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P. Puthiya Vinayagam and P. Chellapandi Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Kalpakkam, India

Sustainable Energy Security from Fast Breeder Reactors. P. Puthiya Vinayagam and P. Chellapandi Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Kalpakkam, India. 6 th Nuclear Energy Conclave Organised by India Energy Forum at New Delhi on 14 th October 2014.

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P. Puthiya Vinayagam and P. Chellapandi Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Kalpakkam, India

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  1. Sustainable Energy Security from Fast Breeder Reactors P. Puthiya Vinayagam and P. Chellapandi Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Kalpakkam, India 6th Nuclear Energy Conclave Organised by India Energy Forum at New Delhi on 14th October 2014

  2. FBR : A Vital Stage in Indian Nuclear Power Program • Provides a perfect link covering the natural nuclear resources of India • Effective utilisation of uranium – better resource management • Long term energy supply • Higher growth rate with breeding • Waste management - Incineration of radioactive waste from spent fuel and reduction of long term storage requirements • Enhanced performance parameters – high temp of operation leading to higher thermodynamic efficiency • Closed fuel cycle program is essential in the 2nd and 3rd stage Nat U Stage I Pu & Depleted U Stage II Pu Th U233 Stage III U233 Th FBRs : Inevitable for long term security & sustainability of nuclear power

  3. Growth and Waste Minimization Strategy Growth Higher growth rate possible only if fuel generation is more; Hence, breeders are essential (with high breeding ratio) Recycling & Waste Minimization Effective incineration with higher energy spectrum; FBRs are high energy systems Key Parameters: Burnup, Breeding Ratio & Doubling Time (Growth)

  4. FBR Program in India • FBR program started with construction of test reactor – Fast Breeder Test Reactor with French know-how • Prototype scale reactor : PFBR 500 MWe - Indigenous Design & Construction – Under commissioning • Comprehensiveness in development of Design based on systematic R&D • Synthesis of Operating Experiences • National & International Collaborations • Emphasis on sustaining quality human resources • Future FBR Design : Improved economy & enhanced safety

  5. Fast Breeder Test Reactor FBTR, in operation since 1985, is the flag-ship of IGCAR and is the test bed for fast reactor fuels and materials. 22 campaigns were completed so far for various irradiation programs. Training of PFBR operators in progress 40 MWt 13.5 MWe Loop type (Pu-U)C fuel Major Achievements • High burnup experience from mixed carbide fuel (165 GWd/t) • PFBR MOX fuel tested and design demonstrated (112 GWd/t) • Structural materials irradiation program • Irradiation testing of advanced fuel types (vibrocompacted MOX fuel) • Sodium systems performance is excellent and confidence in operation • Material and fuel irradiation for other Indian reactors which are under development

  6. Evolution of SFR Power Reactor Concepts Adopting Innovative Features Improved Economics and Enhanced Safety MFBR 1000 MWe FBR 1 & 2 - 500 MWe MOX, Pool, Twin units, Indigeneous Metal fuel Demonstration Fast Reactor – 500 MWe Same reactor concepts, Indigeneous • Proven Prototype Concepts • Design, Mfg. and Safety review Experience FBR-600 MWe Preliminary Conceptual Design options worked out Power : 600 MWe with expanded core Targets : Higher breeding ratio compared to PFBR Vessel size : same as PFBR Reactor Assembly design concepts : same as FBR1&2 Core type: Heterogeneous as an option Advantage : Existing MOX technology & economy PFBR - 500 MWe MOX , Pool type, Indigeneous

  7. Design Approach for Future FBRs • Improved economy - Higher reactor power (600 MWe – Specific capital cost reduction) - Core optimisation for higher breeding ratio (not fuel inventory alone) - Specific material inventory reduction (t/MWe) (~ 20% in 316LN & carbon steel, ~ 15% in Ferritic steel, ~ 6% in sodium) - Simplified systems and components (e.g fuel handling) - Integrated manufacture & erection - reduction of gestation period -Twin units sharing non-safety systems(cost reduction) • -Steam generator (longer length ) & Standardized turbine • Enhanced safety - Addition of passive features in shutdown systems & addition of 3rd system based on liquid absorbers / B4C granules - Enhanced reliability of decay heat removal systems with addition of passive features - Enhanced in-service inspection and repair features No major R&D requirement for Design as well as Technology development beyond those planned for 500 MWe reactors

  8. FBR-600 MWe : Plant Parameters

  9. Strategy for the Development of Metal Fuel Reactors • Pin and subassembly level irradiation in FBTR mainly to demonstrate pin production, reprocessing and re-fabrication technologies • Irradiation of a few subassemblies in PFBR after demonstrating the stable operation at rated power levels • Re-fabrication of pins for both FBTR & PFBR irradiation pins in an integrated facility • Accumulating operating experiences through demonstration plant Metal Demonstration Fast Reactor (MDFR), preferably of medium size plant with reasonable breeding • Deriving technological maturity on pyro metallurgical recycle technology in industrial scale • Demonstration of closed fuel cycle mode through MDFR Series construction of 500-1000 MWe plants

  10. Metallic Fuel Development Pin Irradiation in FBTR Subassembly Irradiation in FBTR Substantial Core Metallic Fuel in FBTR ExperimentalFast Reactor Metallic Fuel Design 1000 MWe Units Doubling time:30years for oxide, 12 years for metal (ternary fuel) and 8 years for improved metallic fuel (binary fuel without Zr) Reference compositions: U-19%Pu-6%Zr (sodium bonded) U-15% Pu (mechanically bonded) Sodium bonded EU-6%Zr and U-Pu-Zr pins fabricated and are under irradiation in FBTR Physicochemical property measurements and clad compatibility studies under way

  11. Scenario for Metal Fuel Power Reactor • Assessment with optimum pin diameter 8 – 8.5 mm for growth • Based on preliminary assessments with a matrix of case studies

  12. Plant Parameters : A Comparison (MOX & Metal)

  13. Closed Fuel Cycle for PFBR • Closure of fuel cycle of PFBR is essential to make it self-sustaining • Thermal reactor Plutonium will be used for building of more FBRs. • Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Facility (FRFCF) being located at Kalpakkam. • FRFCF would be a ‘first of its kind’ facility in the country • Co-location of the facility with reactor would reduce cost due to transport and also avoid security issues • Basic technologies required for the facility is available • Designed to augment additional capacity to meet the requirements of two more 500 MWe FBRs to be built at Kalpakkam site. FRFCF – Bird’s Eye View

  14. Sustainability Consideration Minor Actinide Management – A scenario • MA Burner – design to burn self-production and external MA feed; • MA Burnt ~ 100 kg/GWey • MA produced ~ 20 kg/GWey • Net Transmutation ~80kg/GWey • Study based on Indian power reactor program • Metal fast reactors are ideal for MA burning • Introduction of MA Burner together with power production at an appropriate time

  15. Summary • Fast Breeder Reactors – Essential for Energy Security and Sustainability • Experience from FBTR operation and PFBR design, manufacture, construction & safety review have given confidence for FBR deployment in series in closed fuel cycle mode. No technological constraints are foreseen. • Towards higher growth rate, R&D on metal fuel with high breeding potential along with associated fuel cycle technologies is in progress.

  16. Thank You for your attention

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