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7K FORCES. Forces. What is a force ? What unit is force measured in? What do we use to measure forces ?. FORCE STATIONS. Go round the stations . Write at least two sentences for each station. Weight and mass. What is the unit of weight ? How can you measure weight ?
Forces • Whatis a force? • Whatunitisforcemeasured in? • What do we use tomeasureforces?
FORCE STATIONS Go round thestations. Write at leasttwosentencesforeachstation.
Weight and mass • Whatistheunit of weight? • How can youmeasureweight? • Whatistheunit of mass? • How can youmeasuremass? • How do I changeweighttomassonearth?
Conclusion Level 3 • Whenthemassisbiggertheweight… Level 4 • Numberexamples e.g.whenthemassis 10g theweightis 0.1N Level 5 • Whydoesthishappen? • Can you describe thepatternusing a formula? Weight = …. • Are thereanyresultsthat do notfitthepattern?
Runningonthemoon http://youtu.be/CyOt6RUs9mE • Jumping onthemoon http://youtu.be/HKdwcLytloU
Floatingorsinking • Whatforcealwaysactsdownwardonanobject (onearth)? • Whatforcepushes up onanobject in water?
Density • How do youcalculatedensity? • Whatistheunit of density? • Whatisdensity?
FINISH YOUR RESULTS TABLE Volume = L x H x D • Remember cm3 is the same as ml Density = mass(G) / volume (cm3) (/cm3) H D L
Conclusion Use these key words to explain what you have found out about floating and sinking. upthrust weight force float sink buoyancy density Less dense denser Which material would you use to make a float? Give 3 reasons why.
Density 2 • Doesdensitychangeifthereis a biggerorsmallerpiece of the material? • Howdoessalininty of wateraffectwhetheranobjectfloatsorsinks?
Aim: Tofindouthowthenumber of weights a scubadiverneedschangeswithwheretheyswim.
Youputweights in waterwithdifferentsalinity and measuretheweight. • Thewaterwillrepresent: TheMediterranean, TheBaltic sea, TheDead Sea, The Black Sea and a Lake • Write a predictionwiththeword BECAUSE • Writedowntheindependent, dependent and control variables
Types of force • What are thetwotypes of force? • Namesomeforces.
Friction Air resistance Waterresistance Magnetism Staticelectricity Gravity
Balanced and unbalancedforces • Whathappensifforces are balanced? • Whathappensifforces are unbalanced?
Separatethecardsintotwogroups Onewheretheforcesacting are the SAME (balanced) Onewheretheforcesare DIFFERENT sizes (unbalanced)
BalancedUnbalanced Go faster (accelerate) Changeshape
VIDEOS RWC 2011 highlights • http://youtu.be/Cq6lcH7NKAw Tackles • http://youtu.be/aD_1sone-Mk Line outs • http://youtu.be/OCQfggoUSNU
Friction • Whatisfriction? • Whatisfriction in air called? • Whatisfriction in watercalled?
Rubyourhandstogether • Can youfeelthefriction?
Friction and energy When friction occurs heat energy is produced Kinetic energy Heat energy
Friction • Friction is a force which opposes the motion of 2 objects • It makes it harder for things to slide • Friction can occur between solids, and for anything moving through a liquid or gas What examples of friction can you think of?
Mythbustersphonebooks • http://youtu.be/jSu0Tvlm6LY • http://youtu.be/QMW_uYWwHWQ?t=2m17s
Friction 2 • When is friction useful? • When is friction not useful? • How can friction be reduced?
E.g. A bicycleFill in this table naming the parts of a bike where friction is wanted or not wanted.
Handlebar Tyre Brakes Seat Gears Axle Wheel Pedal Chain
Slick sliding soap practical You will be sliding soap down a slope, you will investigate how to make it slide further. • Aim: • Prediction: • Variables: Independent, dependent, control
Results- Homework • Plot a bar chart • Conclusion • Describe theresults: Withnothingthesoapwent ____cm Withoilthesoapwent ____cm. Withwaterthesoapwent ____cm. • Which had most friction? • Which had least friction?
Results- Homework • Plot a bar chart • Conclusion • Describe theresults: Withnothingthesoapwent ____cm Withoilthesoapwent ____cm. Withwaterthesoapwent ____cm. • Which had most friction? • Which had least friction? • Why? • How does this relate to real situations
Springs • Whathappensto a springwhenyouaddmassestoit? • Whenisthisusefulforus?