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COGNADOS. SPANISH 1 AND SPANISH 2 25 de agosto del 2011. RECOGNIZING COGNADOS. A cognate is a word that is spelled the same-or almost the same-and has the same meaning in two different languages. In this case, between English and Spanish Consider cognates as twins of similar origin.

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  1. COGNADOS SPANISH 1 AND SPANISH 2 25 de agosto del 2011

  2. RECOGNIZING COGNADOS • A cognate is a word that is spelled the same-or almost the same-and has the same meaning in two different languages. • In this case, between English and Spanish • Consider cognates as twins of similar origin. • Some are identical and some fraternal

  3. See for yourself. Read the following paragraph and find the cognates you recognize, then translate to English. Un accidente horrible Ayer ocurrio un accidente horrible. Mihermanaestabaconduciendosu auto en la ciudad. Ella esunachoferamuycompetente y muycuidadosa. De repente (suddenly) otroautomovilpaso la luzroja y choco (collided) con el vehiculo de mi hermana. Vino el policia, pidio (asked for) la documentacion de los dos conductores. El imprudente no tenianipoliza de segurosniotrosdocumentosnecesarios. Resultoque el auto era robado(stolen). Asi, el perpetradorfuellevado a la prision y mi hermanafuellevada al hospital porquesufriounapostracionnerviosa.

  4. Cognates Ending in “-cto”

  5. Words that end in “-ct” in English are change to Spanish by adding “o”=“-cto” Ejemplo: act – acto effect-efecto contact-contacto

  6. “-cto” Endings • Intellect-intelecto • Product-producto • Conflict-conflicto • Architect-arquitecto • Direct-directo • Artifact-artefacto

  7. “ist” Endings

  8. For English nouns ending in “ist” add an “a” to form the Spanish cognate

  9. Give the Spanish cognates to these definitions • One who takes care of your teeth _________ • One who advocates socialism ___________ • One who plays the violin ____________ • One who reforms ______ • One who performs a musical solo __________ • One who devotes his/her life to art ________ • One who advocates for communism _________ • One who plays the organ _________ • One who is a member of Congress ___________

  10. -dad endings • Now your turn. Change the following words • Eternity • Dignity • Individuality • Electricity • Identity • activity English words ending in”-ty” can be changed to a Spanish by substituting “-ty” to “dad” • Community-comunidad • Liberty-libertad • Morality-moralidad • Variety-variedad

  11. ”-tion” to “ción” • Words ending on “-tion” in English change to “-ción” in Spanish • Action – acción • Revolution-revolución • Emotion-emoción • Attention-atención • Election-elección Now your turn: -celebration -description -ambition -intention -condition -position

  12. “-ce” endings to “-cia” English cognates ending on “-ce” can be change to Spanish congnates by dropping “ce” and adding “-cía”. • -insignificance insignificancia • independence independencia • presence presencia Now your turn to translate cognates Innocence audience ambulance Elegance eminence intelligence

  13. Adjectives Change adjectives ending in “-ive” to either “-ivo” or “-iva” on Spanish -progressive progresivo/progresiva -productive productivo/productiva -efectiveefectivo/efectiva -exclusive exclusivo/exclusiva Once again, your turn to translate Atractive descriptive diminutive

  14. “-in” to “ina” or “ino Change “in” ending to “ina” or “ino” endings in Spanish Feminine femenino/femeninavitaminevitamina Medicine medicina discipline disciplina Marine marina/marinogelatinegelatina

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