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Center for Sundhedsteknologi (Centre for Health Technology – technology centre). Background: To create a good framework for knowledge based growth and development outside the larger cities (Copenhagen and Århus) Purpose:
Center for Sundhedsteknologi(Centre for Health Technology – technology centre) Background: • To create a good framework for knowledge based growth and development outside the larger cities (Copenhagen and Århus) Purpose: • To establish a competence and knowledgebased environment that can strengthen innovation and growth, in areas where the region has special strengths and development potential • To create strong cooperative relations between industry and research and educational institutions + other partners • To make research and educational institutions play a larger role in the development of regional industry
Center for Sundhedsteknologi Primary target group: : • SME´s + larger companies that can act as a locomotive for the development within a defined branch, cluster etc. Secondary target group: • Knowledge institutions, GTS institutions etc.
Center for Sundhedsteknologi • Binding cooperation between the partners • Based on a regional industrial position of strength + anchored in the region • Cooperation with knowledge institutions and companies from the whole country • Ambition of the centre to be nationwide • Task = to strengthen the relationship between research, innovation and technological development btw. the partners • Clearly defined focus both research oriented but also practically oriented innovation and use of tehcnology – applied research
Center for Sundhedsteknologi Organization Consortium: Consisting of minimum 3 partners (research, knowledge institutions, industry or others) = form an agreement Consists of AAU, Aalborg Hospital, Ortopædkirurgi Nordjylland & SundhedsCVU Nordjylland Steering committee: Consists of consortium participants + industry + others. Responsbible for strategy and the development of the centre Secretariat: Working out strategies, industry contacts, exchange of knowledge, project management, coordinate activities and development projects. Adminstrator of the centre. The secretariat has to be physically placed in the region.
Center for Sundhedsteknologi Governmental financing: • The centres can achieve financing up to 4 years • Max. 60% of the total budget • Succes criterias measured along the way Local regional financing: • Minimum 40% divided btw.: • 20% from private local financing (can be time spend on the project) • 20% from the public local financing (can be time spend on the project from knowledge institutions + requirement that also cash is brought into the project from for instance the county, local municipalities)
Center for Sundhedsteknologi Activities General: Iindustry contacts, researcher contacts, exchange of knowledge, project management, coordinate activities and development projects, establishing networks, news service, web, conferences, workshops, advertising materials, close cooperation with CHAT Specific: Establishing development projects with the aim and focus to strengthen innovation and the growth potentials in companies, support the development of new knowledge, spreading knowledge/information + focus on utilization, paticipation of at least two companies and two knowledge institutions from the consortium in each project, news value, generic interest For now four specific projects identified: - Magnet stimulator - Cordless Surface EMG - LPS to clinical motion analysis - New technology for measuring the inner organs