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Welcome to the MSP RFP Technical Assistance Elluminate Session. This session will begin at 10:00 a.m. While you are waiting, please do the following: Configure your microphone and speakers by going to: Tools – Audio – Audio setup wizard
Welcome to the MSP RFP Technical Assistance Elluminate Session This session will begin at 10:00 a.m. While you are waiting, please do the following: • Configure your microphone and speakers by going to: • Tools – Audio – Audio setup wizard Make sure you download the Request for Proposals for the MSP grant from www.gadoe.org (type “MSP” in the search engine). This document is your road map!
Session Agenda • Designing A Project • The Work Plan • Assessment/Evaluation • Budgets • Closing Remarks
Designing A MSP Project Stage 1: Identify Desired Results What do my teachers need to know and be able to do? Professional Learning Needs Assessment Project Goals and Objectives GaMSP Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence (Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment) What tools will show whether my teachers know it and/or can do it? (to assess teacher progress toward desired results) Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences & Instruction What will need to be done to help my teachers learn the required knowledge and skills? (to facilitate teacher success leading to desired results)
Creating a Work Plan Based on Needs • Needs of teachers drives the plan • Study the data (quantitative, qualitative, supporting,…) • Identify the need • Design a solution/plan with desired outcomes in mind • Design an evaluation plan
Proposal Work Plan Requirements • Measurable goals and year-long objectives • Creative, research-based strategies to meet goals and objectives • Detailed plan to meet goals/objectives • Cohort-based participation by grade band from schools of great need • 80 hours of professional learning –for example, it could be 60 hours of intensive content training and 20 hours follow-up training per teacher per year • Collaborative project facilitation
Research- Based Elements of a PL Plan Design • Content-focused • Aligned with teacher needs • On-going • Help teachers apply to practice (use student instructional materials and/or student work) • Teacher collegiality/critical mass • Building-level administrator involvement • Mechanisms for assessing effectiveness and making mid-course corrections
Work Plan Design Pointers • Professional development design needs to flow from what you are trying to accomplish. • Start by identifying the purpose(s), not by picking a strategy. • Measurable Goals and Objectives • Based on identified needs
Work Plan Design Tips • Professional learning strategies should be chosen • Based on the designated purpose(s); • Based on the available capacity; and • Based on the available resources.
Work Plan Design Strategies • Professional Learning Strategy Examples • Immersion in Content • Research-based instructional materials • Instructional Coaching • Teacher development of instructional materials • Analysis of student work • Case Studies • Vertical Teaming Content-Specific Professional Learning Communities • Lesson Study
Some Questions to Consider • What grade levels and content areas will the project address? On what is that based? • Who will be recruited to participate? Based on what? • What are the specific needs of those teachers (purpose/goals/objectives)? • How can those needs best be met (strategies)? • What roles and responsibilities will each partner share? • How will the management team monitor effectiveness throughout the project to make needed modifications?
Evaluating the MSP Project Georgia MSP Evaluation Requirements • 8%-10% of the budget must be spent on a formal evaluator • External – not directly involved in the project/objective • Required Math Assessments • Learning Mathematics for Teaching (LMT) • http://sitemaker.umich.edu/lmt/home • Required Science Assessments • Misconceptions Oriented Standards-Based Assessment Resource for Teachers (MOSART) • http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/smgphp/mosart/ (non-active link is in the RFP) • Projects may, in addition to the required tests, use other instruments…
Possible Roles of a Formal Evaluator • Provide formative assessment to inform project modifications. • Perform analysis of summative assessment data and its relevancy on the professional learning provided. • Provide objectivity in terms of project effectiveness. • Identify classroom observation protocols and additional, high-quality summative instruments to use if necessary. • They should observe the actual professional learning and not just analyze the data. • They should visit with teachers in the grant.
MSP Budget Narrative • Project Summary Budget Narrative • Partner Funding Request Narrative(s) • Each must include • Full description of how each and every amount was calculated • Alignment to project activities • Evidence of effective, appropriate, and efficient use of funds • Adherence to budget guideline
Closing Remarks Begin with the end in mind (rubric) A Face-to-face meeting is planned for June 27. It will be replicated on July 13. To register for either class, please email Amanda Buice, abuice@doe.k12.ga.us , and be sure to indicate which location you plan to attend. Basically, I will go over the topics covered in these webinars, go through the RFP, and answer any questions. GaDOE, West Tower, 10th Floor, Atlanta, GA June 27, 2012, 9am-1pm State Office South at TIFT College, Forsyth, GA July 13, 2012, 9am-1pm
Taped Sessions • By late next week, links to yesterday’s recording and today’s recording will be posted on GaDOE’s MSP website. • If you need access to them immediately, please email me, abuice@doe.k12.ga.us
Contact Information • Contact Amanda Buice, MSP Program Specialist at GaDOE • 404-657-8319 • abuice@doe.k12.ga.us • My website • www.gadoe.org (type in “MSP” in the search engine) • Q&A