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Unit 12 How Progress Makes Us Sick

Unit 12 How Progress Makes Us Sick. Designer: Joy Liu. Activity One Retaliation from Nature. Activity Two Better Solutions to Nature and Human Progress. Activity One Retaliation from Nature. Cross-Species Maladies Cries from Nature. Cross-Species Maladies.

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Unit 12 How Progress Makes Us Sick

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  1. Unit 12How Progress Makes Us Sick Designer: Joy Liu

  2. Activity OneRetaliation from Nature Activity Two Better Solutions to Nature and Human Progress

  3. Activity One Retaliation from Nature • Cross-Species Maladies • Cries from Nature

  4. Cross-Species Maladies Name some cross-species maladies that threat human beings today.

  5. The maladies could be… SARS AIDS Ebola virus Bird Flu Nipah virus

  6. But… why is human process related with maladies?

  7. Let’s take Nipah virus outbreak in Malaysia for an easy example. * Nipah Virus (立百病毒) * Discovered in 1999. * Named after the location where it was first detected in Malaysia. * Caused disease in animals and humans. * 50 percent of infected cases died.

  8. Pigs got infected first. The Infection Chain Transmit the virus to mankind.

  9. How did this chain take place? Men cut over the forest where the fruit bats used to stay and live.

  10. Men took the land and built the barns for pigs.

  11. On the rafters of the barns then lived the fruit bats, whose forest had been destroyed. And the bats left their wastes in pigs’ drinking water and food.

  12. Pigs then got infected by the Nipah Virus and transmitted it to human.

  13. If… Men had not cut over the forest and taken away the fruit bats’ inhabitant land, or more sharply, men had not invaded nature, the Nipah virus would never have been emerged.

  14. Cries from Nature

  15. Rock Mudslides email.ncku.edu.tw/em50190/ncku/196/b/b1.htm http://www.tvbs.com.tw/news/news_photo.asp?news_code=darialin20040705121616&p=4

  16. Betel Nut Planting http://takaoclub.com/binlang/index.htm

  17. What Betel Nut Planting Has Brought to Us • Mudslides • Oral Mucosa (Oral Cancer)http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=oral+mucosa&hl=zh-TW&lr=&ie=UTF-8&start=0&sa=N

  18. What Betel Nut Planting Has Brought to Us • Betel Nut Beautieshttp://www.syybay.com/big5/syy0photo/p1.htm

  19. Global Warming www.noaanews.noaa.gov/ stories/s412.htm

  20. Activity Two Better Solutions to Nature and Human Progress A Letter from Chief Seattle

  21. After learning certain aspects about how human progress has done harm to the nature, what possible solutions can we have to this urgent problem?

  22. Think about this first… War between Nature and Human Progress?OrPeace and Respect?

  23. The Possible Solutions Might be… And… Be a Vegetarian What’s your opinions? Respect Nature Cherish What We Have in Nature Strengthen Our Environmental Protection Actions

  24. Before the end of this unit, read a letter from Chief Seattle, an American Indian chief who wrote the letter when his land was about to be taken by the white men who were blinded by greed in “developing” the nature.

  25. How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. … Every part of this earth is sacred to my people. ... A Letter from Chief Seattle www.suquamish.nsn.us/ seattle.html

  26. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and man all belong to the same family. A Letter from Chief Seattle

  27. If we sell you our land… You must teach your children that the ground beneath their feet is the ashes of our grandfathers. So that they will respect the land… A Letter from Chief Seattle

  28. …the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves. … A Letter from Chief Seattle

  29. This we know: the earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth. All things are connected. We may be brothers after all. We shall see. One thing we know which the white man may one day discover: our God is the same God. A Letter from Chief Seattle

  30. For More Details of Chief Seattle’s letter, please surf the following web page:http://wm2.url.com.tw/users/71/783509271/Chief_Seattle_Vision.htm

  31. The End

  32. Viruses of SARS & AIDS SARS 病毒電顯照片 http://ntuh.mc.ntu.edu.tw/med/sars/ www.cs.rpi.edu/~moorthy/ RVDS/AIDSvirus.jpg

  33. Ebola Fever www.aichi-gakuin.ac.jp/.../ dental/micro.html niah.naro.affrc.go.jp/ disease/ebola/ebola.html www.kcom.edu/.../ Website/Lects/VIRAL.HTM

  34. Viruses ofBird Flu & Nipah Avian Influenza www.abc.net.au/melbourne/ stories/s1039360.htm genetech.csiro.au/.../ gouldvirsum_doc_short.htm

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