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Abdallah Salloum - A Member Of The University Of Michigan

Abdallah Salloum is a master of strategic initiatives, driving individual divisions for large companies like GE to huge revenue increases and more efficient operations. He has a knack for transforming business processes in ways that impact results at all levels of an organization. Mr. Salloum joined GE Healthcare in 2017 and was integral to the companyu2019s flagship MRI supply division reaching $2.5B in revenue. He is multilingual, speaking English and Arabic fluently, as well as conversational French and basic knowledge of German. Visit at : https://www.behance.net/abdallahsalloum

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Abdallah Salloum - A Member Of The University Of Michigan

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  2. AbdallahSalloumhasthetalentandtrack record to transform business processes andimpactorganization-wideresults.He began his professional journey as a line worker for Mazda motor manufacturing while completing his undergraduate and graduatedegrees. ALineWorker

  3. AbdallahSalloumbeganhiscareerinthe automotive industry working for Mazda motor manufacturing, while undergoing his undergraduate and graduate programs. He was a member of the senior executive leadership team for HarmanInternationalIndustries, ALeaderInSystemization

  4. Abdallah Salloum is a master of strategic initiatives, driving individual divisions for large companies like GE to huge revenue increases and more efficient operations.Abdallah Salloum has mastered both English and Arabic, and he speaks conversational French,also acquiredbasicGerman whileinGermanyasanexpat.Mr. SalloumholdshisMBAinstrategic management AMasterOfStrategicInitiatives

  5. Abdallah Salloum is a leader in systemization and efficient processimplementation.Hehas drivenrevenuestolargegrowth for companies such as GE Healthcare, TRW Automotive Holdings Corp., Grimaldi Group, Key-Plastics,andGEOil&Gas. HegraduatedfromWilliam TyndaleCollege. GraduatedFromWilliamTyndaleCollege

  6. AbdallahSalloumhas masteredbothEnglishand Arabic,andhespeaks conversationalFrench,also acquiredbasicGermanwhile inGermanyasanexpat.Mr. SalloumholdshisMBAin strategicmanagement AnMBAInStrategicManagement

  7. https://www.behance.net/abdallahsalloum https://dribbble.com/abdallahsalloum https://www.pinterest.com/abdallahsalloum_/abdallah- salloum-_/ https://issuu.com/abdallahsalloum/docs/abdallah_sal loum_-_a_regional_general_manager VisitToKnowMore:

  8. Thannnkkk youuu!!! AbdallahSalloum

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