Financial aid, including information about policies and limitations, • information about available scholarships, processing of applications, • and administration of financial aid and scholarship awards. • Secure payment arrangements. • Academic advising. • Timely intervention regarding student progress. • Tutoring. • Career counseling and placement. • Academic progress information, such as degree completion audits.
PDE Curricular Credit Policy Updated PDE Guidelines for Approval of Degree Programs June 2010 PA curricular credit policy links: • PA CODE http://www.pacode.com/secure/browse.aspNote: Select 22 Education then Chapter 31 (31.21-31.22) • PDE Guidelines for Approval of Degree Programshttp://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/gateway/PTARGS_0_123645_884004_0_0_18/Guidelines%20DPS.pdfImportant sections that address combination and distance education programs: C-15 (p. 8) and G-7 (p. 16)
PDE Curricular Credit Policy Resident-based Programs to Combination or Online Format(cont.) “4. Draft syllabi for at least two courses that indicate online assignments, grading rubrics, course schedule, and etc. 5. Scope and sequence of the program in the new modality along with faculty assignments. If new faculty is added to the program, include vita. 6. The activities and the hours equivalent to hours of classroom instruction in the online modality to comply with the PDE Curricular Credit Policy 7. A statement regarding faculty training in use of the technology 8. Draft publication(s) of information and requirements for students regarding the new modality 9. Student support services available in the online modality.”
PDE Curricular Credit Policy • PA CODE has a specific section focusing on student support services for distance education programs PA Code 31.21 Curricula (d) “(d) To assure academic integrity, an institution shall provide students in a distance education programaccess to academic and student services, including textbooks, study guides, library and other learning resources, personal interaction with faculty, tutors or other educational personnel by computer, telephone, mail or face-to-face meetings. The institution shall assure integrity of student work and provide opportunity for student assessment. These programs must comply with the regulations that apply to resident-based programs as prescribed in this chapter and Chapters 35, 36, 40 and 42 and conform to generally accepted academic practices for delivery of instruction through distance education.” ~ http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/022/chapter31/chap31toc.html
Legal Case Baker College