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Meeting on the development of a prototype electronic form Geneva, 20 March 2013 Jean Maison

Developments concerning the Community Plant Variety Office of the European Union (CPVO) online application system. Meeting on the development of a prototype electronic form Geneva, 20 March 2013 Jean Maison. CPVO online application system. Introduction

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Meeting on the development of a prototype electronic form Geneva, 20 March 2013 Jean Maison

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  1. Developments concerning the Community Plant Variety Office of the European Union (CPVO) online application system Meeting on the development of a prototype electronic form Geneva, 20 March 2013 Jean Maison

  2. CPVO online application system • Introduction • The Office released its on-line application system in March 2010 • For a limited number of species, which gradually increased • System first available in English; French, Dutch and German added in 2012

  3. Introduction • System developed internally with the help of an external company • Technical basis: Open Source software and Oracle Database. • Feedback from applicants are regularly taken into account and implemented. • Tests phases • Meetings with breeders’ associations • CPVO online application system

  4. Introduction • Promotion of the system is a key issue: • Mailing to all CPVO applicants, system mentioned in communications to applicants • Announcement on the web site of the Office • Presentation of the system to CPVO applicants at the occasion of visits or meetings • Workshops in NL, FR, DE • Reports in newsletters, annual reports, breeders association meetings • CPVO online application system

  5. CPVO online application system • General characteristics of the forms: • Linear forms • Generated each time they are called on the screen, from a database of questions • Easy and centralized update for questions in common to all forms • Each question can be translated in various languages

  6. CPVO online application system • General characteristics of the forms: • A few features illustrating the user friendliness • Possibility to fold – unfold questions • Possibility to save data, validate them • Controls on replies to questions

  7. CPVO online application system • General characteristics of the forms: • A few features illustrating the user friendliness • Auto completion • Search in the internal client database • Possibility to append documents

  8. CPVO online application system • General characteristics of the forms: • A few features illustrating the user friendliness • Less forms: proposal for a denomination included in the main application form

  9. CPVO online application system • General characteristics of the forms: • A few features illustrating the user friendliness • Shorter form, hidden questions if not necessary • Confidential option at various places • Combo boxes

  10. CPVO online application system • General characteristics of the forms: • A few features illustrating the user friendliness • Online help, coming from the protocol

  11. CPVO online application system • General characteristics of the forms: • A few features illustrating the user friendliness • Automatic checks, preventing from sending the form

  12. CPVO online application system • General characteristics of the forms: • A few features illustrating the user friendliness • Simple signature system • Login & password • Names dradted

  13. Some statistics

  14. Evolution of the number of on-line applications

  15. Proportion of on line applications per cropsector • in 2012

  16. Proportion of on line applications per country

  17. The application form and the technical questionnaire • Future developments: • More e-technical questionnaires available (currently about 100) • Promotion of the system: • Targeted to clients not using the system • Investigations on possibilities to share the system

  18. Sharing the system with National authorities

  19. Sharing the system with National authorities • Making the system available has always been the intention of the Office • Pilot project defining the various issues to be considered

  20. In particular • Applications for PVR or NLI would be made via the National web site or via a centralised web site • www.plantvarieties.eu • The main elements of the corporate identity of participating National Authorities could be taken over • Sharing the system with National authorities

  21. Sharing the system with National authorities

  22. Sharing the system with National authorities

  23. www.plantvarieties.eu Authorities Form Core set of questions CPVO set of questions CPVO set of questions National set of questions National set of questions Structured exchange of Data

  24. In particular • The starting point for forms would be a core set of questions but National authorities, including CPVO would have the possibility to add and manage an additional set of question • Possibilities of translation • The e-signatures system of the CPVO could be taken over, or it would be up to each National Authority to develop its own system • Sharing the system with National authorities

  25. Sharing the system with National authorities • In particular • National Authorities would receive applications in pdf format or similar in a first phase

  26. Sharing the system with National authorities • A pilot project was set up with GEVES for Maize and lettuce and NAKT for tomato and lettuce, with the objectives • to assess the conditions (technical, IT involvement, financial) under which the project could be enlarged • to other species • to other countries

  27. Sharing the system with National authorities • A pilot project was set up with GEVES for Maize and lettuce and NAKT for tomato and lettuce, with the objectives • On a technical point of view, this pilot project revealed • The need to review the core questions • The need to develop the system for more complex VCU questions

  28. Sharing the system with National authorities • Current status of the pilot project: • On a IT point of view, this pilot project revealed • Need to move database to a new server (done) • The current Back-Office program has been updated • Scalability concerns if numerous Offices join the project • need to move the back office to a web based system • Core code now identical for CPVO online apps website and pilot project in order to reduce maintenance

  29. Sharing the system with National authorities • Current status of the pilot project: • New version of the website released 13/03/2013 • Several new features, some not yet used • Multiple TQs (parental lines in case of hybrids) • Logical link between AF and TQ possible • Sorting on all tables of the web site • Next steps: • Participating offices need to create their final forms a.s.a.p. (before 1stApril) • Selected clients will perform test applications in April/May • Opening to the public foreseen in June

  30. Sharing the system with National authorities • In the medium term, it is the objective of the Office to set up an electronic exchange of data that can be downloaded directly in examination offices databases in future. • The XML project • Cooperation with OHIM • Standard ST 96 not fully stabilized yet

  31. Thank you for your attention

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