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MENON Network EEIG. Nikos Zygouritsas Lambrakis Foundation. Mission.

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  1. MENON Network EEIG Nikos Zygouritsas Lambrakis Foundation

  2. Mission MENON is a European innovation and research network providing information and advice to policy makers and authorities, education communities, and the ICT and media industry on issues related to innovation and changes in Education and Training, Lifelong Learning and Knowledge Society developments in Europe and worldwide.

  3. Structure, Members and Partners • European Economic Interest Group (EEIG) established in Belgium in 1999 • Members: • Main partners: CEDEFOP, CFL, EDEN, EENet, EERA, EIfEL, eLIG, ESIB, EuroPACE, European Schoolnet, EURYDICE, OECD, UNESCO…

  4. History 2003-2006… eLearning Observatory (DELOS, HELIOS; POLE, LEONIE, Benchmarking Policies) eLearning Quality (SEEQUEL, TRIANGLE, EFQUEL) Skills-competencies in the KS (TRACE, COMPETENT) Support to international collaboration (@LIS ISN, SINCERE, WINDS,VALUE) Support KS development (eInclusion Study, ehealth Laboratory) 2001-2003 enabling eLearning Observatory projects (eWATCH, L-Change) 1999-2001 Multimedia Education Services to industry, MENON Award and Quality Mark

  5. Priorities • Observation and analysis of (e)Learning • Quality of (e)Learning • Skills & competencies in the Knowledge Society • ‘Societal learning’ • Support to international cooperation • e-Inclusion

  6. www.education-observatories.net

  7. MENON (and partners’) “spin-offs” • European Foundation for Quality in eLearning • EU eLearning Observatory • VIT@LIS: EU-Latin American network on Information Society

  8. Positioning R&D Networking Policy support Observatory Understanding and Enabling Learning in and for Society Civil society Individuals Education & TrainingSystems Organisations Studying & Learning ...and their impact on Demographic ICT Globalisation

  9. www.e-paideia.net

  10. e-school

  11. e-school

  12. cms

  13. e-collections

  14. Interoperability of repositories (common metastructure) Distributor / Aggregator Common metastructure Xml Mapping Service Repository Repository Repository

  15. Interoperability of repositories (Central mapping) Distributor / Aggregator Xml Xml Xml Metastructure 2 Metastructure 3 Metastructure 1 Mapping Service Repository Repository Repository

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