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Unit1 Getting along with others

Unit1 Getting along with others. dilemma brilliant focus absent—minded yell at performance horrible. a situation in which one has to choose between two things very bright pay attention to not focus shout loudly at achievement terrible.

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Unit1 Getting along with others

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  1. Unit1 Getting along with others

  2. dilemma brilliant focus absent—minded yell at performance horrible a situation in which one has to choose between two things very bright pay attention to not focus shout loudly at achievement terrible Find out the similar words in the 2nd letter Words in the text Definition

  3. causing pain nasty/vicious having done wrong embarrassed say sorry to physically strong cruel mean guilty awkward apologize to athletic

  4. Revision: A letter to Sarah • Dear Sarah; You have every right to feel_________by your friend if she did tell your secrets to others, but it seems unlikely that she did. You say that you are best friends; well, best friends talk about their problems and try to solve them. If she is a good friend, you should___________for blaming her. betrayed apologize

  5. If you still have doubts, you should think about why you don’t believe her. Was it because you were ashamed of your______or your behavior? Did you feel jealous of your friend’s mark? If so, the problem lies with you, not her. Try not to sound too______of yourself when discussing your marks in front of others. However, if you feel that she is very bad at keeping________and likes to embarrass you in public, you had better find a new friend. mark proud secrets

  6. A letter to Andrew Dear Andrew, It seems you need to apologize quickly to avoid losing a good friend! Don’t forget that things are important to people, even when they don’t shout about them. The _______was probably very important to Matthew and he felt______about losing, and bad about not being as gifted at football as you are. match guilty

  7. A football team needs all the players to work together and help each other. Each player should play to their strengths. Shouting at your teammate was unfair and just made him feel worse. Although you both said________things to each other, one of you has to be first to say sorry. Don’t be stubborn. You say that your__________is as important as football. Well, then you should be__________ to get your friendship back. Don’t delay. Talk to your friend and I’m sure before long, you’ll be back playing football together. mean friendship determined

  8. 1.We have been good friends since primary school.(line7) (Prep.) • (1).Unemployment in that country is now at its lowest level since WWII. 该国的失业率处于二战以来的最低水平. (2).She left her hometown five years ago. We haven’t seen her since. 自那以后=from then on adv.

  9. since(conj.) • (3).It is just three days since they arrived at the mountain. (4).Since you are so busy, perhaps we should ask someone else. 时间状语从句 原因状语从句

  10. 2.We are no fun.(un.) (line5) 1.Her baby is great fun./ Sailing a boat is great fun. (有趣的人/事) 2. I write not just for the pay, but for fun.(乐趣). We had a lot of fun at the party. 3.They often make fun of me for this.

  11. Don’t make_____of the blind man. A fun B funs C funny D a fun fun 做名词时不可数,不能与a连用,也没有复数形式.

  12. 3.must (when guessing, there seems to be no other possibilities) (line8-9) (1).I must have sounded very proud of myself. 我当时的口气听上去肯定很自得. You must have left your wallet in the office. 你肯定是把钱包落在办公室里了. (2).may have done (it’s not certain) Something may have happened to her. 可能她发生了什么事.

  13. 4.feel like (have an inclination or desire for)(line11-12) • (1). I feel like I was overlooking my studies. • (2). I felt like crying. 我的父母晚饭之后总是想要出去散步. My parents always feel like going out for a walk after supper. feel like表示想要做某事,后可加doing sth. 也可以加that clause.

  14. 5.I was overlooking my studies. (line12) (1).forget/not see something important • We should not overlook the difficulties. • 当第一次读的时候,我忽略了这个错误. • I overlooked the mistake the first time I read it. (2). not be angry with a bad thing 请原谅我的错. • Please overlook my fault.

  15. 6.I was determined to be cheerful.(line14) • (1)adj. a. He is determined to take part in the international speech competition. b.He is a determined supporter of President Bush. 下了决心的 坚定的

  16. (2)vi. He determined to take part in the international speech competition. 他决定参加国际演讲比赛. (3)vt. a.规定,确定 例:They determined the date for the party.

  17. B. 使…..下决心 例:This determined him to act immediately. 这使他立即下决心采取行动.

  18. 9.I can’t help wondering….. (line52-53) • (1)cannot help doing sth.情不自禁做某事 例: He cannot help talking to his deskmate in class. 上课时他忍不住要和同桌讲话. (2)cannot help it没有办法 例: He just can’t help it. He has to obey orders. (3)can’t help do sth.无法帮助做某事 例:I can’t help do the housework for my mum.

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