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Campaign Assessment 14 Feb 12. MNF MISSION STATEMENT
Campaign Assessment 14 Feb 12
MNF MISSION STATEMENT On order, MNF XCG 12 conducts peace enforcement operations to compel the Arcadian Forces to cease all military actions and withdraw from Kuhistan and Free Mojave; when conditions allow transition security operations to Royal Kuhistan Armed Forces, and Free Mojave National Army, and/or a UN authorized force in order to restore stability and security in Pacifica. Peace Enforcement /Security END STATES 1. Arcadia cease all military actions and withdraw in Kuhistan 3. Sonora does not support Arcadia military operations THREAT - Arcadian forces are withdrawn from Kuhistan and Free Mojave FRIENDLY - MNF has transitioned security operations To Royal Kuhistan Armed Forces and Free Mojave National Army and/ Or a UN authorized force; ENVIRONMENT - restore stability & security in Pacifica Region. 4. Indirect fire from Arcadia 2. Arcadia cease all military actions and withdraw in Free Mojava Governance 5. RKAF readiness for transition 6. FMNA readiness for transition 7. UN Mission readiness for transition Humanitarian Assistance 8. Civil Populace supports MNF PEO and Transition to HN and/or UN control MNF’s Legitimacy/Communication Integration 9. Maintain International Support. 10. Maintain Regional Support. On Plan Partially On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
Campaign End State Status Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
Findings & Recommendations FINDINGS: RISKS: • UN Authorized Force readiness • Free Mojave capacity to function as a Sovereign state after MNF PEO • Concern as well on Kuhistan capacity to function as a Sovereign state after MNF PEO • NGOs & IHC supporting HA efforts • ARC broadening regional conflict (Sonora and MDCOA) • CMARFOR may be incapable of preventing DC interference due to insufficient CA forces OPPORTUNITIES: RECOMMENDATIONS: • Utilise KUH military forces in DS to CMO in CMARFOR AO • Transition to Phase 3 • None to report
Phase 2 to 3 Transition Assessment PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+8 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 CNAVFOR Kelowna Port Seizure (MEU) MEZ maintained CJSOTF Ready to Support Strategic Strike CFACC Strategic Strike on TBMs, SAM and C2 sites. AEZ maintained Air Superiority in Decisive Area CARFOR Conduct POL with JSDF Establish Attack Position CMARFOR Establish Attack Position ARC combat pwr degraded Decision Point 3: -Transit to Phase 3 Conditions: MNF ready to escalate offensive ops ARC combat power projection and sustainment capabilities degraded JSDF redeploy out of AO Status of Assessment: • Assessment on plan to transit to PH 3 on D+7 Issues remain: TBM sites Recommendation: Plan for transition to PH 3 on D+7 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
Proposed MNF Mission Statement – Phase IV ON ORDER, MNF IS TO CONDUCT SECURITY AND STABILITY OPERATIONS THROUGHOUT KUH AND FM, RENDER SUPPORT TO HN RECOVERY EFFORTS AND SET THE CONDITIONS FOR A FOLLOW ON UN AUTHORIZED FORCE IN ORDER TO ENABLE A STABLE NORTHERN PACIFICA. Security END STATES Condition 1: Security in AO established / maintained - ARC forces are withdrawn to positions in Arcadia as determined by UNSCR 2000. - MNF has established stability in Kuhistan and Free Mojave. – The conditions are set for transition to a United Nations authorized force. Condition 2: Peace agreement has been established / signed Governance Condition 3: KUH and FM governments remain effective Humanitarian Assistance Condition 4: Govt/NGO postured for HA Ops MNF Legitimacy Condition 5: Strong support from government and populace Condition 6: International and regional support On Plan Partially On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
Phase 3 to 4 Transition Assessment D-+8 PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 CNAVFOR Maintain security; enforce MEZ Conduct / support HA operations CJSOTF Enable conventional forces clearing in AO CFACC Expand Air Superiority in Decisive Areas Conduct ISR Intra-theater airlift CARFOR Extend LOCs Establish LSA to support HA Operations CMARFOR Shape enemy forces in CMARFOR AO Continue ADP/CAP coverage of SPOD, FOB Decision Point 4: Transit to Phase 4 Conditions: 1. Security in AO established / maintained 2. Peace agreement is established / signed 3. KUH & FM governments remain effective 4. HN govt / NGO postured for HA Ops 5. Strong support from HN govt & populace 6. International and Regional support Status of Assessment: • Assessment on plan to transit to PH 4 on D+7 Issues remain: Various Recommendation: Plan for transition to PH 4 on D+XX Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
MNF Mission Statement On order, MNF XCG 12 conducts peace enforcement operations to compel the Arcadian Forces to cease all military actions and withdraw from Kuhistan and Free Mojave; when conditions allow transition security operations to Royal Kuhistan Armed Forces, and Free Mojave National Army, and/or a UN authorized force in order to restore stability and security in Pacifica. END STATES THREAT - Arcadian forces are withdrawn from Kuhistan and Free Mojave FRIENDLY - MNF has transitioned security operations To Royal Kuhistan Armed Forces and Free Mojave National Army and/ Or a UN authorized force; ENVIRONMENT - restore stability & security in Pacifica Region. ARC forces Have been defeated Mission Success For Phase III MNF FLOT Restored at International border ARC forces Have withdrawn from KUH & FM Cease-fire Agreement signed Readiness of Component forces For stabilization Garrison of all Strategic strike Assets w/in ARC On Plan Partially On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
MOE1.1 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
MOE1.2 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
MOE 2.1 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
MOE3.1 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
MOE 4.1 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
MOE 4.2 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
Lines of Operations & Key Tasks
CJSOTF Key Tasks (PH 2) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 NSWTG T1: Conduct limited SR (TGO), DA, and limited UW P1: Degrade ARC IADS, C4ISR, and logistics P2: Motivate ARC forces to depart KUH SOTF KUH T1: Conduct limited SR (TGO), DA, and limited UW P1: Degrade ARC IADS, C4ISR, and logistics P2: Motivate ARC forces to depart KUH SOTF FM T1: Conduct limited SR (TGO), DA, and limited UW P1: Degrade ARC IADS, C4ISR, and logistics P2: Motivate ARC forces to depart FM Supporting Efforts CJSOAD CPOTF Status of Assessment: 1. xxxxx 2. xxxxxx. 3. xxxxxx Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CJSOTF Key Tasks (PH 3) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 NSWTG T1: Provide support to seizure of Kelowna via SR, DA, and UW P1: Degrade ARC IADS, C4ISR, and logistics P2: Enable conventional forces clearing in North KUH SOTF KUH T1: Conduct SR (TGO), DA, and limited UW P1: Degrade ARC IADS, C4ISR, and logistics P2: Enable conventional forces clearing in Central KUH SOTF FM T1: Conduct limited SR (TGO), DA, and limited UW P1: Degrade ARC IADS, C4ISR, and logistics P2: Enable conventional forces clearing in FM Supporting Efforts CJSOAD CPOTF Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CJSOTF Key Tasks (PH 4) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 NSWTG T1: Conduct counter ARC SOF operations P1: Defeat Arcadian SOF in KUH and FM T2: Enable DDR of UW forces P2: Support transition of UW forces to pre-conflict roles SOTF KUH T1: Conduct counter ARC SOF operations P1: Defeat Arcadian SOF in KUH T2: Enable DDR of UW forces P2: Support transition of UW forces to pre-conflict roles SOTF FM T1: Conduct counter ARC SOF operations P1: Defeat Arcadian SOF in FM T2: Enable DDR of UW forces P2: Support transition of UW forces to pre-conflict roles Supporting Efforts: CJSOAD CPOTF Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CFACC Key Tasks (PH 2) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 Supporting Efforts: CJSOAD CPOTF AI Air Refueling AEZ MAIN EFFORT T1: Gain/Maintain Air Superiority (AS) in decisive locs P1: Enable MNF freedom of operations T2: Interdict ARC LOCs P2: Degrade ARC fielded forces resupply; isolate T3: Shape force entry operations P3: Enable friendly ground force offensive operations SUPPORTING EFFORT: T1: Enforce AEZ / Support MEZ enforcement P1: Compel ARC withdrawal / isolate ARC T2: Conduct ISR P2: Find, Fix, Track and Target ARC forces T3: Support SC and IO P3: Compel ARC withdrawal Status of Assessment: F-22 Grounded. ROE precluding strikes w/in ARC, prevents CFACC from attaining objectives against enemy SAM, C2 sites, and airfields Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CFACC Key Tasks (PH 3) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 MAIN EFFORT T1: Expand Air Superiority (AS) over KUH and FM P1: Enable MNF freedom of operations T2: Destroy ARC fielded forces P2: Attrite ARC fielded forces and force withdrawal SUPPORTING EFFORT: T1: Enforce AEZ / Support MEZ enforcement P1: Compel ARC withdrawal / isolate ARC T2: Conduct ISR P2: Find, Fix, Track and Target ARC forces T3: Intra-Theater airlift P3: Maintain resupply of MNF forces .. Supporting Efforts: DCA C2/ISR AI Air Refueling AEZ Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CFACC Key Tasks (PH 4) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 MAIN EFFORT T1: Maintain Air Superiority (AS) over KUH and FM P1: Enable MNF freedom of operations T2: ISR operations to monitor ARC forces P2: Ensure ARC forces withdrawal from KUH T3: Enforce AEZ P3: Deter ARC aggression SUPPORTING EFFORT: T1: Support MEZ enforcement P1: Deter ARC aggression T2: Intra-Theater Airlift P2: Sustain MNF forces / Support HA.. Supporting Efforts: DCA C2/ISR AI Air Refueling AEZ Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CNAVFOR Key Tasks (PH 2) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+8 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 MAIN EFFORT Support aggressive IO plan Enforce MEZ Mine Sweeping Operations Conduct Port Seizure Conduct surface, anti-submarine operations RADC duties Conduct strategic strikes Cut off ARC lines of communications Seamless MNF partner integration Provide Logistics support to CNAVFOR forces Status of Assessment: -Mine Sweeping Operations completed -ROK RLT will land in Kelowna following the completion of mine clearance operations. -ROK RLT has completely off loaded from ROKN shipping in Kelowna Port. -CNAVFOR will have met all conditions to transition to Phase III. Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CNAVFOR Key Tasks (PH 3) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 MAIN EFFORT Support aggressive IO plan Enforce MEZ Conduct amphibious assault Conduct offensive operations Conduct MIO Conduct/Support HA operations Seamless MNF partner integration Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CNAVFOR Key Tasks (PH 4) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 MAIN EFFORT Maintain security in AO Facilitate transition of KUH back to legitimate government Conduct/Support HA operations. Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CMARFOR Key Tasks (PH 2) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 CONOPS: Intel: Begin collection on NAI Fires: Support MNF/CFACC ATO generations IO: Support MNF Strat Comm messaging LOG: Establish FOB Spokane ICW KUH; Provide CSS FP: Continue AD/CAP coverage of SPOD & FOB Maneuver: RTMC Division USMC RCT-e ROK RLT-7 (CNAVFOR) MAG-36 CLR-3 Status of Assessment: 1. xxxxx 2. xxxxxx. 3. xxxxxx Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CMARFOR Key Tasks (PH 3 – Stage A) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 CONOPS: Intel: Continue collection on NAI Fires: Shape enemy forces in CMARFOR AO IO: Target enemy commanders with withdrawal options LOG:Provide CSS from CSSA Spokane FP: Continue AD/CAP coverage of SPOD & FOB Maneuver: RTMC Division USMC RCT-3 ROK RLT-7 MAG-36 (ME) CLR-3 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CMARFOR Key Tasks (PH 3 – Stage B) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 CONOPS: Intel: Collection on NAI Fires: Shape enemy forces vic CMF Obj 3. IO: Continue to target enemy commanders options LOG:Provide CSS from CSSA Spokane FP: Continue AD/CAP coverage of SPOD & FOB Maneuver: RTMC Division USMC RCT-3 (ME) ROK RLT-7 MAG-36 CLR-3 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CMARFOR Key Tasks (PH 3 – Stage C) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 CONOPS: Intel: Collection on NAI Fires: Provide DS fires to ME, Target (C2, BAGs, Armor) IO: Confirm MNF intentions to restore KUH borders LOG:Provide CSS from CSSA Spokane FP: Continue AD/CAP coverage of SPOD & FOB Maneuver: RTMC Division (ME) USMC RCT-3 ROK RLT-7 MAG-36 CLR-3 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CMARFOR Key Tasks (PH 4) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 CONOPS: Intel: Collection on ARC Ph IV actions/intentions Fires: Provide on-call CAS/IDF as required IO: Confirm MNF intentions to restore KUH borders LOG:Provide CSS from CSSA Spokane FP: Continue AD/CAP coverage of SPOD & FOB Maneuver: RTMC Division (ME) USMC RCT-3 ROK RLT-7 MAG-36 CLR-3 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CARFOR Key Tasks (PH 2) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 CONOPS: Intel: Conduct ISR to detect ADA, TBM Fires: Destroy enemy ADA systems and ARC fire support FP: Protect units during move to Tactical AAs SUS: Occupy LSPs to support CARFOR attack in zone IO: Continue efforts to encourage ARC forces to W/D CARFOR HQ (ME) T1: Conduct FP vic AO T2: Conduct CMO Task Force West (SE) T1: Conduct FP vic Reno T2: Strategic strikes on TBM, SAM, C2 sites, airfields Task Force East (SE) T1: Conduct FP vic Boise Status of Assessment: 1. xxxxx 2. xxxxxx. 3. xxxxxx Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CARFOR Key Tasks (PH 3A) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 CONOPS: Intel: Conduct ISR to id strategic & tactical EN assets Fires: Defeat enemy fire support FP: Patrol MSRs, insure FOM SUS: Establish LOCs and LSPs along MSR in AOR IO: Continue efforts to encourage ARC forces to W/D CARFOR HQ (SE) T1: Conduct PEO to include forcible entry operations Task Force West (ME) T1: Defeat ARC forces vic Obj 1 T2: Fix ARC forces vic Obj 2 Task Force East (SE) T1: Defeat ARC forces vic Obj 3 T2: Fix ARC forces vic Obj 4 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CARFOR Key Tasks (PH 3B) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 CONOPS: Intel: Identify EN disposition, detect movement of reserve Fires: Isolate OBJs 2, 4; fix ARC reserve Bde FP: MMS, AS, IR, L&O, PIO SUS: Extend LOCs; establish LSA to spt offensive ops IO: CARFOR HQ (SE) T1: Conduct PEO Task Force West (ME) T1: Block ARC reserve forces north of OBJ 1 T2: Defeat ARC forces at OBJ 2 Task Force East (SE) T1: Block ARC reserve forces northeast of OBJ 3 T2: Defeat ARC forces at OBJ 4 Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CARFOR Key Tasks (PH 3C) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 CONOPS: Intel: Detect movement of reserve & IDPs Fires: Defeat EN fire support; Disrupt ARC attacks FP: MMS, AS, IR, L&O, PIO SUS: Provide CSS IO: Continue IO to encourage IDPs to remain in KUH CARFOR HQ (SE) T1: Conduct PEO Task Force West (ME) T1: Clear KUH territory to ARC border T2: O/O Defend KUH border Task Force East (SE) T1: Clear KUH territory to ARC border T2: O/O Defend KUH border Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
CARFOR Key Tasks (PH 4) PH 0 Crisis PH 1 Deter PH 2 Seize The Initiative PH 3 Dominate PH 4 Stabilize PH 5 Transition D-+6 MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ OFFENSIVE OPS FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR COORD & CONDUCT CMO COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CUT ARC LOC 3 CONOPS: Intel: Identify remaining EN in KUH; monitor IDP movements Fires: Establish new FPOL along border FP: IR, L&O, MMS, AS, PIO SUS: Sustain the force; transition LOG to host nation IO: Increase support to Gov authorities in KUH and FM CARFOR HQ (ME) T1: Establishment of policy for transfer of authority Task Force West (SE) T1: Maintain presence in AO Task Force East (SE) T1: Maintain presence in AO Achieved On Plan Off Plan Not Assessed
SECURE APOD / SPOD SECURE APOD / SPOD ESTB MEZ / AEZ ESTB MEZ / AEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ ENFORCE AEZ / MEZ MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO MAINTAIN SECUIRTY IN AO OFFENSIVE OPS OFFENSIVE OPS RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER RE-ESTB INT’L BORDER FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO FORCIBLE ENTRY INTO AO STRATEGIC STRIKE STRATEGIC STRIKE DEPLOY MNF DEPLOY MNF CONDUCT ISR CONDUCT ISR ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY ESTB POLICY FOR TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY COORD & CONDUCT CMO COORD & CONDUCT CMO CUT ARC LOC CUT ARC LOC COUNTER SF / PSYOPS COUNTER SF / PSYOPS CONDUCT IO BY PHASES CONDUCT IO BY PHASES DECISIVE AND SWIFT COMBAT OPS TIMELINE • This OP is designed to swiftly and decisively compel Arcadian forces to withdraw from KUH and FM using a short and aggressive IO campaign, followed by quick and effective application of overwhelming force. It will include the establishment of AEZ/MEZ, Strategic strikes in Arcadia to degrade Arcadian power projection, and cut off sustainment capabilities. Thereafter execute 3-pronged entry ops into the battlespace, rapidly defeating Arcadian combat power, choking off Arcadian LOCs and driving them out of KUH and FM. Once Arcadian forces are driven out of KUH and FM, the focus will be on security and stability, civil-military operations and transition operations. DP 1. Conduct Strategic Strike (transit to Phase 2 Earlier) Conditions. a. ARC kinetic strikes disrupt MNF flow b. Permission from HHQ c. Sufficient assets in theatre DP 2. To continue Kinetic Ops / Transit to Phase 2 Conditions. a. IO not effective b. Diplomatic actions not successful c. MNF postured, ready for Phase 2 DP 3. Transit to Phase 3 Conditions. a. MNF ready to escalate offensive ops. b. ARC Combat Power Projection and sustainment capabilities degraded. DP 4. Transit to Phase 4 Conditions. a. ARC no longer in KUH and FM DP 5. Transit to Phase 5 Conditions. a. Security in AO is maintained b. CMO and IO is effective c. KUH and FM Forces and / or UN Forces ready to take over