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Using the seed n-tuple utility to create standard trigger plots. Freya Blekman NIKHEF / Universiteit van Amsterdam top physics trigger subgroup meeting January 24, 2002. Trigsim ntuples. Ntuples contain lots of information
Using the seed n-tuple utility to createstandard trigger plots Freya Blekman NIKHEF / Universiteit van Amsterdam top physics trigger subgroup meeting January 24, 2002
Trigsim ntuples • Ntuples contain lots of information • Some is not interesting at all for debugging or certification purposes • Trigsim output root files are big • ROOT’s makeclass() is slow and debug and error messages are pretty unclear in the CINT and ACLIC compilers • Several solutions: • Make your trees smaller by running with your own rcp files • Use some utility to withdraw only interesting information from the ntuple • (Several options, I use seed) Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam
Why seed is cool…Warning: Blatant seed promotion • seed maps the entries in any ntuple into physics objects that you can pick from standard (ROOT or seed) libraries, or can even define yourself. • You get access to all ROOTs physics functionality. (like Lorentz transformations, vector algebra, etc) • seed is significantly more fast than the makeclass() method in ROOT. • You compile your seed classes yourself, with GNU or g++, which makes debugging a lot more friendly. • Because you compile your code, it runs even faster! Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam
The seed mechanism in pictures d0trigsim output (names can change) analysis ntuple trigsim leaf L2 Jet Eta seed Jet Objects Seed maps d0trigsim names to objects trigsim leaf L2 Jet Phi seed Trigger Objects trigsim leaf L2 Jet E_trans my analysis Jet[i]->GetEta(); double recon_s_sqrd = Jet[0]+Jet[1].M(); Trigger[j]->GetBit(); trigsim leaf L1 trigger bit # Jet Object template Trigger Object template PLOTS! Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam
trigger certification plots • I’ve made a start with providing the code for standard trigger certification. (get standard plots that tell you whether the code is working) • The framework is now there, it shouldn’t be much work to add more functionality. • Only provided the following objects: • L2 Jet • Trigger bits for L1 and L2 • It’s really easy to add extra objects like muons, electrons, tracks, etc. Everything is there, you just need to add the mapping to the seed framework. Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam
What does it do now? • Running a script sets up the whole seed structure for you, and compiles for the first time so you get executibles. • script available at top triggers webpage • Three executibles: • Makes jet eta- and phi- distributions • Plots L1/L2 trigger pass ratios vs jet E_t • Plots L1/L2 trigger pass ratios vs event H_t Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam
What does it NOT do? • If variable names change in the d0trigsim output, you still have to make sure seed knows about it. • You only need to modify the leaf name ONCE (in the seed file that provides the map) • Only L2 jets, L1 triggers and L2 triggers defined. Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam
Results (1) • Run on any trigsim ntuple as long as the names don’t change. • Recompile when there is a name change. • All existing ntuples will not have to be reprocessed. • No change in analysis code. • Some plots apply specifically to b-jets (MC-based ‘b-id’) Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam
Results (2) Straight out of the box, ran the setup script on d0mino and then the eta_phi_dist executible! P10.07 ntuple from trigger disk, 995 ttbar incl sample Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam
Results (3) Run on different intervals of E_t and H_t by entering the histogram range interactively in the program Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam
Results (4) Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam
Documentation • There is documentation: • For ROOT: the root webpage • http://root.cern.ch • You would need this when adding objects to seed that haven’t been implemented yet. • For seed: the seed webpage • http://www-d0.fnal.gov/nikhef?seed • Loads of physics objects have already been added to the seed library. There is loads of documentation on how the framework works and how to add or expand objects for your specific use. • For what I did: in the top trigger pages • ../tools/freyas_standardchecks.html Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam