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The Northeast Biomanufacturing Center and Collaborative NBC2

NBC2 Overall Goals. Establish Sustainable Learning Communities around Community College HubsDevelop Biomanufacturing Curricula and Instructional MaterialsProvide Professional Development Opportunities in Biomanufacturing for FacultyDisseminate Biomanufacturing Education and Training and Workforce

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The Northeast Biomanufacturing Center and Collaborative NBC2

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    1. The Northeast Biomanufacturing Center and Collaborative (NBC2) A National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education Regional Center for Biomanufacturing The background picture is to show that the NBC2 is dedicated to providing a contextual environment for biomanufacturing education and training as we develop the educational infrastructure for biomanufacturing The background picture is to show that the NBC2 is dedicated to providing a contextual environment for biomanufacturing education and training as we develop the educational infrastructure for biomanufacturing

    2. NBC2 Overall Goals Establish Sustainable Learning Communities around Community College Hubs Develop Biomanufacturing Curricula and Instructional Materials Provide Professional Development Opportunities in Biomanufacturing for Faculty Disseminate Biomanufacturing Education and Training and Workforce Information Build Biomanufacturing Infrastructure Capacity and Self-Sufficiency Overarching goal is to provide technicians for the biomanufacturing sector of the biotechnology industry by developing the biomanufacturing education and training infrastructure for the Northeast.Overarching goal is to provide technicians for the biomanufacturing sector of the biotechnology industry by developing the biomanufacturing education and training infrastructure for the Northeast.

    4. NBC2 Hubs with Location and Job Focus Introduce NBC2 Hub Directors and their Hubs Introduce NBC2 Hub Directors and their Hubs

    5. NBC2 Communication ListServ for the six NBC2 Hub Directors (nbc2@yahoogroups.com) Phone calls among NBC2 Hub Directors as needed/desired ListServ for the members of the NBC2 Advisory Board (nbc2advisory@yahoogroups.com) Monthly Videoconferences with the six Hub Directors using the Polycom System Quarterly Teleconference with NBC2 Advisory Board members (set up by NBC2 AB Chair, Michael Cicio of Lonza Biopharma) Place on website for Advisory Board members, NVC and PIs to publish information not intended (at this time) for public viewing at www.biomanufacturing.org/advisory NBC2 ListServ has been active in the following way (Tim) See list of Advisory Board members (tab 2 of binder) NBC2 Advisory Board ListServ has been active in the following way (Tim) Video Conferences are third Wednesday of the month from 3pm to 5pm; see www.biomanufacturing.org/advisory for minutes. Quarterly Teleconference minutes at www.biomanufacturing.org/advisory Members of each Hub’s Learning Community are listed under Local Hubs on Menu at www.biomanufacturing.org and under Hub Collaborators on Menu at www.biomanufacturing.org; the logos of our biomanufacturing company partners appear NBC2 ListServ has been active in the following way (Tim) See list of Advisory Board members (tab 2 of binder) NBC2 Advisory Board ListServ has been active in the following way (Tim) Video Conferences are third Wednesday of the month from 3pm to 5pm; see www.biomanufacturing.org/advisory for minutes. Quarterly Teleconference minutes at www.biomanufacturing.org/advisory Members of each Hub’s Learning Community are listed under Local Hubs on Menu at www.biomanufacturing.org and under Hub Collaborators on Menu at www.biomanufacturing.org; the logos of our biomanufacturing company partners appear

    6. Yearly Cycle of NBC2 Activities

    7. NBC2 Advisory Board Meeting at Montgomery County CC October 6, 2006 all day Advisory Board Meeting at MCCC Overview of Hub Activities; Introduction to the Global Biomanufacturing Curriculum (GBC) BMS representative from Hopewell, NJ newly added to NBC2 Advisory Board, attended We are considering adding a representative from Abbott in Worscester, MA The first get together of our newly funded Regional Manufacturing Center, the Northeast Biomanufacturing Center and Collaborative (NBC2), was in Rochester, NY at an event that served to introduce the NBC2 to the rapidly developing upstate New York Hub Jim Hewlett will describe the NBC2 Inaugural Event when he speaks on his Hub A Blog re: the NBC2 Inaugural Event was posted by Jim on 9/29/2005 on www.biomanufacturing.org Minutes of the Advisory Board Meeting that followed the Inaugural Event were written by Linda Rehfuss and can be found at www.biomanufacturing.org/doc/AdvisoryBoardMinutes092705 The first get together of our newly funded Regional Manufacturing Center, the Northeast Biomanufacturing Center and Collaborative (NBC2), was in Rochester, NY at an event that served to introduce the NBC2 to the rapidly developing upstate New York Hub Jim Hewlett will describe the NBC2 Inaugural Event when he speaks on his Hub A Blog re: the NBC2 Inaugural Event was posted by Jim on 9/29/2005 on www.biomanufacturing.org Minutes of the Advisory Board Meeting that followed the Inaugural Event were written by Linda Rehfuss and can be found at www.biomanufacturing.org/doc/AdvisoryBoardMinutes092705

    8. Goal 1: Establish Sustainable Learning Communities around Community College Hubs Each Hub is developing a Learning Community for collaboration on the development of the local biomanufacturing education and training infrastructure and of education and training materials for one or more of ten biomanufacturing jobs; learning communities meet regularly at Hub locations.

    9. Goal 2: Develop Biomanufacturing Curricula and Instructional Materials Hub Action Plans at www.biomanufacturing.org/advisory detail the process for developing instructional materials (both didactic and hands-on materials) and support resources for targeted biomanufacturing jobs.

    10. Goal 3: Provide Professional Development Opportunities in Biomanufacturing for Faculty NBC2 resources are used to send faculty to industry or to various courses, workshops and conferences for Subject Matter Expert (SME) training. One example of such a conference is the NSF/DOL sponsored BIOMAN 2006 conference, July 24th to 28th, 2006 at NHCTC in Portsmouth, NH. Registration for BIOMAN 2007 will be on-line at www.biomanufacturing.org and www.bio-link.org, by the end of February/

    11. BIOMAN 2006: OVERVIEW 40 Participants + 25 Presenters + 12 Vendors Keynotes: Growing Products in Microalgae; From Corn to Amino Acids and Ethanol; Technology and Opportunities in Mammalian Cell Culture; From Benchtop to Bottle; Quality Control in Biopharmaceutical Operations Panels: Cutting Edge High School Programs; Panel on Entrepreneurship; University Panel on Articulation Hands-On Workshops: NBC2 Presentations on Quality Control; Process Control; Yeast Expression; EH&S; Metrology; Lego Bioengineering and other presentations

    12. Goal 4: Disseminate Biomanufacturing Education and Training and Workforce Information NBC2 Dissemination for 2006-2007: 1/11 to 1/13/06 Growing the Biomanufacturing Education and Training Infrastructure at the Pacific Rim BIO Conference on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy in Honolulu, HI 3/19 to 3/22/06 NBC2 League for Innovation in the Community College, Atlanta, GA 4/8 to 4/13/06 BIO 2006 in Chicago, IL 4/11 to 4/13/06 NSF ATE Centers Exhibit at AACC in Long Beach, CA 5/19 to 5/21/06 The Northeast Biomanufacturing Center and Collaborative (NBC2): A Hands-On Approach to Biomanufacturing Training at ASM Conference for Undergraduate Education Section in Orlando, FL

    13. NBC2 Dissemination for 2006-2007 Spring 2006 Training templates can prevent skilled worker shortfall article in new Mary Ann Liebert journal, Industrial Biotechnology 6/2 to 6/4/06 NBC2 Wye Retreat in Queenstown, MD 6/5 to 6/6/06 Academic Pilot Plants at ISPE in Washington, D.C. 6/9/06 Jobs at Wyeth in Andover, MA 7/11 to 7/13/06 Regionalization of the Biomanufacturing Apprenticeship Program at DOL’s Workforce Innovations in Anaheim, CA 7/23 to 7/24/06 BIOMAN 2006 Conference at NHCTC in Portsmouth, NH 10/5 to 10/6/06 NBC2 Advisory Board Meeting at MCCC in Blue Bell, PA 10/18 to 10/20/06 NSF ATE PI Meeting in Washington, DC 11/3/06 BETA-NE Quarterly Meeting at AstraZeneca in Westboro, MA 9/26/05 See Slide 4 and Jim Hewlett’s PowerPoint presentation Poster 9/26/05 See Slide 4 and Jim Hewlett’s PowerPoint presentation Poster

    14. NBC2 Dissemination for 2006-2007 11/13 to 11/15/06 BioFutures Meeting at Eli Lilly QMLC in Indianapolis and Ivy Tech CC in Bloomington, IN 1/18/07 ISPE-New England Meeting in Warwick, RI 1/30 to 2/3/07 AACC-FAS Ireland Collaboration Meetings in Cork, IE 3/16/07 BETA-NE Quarterly Meeting at AstraZeneca in Westboro, MA 4/12/07 Biotech-Biopharma Career Day at NHCTC in Portsmouth, NH 4/19/07 Biotech-Biopharma Career Day at FLCC in Canandaigua, NY 5/6 to 5/9/07 BIO 2007 Community College Program in Boston, MA 5/16 to 5/18/07 Bioprocess Science/Biomanufacturing Session at ACS Mid-Atlantic Meeting in Philadelphia, PA 5/21 to 5/22/07 Biomanufacturing Workshop at CCBC in Baltimore, MD 9/26/05 See Slide 4 and Jim Hewlett’s PowerPoint presentation Poster 9/26/05 See Slide 4 and Jim Hewlett’s PowerPoint presentation Poster

    15. NBC2 Dissemination for 2006-2007 5/30 to 6/1/07 NBC2 Wye Retreat in Queenstown, MD 7/22 to 7/27/07 BIOMAN 2007 Conference at NHCTC in Portsmouth, NH 9/23 to 9/26/07 National/International Harmonization of Biomanufacturing Skill and Curriculum Standards in Indianapolis, IN 9/27 to 9/28/07 NBC2 Advisory Board Meeting at CCBC in Catonsville, MD 10/17 to 10/19/07 NSF ATE PI Meeting in Washington, DC

    16. www.biomanufacturing.org A world wide dissemination tool for the activities and products of the NBC2 A resource for faculty and teachers for biomanufacturing curriculum, theoretical and hands-on instructional materials, equipment, texts, on-line support materials, pedagogy, and facilities. A resource for students who want information on biomanufacturing careers, apprenticeships and jobs First, a short history of www.biomanufacturing.org: Founded with NSF ATE Grant #0303030 to create the Northeast Biomanufacturing Collaborative. The Collaborative consisting of biomanufacturing companies, community colleges, secondary schools and four year colleges and universities coming together to define First, a short history of www.biomanufacturing.org: Founded with NSF ATE Grant #0303030 to create the Northeast Biomanufacturing Collaborative. The Collaborative consisting of biomanufacturing companies, community colleges, secondary schools and four year colleges and universities coming together to define

    17. Web Statistics for www.biomanufacturing.org

    18. Goal 5: Build Biomanufacturing Infrastructure Capacity and Self-Sufficiency How Do We Sustain Ourselves? Continue to partner with other entities Continue to develop additional grant opportunities within the Hubs Sell T-Shirts and other items from the Website Develop Hub Institutes for incumbent worker training (e.g. Northeast Biomanufacturing Institute-NH, MD, PA, NY) Build Pilot Plants for biopharmaceutical production for pre-clinical animal trials and early stage human clinical trials

    19. Goal 5: Build Biomanufacturing Infrastructure Capacity and Self-Sufficiency The Global Biomanufacturing Curriculum (GBC), a repository for withdrawing and depositing biomanufacturing curriculum, instructional materials and resources not only for the Northeast, but for the nation and globe. Use through membership of three sorts which gives you a password to access the GBC: Educators (free) Educator-Company Partnership (free) Vendors ($)

    20. Goal 5: Build Biomanufacturing Infrastructure Capacity and Self-Sufficiency Meeting in Indianapolis for the purpose of Harmonizing the National/International Biomanufacturing Skill (and Curriculum) Standards. California: Jim DeKloe (Maureen Harrigan) North Carolina Northeast Indiana Ireland: Valerie Cowman

    22. Partners for Sustainability (NBC2 partners with DOL) Hub Directors are working with US and local Department of Labor entities to regionalize the Biomanufacturing Apprenticeship program The program may be attractive for companies, particularly those under going expansion or constructing new biomanufacturing facilities Allows companies to slowly (and cheaply) build a competent workforce Allows students early exposure to a career in Biomanufacturing Some companies have referred to the Apprenticeship program as a long-term internship One of the fall-outs of this partnership may be a presentation at the annual DOL conference, Workforce Innovations, July 11-13, 2006 in Anaheim, CAOne of the fall-outs of this partnership may be a presentation at the annual DOL conference, Workforce Innovations, July 11-13, 2006 in Anaheim, CA

    23. Enhancement of www.biomanufacturing.org to August 31,2007 Added section on Northeast Biomanufacturing Companies including articles re: expansion, direct advertising of technician jobs and links to company job boards. Added section to compliment the one above on Northeast Biomanufacturing Programs at Community Colleges and Technical High Schools Added section on the DOL Registered Biomanufacturing Apprenticeship Must add section on Northeast Articulation Agreements (between NE Community Colleges and Four Year Colleges/Universitites and High Schools). More job videos have been produced and will be added to the Targeted Jobs section of the website. Will add section on Membership for access to the Global Biomanufacturing Curriculum. First Biomanufacturing instructional materials on-line after BIOMAN 2006 in July. Instructional materials are part of the Global Biomanufacturing Curriculum (www.biomanufacturing.org/gbc) Hub Directors continue to make entries about their locales in Web Log of Events. We continue to grow the NBC2 Calendar into 2007-2008. Announcements re: Community College Program at BIO 2007 in Boston, MA on Sunday, May 6th and BIOMAN 2007 in Portsmouth, NH on July 22-27, 2007. What’s Happening in the Future? Add Apprenticeship (Long-Term Internship) Information Add Job Board????? Some thoughts about this in Hub Presentations The website at www.biomanufacturing.org will be continually enhanced, upgraded. Here are some of the enhancements planned through August 31, 2006 (the end of the first year of the grant).What’s Happening in the Future? Add Apprenticeship (Long-Term Internship) Information Add Job Board????? Some thoughts about this in Hub Presentations The website at www.biomanufacturing.org will be continually enhanced, upgraded. Here are some of the enhancements planned through August 31, 2006 (the end of the first year of the grant).

    24. BIO 2007 in Boston Education and Outreach Committee planning annual Teacher-Leader Program, Minority Fellows Program and BioGENEius Challenge, May 3-6, 2007 Fourth Annual Community College Program all day Sunday, May 6, 2007 Industry-Education Collaborative Initiatives Entrepreneurial Educators Biotech Interns and Apprentices Faces of Success (Biotech Graduates at Work) Annual International Biotechnology Industry Organization Meeting, May 3-6, 2007 Each NBC2 Hub is exhibiting with its state and the NBC2 will exhibit with New Hampshire

    25. BIOMAN 2007 at NHCTC July 22-27, 2007 Five Keynote Speakers (Humanized Pichia pastoris by Thomas Poitiger at GlycoFi (Merck); Downstream Processing: Past, Present and Future by John Rozembersky (consultant) ; Scrubbing Power Plant Emission while Making Energy using Microalgae by Jack Lewnard at GreenFuel Technologies in Cambridge, MA; and Cellulosic Ethanol by Lee Lyall of the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth and Making Human Organs by Don Bergmann of Tengion) Panels, Lectures, Vendor Show Hands-On Workshops (Gowning, Process Development, Metrology, Environmental Health and Safety, QC Biochemistry, QC Microbiology, Validation, Process Control, Facilities, CHO-tPA Core Production System)

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