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Fabio Nascimbeni MENON Network. Vision, Scenarios, Insights and Recommendations on how ICT may help making lifelong learning a reality for all. VISIR Vision Seminar, Bologna May 2012. Context: policy and research agree on the importance of ICT for learning.
Fabio Nascimbeni MENON Network Vision, Scenarios, Insights and Recommendations on how ICT may help making lifelong learning a reality for all VISIR Vision Seminar, Bologna May 2012
Context: policy and researchagree on the importance of ICT for learning • Policy drive to equip European citizens with new skills: Europe 2020 Strategy, New Skills for New Jobs communication, Innovative Europe strategy • 15 million new jobs will be available in Europe by 2020 that require a total or partial new skills set (EAC Commissioner, University-Business Forum, March 2010) • According to European companies, 90% of jobs in 2015 will require some sort of ICT skills (IDC, Nov 2009) • ICT is increasingly used in learning settings throughout Europe, successful pilots are being run, increasing research on the issue, showing the impact of ICT on learning (Learnovation 2009, CRELL 2009, OECD 2010, IPTS, 2011, PISA, Eurydice, etc…)
Still, we are far from the “desired future” Huge implementation gap of ICT in formal education • More than half (54%) of European teachers disagree or strongly disagree that mobile phones could be important for learning (IPTS, 2011) ICT for learning is not able to “scale” reaching a system level, making a real change • “We need to scale-up, learn from each other, be clear on visions, goals and outcomes, and we need to act NOW…” (Digital Agenda Assembly, 16 June, BXL) • “Little use atsystemlevel, beyondearlyadopters” (Rogers) • “e-learning in mainlyimprovingaccess to learning of the onesthathaveaccessalready” (HELIOS Report, 2007)
Why? Three main gaps exist “Understanding gap” the theories of changes and the intervention logics utilised in the different LLL sectors must be analysed and coherently integrated in some common scenarios and recommendations for change targeted both to policy and practice “Networking gap” flows of information among ICT-for-learning experts and practitioners from different fields and across European Members states must be made smoother and must be based on recognized “good practices which work” “Mainstreaming gap” the micro-innovation practices that exist around Europe must be made visible as ways to mainstream a meaningful bottom-up use of ICT for learning and must be the basis on which future scenarios and visions of European ICT for learning are built and discussed
VISIR: activities and impacts to “close gaps” Four stakeholders consultations New vision on ICT in education Desk research and experts validation Seven workshops Better networking on meaningful ideas Collection, analysis and assessment of 100 micro-innovation practices (open web showcase) Network of grassroots innovators Influence policy and foster change at system level
Who is behind VISIR Seven major EU networks, gathering some 18.000 institutions: research centers, business schools, professional associations, academia, industry, content actors, local authorities. Two research institutions, that will guarantee that networking is grounded on sound research results
Where we are • 22-23 November: VISIR Launch in Brussels • 30 November 2011: VISIR Reception in the Online Educa Berlin • May 2012, Bologna: Vision Building Seminar, discussing the trends identified and the resulting vision • Summer 2012: The first VISIR stakeholders consultation will be launched online • September 2012: VISIR Seminar in the EFQUEL Innovation Forum • October 2012: 100 Micro innovation practices identified, described, displayed online and ready for rating • October2012: Report “European vision on innovation and ICT for learning”published • December 2012: VISIR Seminar in the Educa Berlin
How to participate • Through the VISIR Seminars • By suggesting micro innovation practices • By commenting the VIRIS proposed vision • Through the consultations • …