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NASIRAT UK NEWSLETTER APRIL 2010 NASIRAT TARBIYYATI CLASS FOR NORTHERN REGIONS A Tarbiyyati class was held in the Al Mahdi Mosque in Bradford for the North regions of the U.K. from 2nd to 4th April 2010. Over 80 girls from the North East, the North West and the Midlands all attended and took part in this event. Subjects covered in this class included The Holy Quran, Salat, Bait, Dua, Khilafat, (HazratYousuf (as), HazratNawabMubarka Begum (ra)), Internet Safety, Chandas, Purdah, How to be a Nasirat Role Model, and Friendship. There was also “Brain gym”, where the Nasirat practiced fun Exercises together to help them to relax and to enable both sides of their brain to work fully, As well as Arts and crafts sessions Where the girls made items of beaded jewellery. The girls also had a unique opportunity in this region to benefit from the direct advice and guidance from Mrs ShmailaNagi, SadarLajna UK, and Mrs Nasira Rehman, Secretary Nasirat UK. Alhamdolillah, this was a very successful event, enjoyed by all who attended and participated. • INTERNET SAFETY • Most Nasirat are lucky enough now to have internet access at home, but do you know how to keep yourself safe while you are online? Most of you would be taught at school about the basic rules of keeping safe online, but as an Ahmadi girl, you have an extra duty to uphold moral values and keep in mind issues such as “purda”. Here are some simple tips that you should always keep in mind when using the World Wide Web. • Never give out any personal information, e.g. date of birth, address, name of your school, etc. To anyone. • Do not post pictures of yourself on any social networking sites, even if you think only your friends will be able to see them. • Don’t befriend strangers, especially boys on any social networking site. • Remember, prevention is better than cure, so the best option would be to stay away from social networking sites. You can always email or text your friends if you want to get in touch! • If you or anyone you know does happen to get into any kind of trouble, big or small, always remember it is best to tell a responsible adult. Don’t try and sort things out by yourself! • The internet has many, many good uses, so use it and make the most of it, but just like with many other technologies like T.V., mobiles, etc, it can lead you astray. May Allah remember you are Ahmadi girls, and as such you have a duty to follow certain rules and the guidance given to us by our Khalifa. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih vATBA As you would already know, HuzoorATBA is currently on a tour of Europe. The first two Friday sermons of the month were delivered from Basharat Mosque in Pedro Abad, Spain. During both these sermons, Huzoor atba stressed on the importance of prayer, and “Tabligh”. HuzoorATBA said that it is as a result of the persecution in Pakistan that most of us, who are of Pakistani origin, have come to live in the west, and enjoy this privileged life style, and as a way of thanking Allah, we must dedicate at least some of our time in the cause of “Tabligh” and spread the word of Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam to the world, and improve relationships with the local people which can sometimes be not very good especially with the current negative media towards Islam. Please all remember our Beloved HuzoorATBA in your daily prayers, for his health and prosperity, and for his safe and successful return from this tour. Khilafat is a great blessing for us all, and we in the UK especially are very privileged to have it so close to us. May Allah enable us all to always follow in the right path. Ameen. Tarbiyyati Classes Scotland 24th – 25th April Rehman Mosque ,Glasgow South Regions 1st – 3rd May 2010 Baitul Futuh, London Nasirat ulAhmadiyya UK - Tarbiyyat